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Russian punk rockers rage against the Putin machine

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:13 PM

Russian punk rockers rage against the Putin machine

Brashly shouting out his lyrics in crowded, smoky clubs, Alexei Nikonov zeroes in on provocative themes that most musicians here ignore -- authoritarianism and injustice in today's Russia.

Nikonov, the outspoken singer of Saint Petersburg-based punk rock band PTVP, saves much of his venom for Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, referring to him as a "pig" in one of his most strident songs
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:13 PM
This may or may not have something to do with a deep black US project named 'Project Osiris' in which the pre-activated agents are unconsciously acting out, which has in the past compromised themselves as spys without them even being aware that they were up until that point.

The science behind the project goes something like this. When someone reincarnates 99.99% of time they have no recollection of any knowledge of their past life (without the aid of hypnotic regression and other secretly developed techniques deployed in this operation) However it has been discovered how to bypass this natural 'forgetfulness' using technology, medicine and psychological conditioning on the person before they die. it has also been discovered that we play a part in chosing when and where we come back which turns out to be not necessary in a linear time line as we might think. you can only guess where this will go! thats right. though not nearly perfect, we have figured out how to deploy american spies in enemy countries by preprogramming them for various missions before their death, having them chose to come back as a newborn in an enemy country, and then activating their past life memories and thereby making them operational and mission ready in their new bodies. seems fantastic, but it has been done and we have been caught doing it, or i would not be writing this.

its usually older or very ill, die hard spooks that volunteer, though some have chosen this path as young as 42! very crazy since the person has to be 'euthanized' instantly after being programmed for their mission or the mission implant won't take.

why do i think it has something to do with this article. because if you look at the lyrics of the band mentioned, certain phrases the lead singer used were used in another agent's ATAP, or activation trigger assembly package. When one is activated in his new body, they say he has been 'TAPped' slang or ATAP.

the cool thing being you can program a person to come back and be age twenty at any time! meaning you don't have to wait twenty years for the operative to grow up! amazing stuff. obviously you can't TAP someone that is too young. as I said the program is not perfect and many were never found to be tapped, many never responded to being tapped, and some that were tapped felt more loyal to the enemy country and rejected the programming, leading to the discovery of it by enemy nations. though the program has been refined and much information gleaned as a result. the problem now is defending against this in our country.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:28 PM
If they could do all that surely they wouldn't NEED to do all of that to combat other countries. Does that make sense?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:48 PM
I think it's only a matter of time before these guys in up in exile,there is no way Putin is gonna put up with this kind of dissent for much longer.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:53 AM
Something like this seems almost common.

I don't know if you guys make it out to your local music venues but if you did then you would know that things like this are common. I would suspect that in every country there are "punk" musical groups with anti-government lyrics.

For the time being things are going to be this way. Honestly, in order for any body of people to take care of a large group they are going to have to enforce rules which others think are wrong. What any system like this lacks is individualism and that is what brings things to a personal level. Any system which included individualism would be unfair and have a huge potential for corruption.

I do not like or morally agree with any current systems, however I understand that they are necessary. Necessary for the world we live in today. Things may not always be rosy but they somewhat work and I can't really ask for more than that. In time I believe that we will progress more but for now I think things are acceptable.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by insideNSA

why do i think it has something to do with this article. because if you look at the lyrics of the band mentioned, certain phrases the lead singer used were used in another agent's ATAP, or activation trigger assembly package. When one is activated in his new body, they say he has been 'TAPped' slang or ATAP.
(visit the link for the full news article)

can you provide more information about how you came to this conclusion as well as more information about the activation trigger assembly package?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
If they could do all that surely they wouldn't NEED to do all of that to combat other countries. Does that make sense?

No because that's not how it works. Conventional warfare will always be necessary alongside secret intelligence programs.

I believe some of what he says anyways, reincarnation is possible and I would not doubt for a second that a superpower would mess around with that kind of power. Reincarnation used to be very spiritual, but now it could probably be all induced via chemicals and technology. I doubt it's very widespread though because not everyone is capable of such psychological/spiritual control.

