Ok..i have finally plucked up the courage to do this, with the help of my wife
i always have dreams, and they come true.
Last night, i had a dream (AGAIN) of a plane crash.
in my dream, i was in an area i recognise. it is an area i used to live, the area was built on a hill. The plane seemed to take off from the airport,
then somehow do a backwards (going upside down) movement, try to head back to the airport (Edinburgh), but as i ran down the hill, watching the plane
in flames, the plane nosedived into a local restuarant.
now in my dreams, it is always local areas.
For instance, on the week leading up to 9/11 i dreamt i was ontop of the highest building in my city, and planes hit it. this is easy for me to say
now, but it happened.
Lets hope i am wrong.
But i fear a BAD plane crash is coming.
This happened last night (23rd August) and usually it happens 2/3 days after my dream.
i may look like a fool in a few days, but it happens to me a lot..so i thought what the hell.
its like hell, i get these dreams, always in areas i know, so how can i help ?
why am i being tortured with this ?
i am psychic, but dont do readings.
...watch this space (hope nothing happens)
[edit on 17/8/2009 by shauny]