Conspiracies beside though, this is just a punk band. How many punk bands made anti-American/British songs before? Their influence means little against Putin's vast youth support anyways.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by iiinvision
can you provide more information about how you came to this conclusion as well as more information about the activation trigger assembly package?

Sure. But in order to answer you question you'll need to know some background information so bear with me.

Once an agent is chosen for the program they are conditioned so that when they reincarnate they will remember who they were in this life and what there mission is and how to contact the program to establish that the ATAP worked to wake them back up so to speak. The conditioning process is quite technical and secret which I am not privy to all the specifics. I only know it involves some sort of DNA reprogramming, electro magnetic to brain/mind conditioning. Both of which includes a battery of drugs to be taken for weeks alont with much pychological conditioning and reprogramming. I've heard many never make it even past this stage without changing their minds. But you have to really give thanks to the guys and gals who stick with this and make the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Once the conditioning process is finished. The next step is the insertion process. The agent goes into what looks like an MRI machine, but it isn't an MRI machine. This machine establishes some sort of EM link to the brain/mind in which key words/phrases, mission orders, when and where to come back etc are subliminually reinforced hundreds of times per second into the agent's mind as to make the chances of the following ATAP process being more successful. this is subliminal reinforcment of the conscious work the agent had gone through for weeks/months leading up to the insertion process.

a drug is administered while this is going on to induce death. the formula of the drug is key in that you can't just give the person a lethal dose as you would a convict. something about the drug helps all this take place, but thats as much as i know.

once the person is inserted so to speak. the project tries to establish contact again with the agent once he is of age. (anywhere from 16 to 24 on average i've been told, depending on the mission and person).

So to answer you question, the ATAP involves some sort of EM contact that is tuned specifically for the agent only to recieve, somehow linked to their previous life's DNA. how it works i couldn't tell you. but certain key phrases are used and somehow sent to the person's mind. (Hint: The HAARP project is linked to the ATAP process) I almost dropped my jaw when I read the article because some of the phrases that guy used in his songs I am certain are identical to an agent they inserted in Russia. Not the ones belittling Putin, not at all, the more benign lyrics, but I can't really go into that. I couldn't believe it when I read that. It could all be coincidence though, who knows.

Agents that have been successfully ATAPPED have said it feels like being waken up from a dream. They at that point associate with their past lives more than their current ones. If someone makes it this far and completes their mission they are very well compensated and given many honors! It would make an amazing interview to speak with one of these guys.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:28 AM
They are trying for another 'colour revolution'.

What happened when Putin came to power, was he purged certain elements out of positions of power, elements which were working against Russia and for the west.

These elements and their backers know they cant confront Russia head on, because for all the crap written about Russia, it is still a military force to be reckoned with, not to mention it has the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet.
They knew they couldn't do anything directly and openly in other countries in Russias sphere of influence, Ukraine to name but one. Therefore the "colour revolutions" came about. They were orchastrated by western intelligence agencies.

Former Soviet bloc countries are not the only targets.
They tried to do the same in Greece, which has signed a major pipeline deal with Russia and Bulgaria, SouthStream.

All the riots and unrest, was aimed at toppling the government.

What they did was use the populaces unhappiness with the government and politicians in general, who were protesting PEACEFULLY for the government to implement changes, and sent out the goons along to these protests and in areas around them, and START the rioting. The vast majority of people involved in protesting did not riot however.

Now they are trying a new tactic with the flood of illegal immigrants most of whom are Muslim. There was a case were allegedly a police officer ripped the Koran and stepped on it or something. But fact is, it never actually happened, it was a rumour, a lie, started and spread, in order to cause unrest. And it worked, Muslims went on a riot.

This attempt will ultimately fail too.

I just wonder how far they are willing to go to get what they want.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by RetinoidReceptor

Depends on if they know what this implies about the nature of the universe or if they just discovered the process via trial and error.

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