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I was silenced!

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posted on May, 13 2004 @ 07:59 PM
But Fin, if you don't tell them to shut up about what they've seen, then you're assuredly going to get more blabbermouths, right? If there was no threats to remain silent, then I would assume we'd know a whole lot more.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 08:08 PM
I do however, agree that if you take an oath in our US Military you are owned by them AND have commited yourself to their service. Keeping things quiet when you are told to is part of that service. I am strictly talking on an integrity type basis. Our men who fight for our freedom should in fact stay "true" to whom they is only integrity on the individuals part. But overall, we all know that their is a bigger picture!


posted on May, 13 2004 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Skady_the_Elf
So if you really are military dude and you saw this, I'd not be postin this on the web while youre still in. Because after sightings and reports like this, they watch you for a while, you better believe that.

Skadi, i agree with you, that was exactly my point. The thing is not that his story is not believable, the thing is the situation he put himself in while "still" being in the military. Who knows, maybe nothing will happen, but he could be throwing away his military career or make it harder for him if this ever is read by anyone in his chain of command, they will probably even think that he could not keep any secret and give him other jobs, whether or not he revealed any secrets. He was still briefed not to say anything about it by two officers.

I am just amazed that people who don't seem to know much about the military make comments as if they know it well. Once you join any military, you "are property of it," whether you want to believe it or not that's your problem.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 08:58 PM
In my opinion, it's not that he saw a light in the sky. While that is important, it isnt my main worry. It's the fact that the millitary/government was repressing him from sharing that information to the people. There should be no government secrets, because the government is supposed to be the peoples' voice. They have no right to keep secrets from us. It just shows how off base government has gotten. We have to keep it in check by knowing about these secrets.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:06 PM
I don't think people understand the severity of "joining" the military. You do give your life to them. it is not your own. You take an oath to serve them....and them alone. I was there when my 19 year old daughter took the oath when she joined the Army. it sounded very serious to me. She is on her way to Iraq and as her mother I cannot just tell them I don't want her to go......She sold herself to them for 4 years!! And you better believe that is what she did.

If the miliatry didn't have the rules and regulations it has our country would be in more trouble then it already is.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Preest
I'm sure a few crystal huggers and whiners have been waiting for me to come and rip this guy apart so they can cry out against my oppression but honestly...I won't.

If he is telling the truth though he should be ashamed of himself for caving so quickly. Can you imagine this blabber mouth out in a foreign country caving on his fellow soldiers and country in the hands of his captors?

I applaud the men and women of our armed forces who come forward with truly important information that is being kept from us but a blue light in the sky is hardly life changing...fact of the matter is...that blue light might have been vital to this countries security and this blabber mouth just told hundreds of people on a public forum.

I think running to this board was shameful. In my opinion.

Have a great day.

I dont think its the blue light thats making him post, but the fact that his superiors told him he would fail a drugs test if he didnt forget it.

Land of the free, eh?

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Fin Chron Watchman
I don't think people understand the severity of "joining" the military. You do give your life to them. it is not your own. You take an oath to serve them....and them alone. I was there when my 19 year old daughter took the oath when she joined the Army. it sounded very serious to me. She is on her way to Iraq and as her mother I cannot just tell them I don't want her to go......She sold herself to them for 4 years!! And you better believe that is what she did.

dont take this as a personal attack on your daughter but thats precisely the reason I cant believe anyone is dumb enough to join the military. That and the fact people are giving up their lives just so bush can get re-elected.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 10:30 PM
I understand your thoughts on this. However, my daughter has always wanted to join the military. She knows what to expect and she is very brave for her decision. I don't knock anyone who has made this decison.To each his own. I am thankful that my daughter has had a good amount of time on the "street" in Queens, NY. I say watch out IRAQ!


posted on May, 13 2004 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by gravriderX
It's the fact that the millitary/government was repressing him from sharing that information to the people.

Yeah well thats what happens when a goverment becomes that big, i'm talking about any goverment around the world, comunist or democratic.

The problem is the only power the people really have is to vote people into office, but evan then how do u know that they got into the office legitametly?

Anyway the people will never have a say in any matter, and when a goverment as powerful as the USA comes out and say's there are UFo and aliens, we will be long dead.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by gravriderX
In my opinion, it's not that he saw a light in the sky. While that is important, it isnt my main worry. It's the fact that the millitary/government was repressing him from sharing that information to the people. There should be no government secrets, because the government is supposed to be the peoples' voice. They have no right to keep secrets from us.

You have to be very naive to say and think like this, and I will tell you something, there are secrets that should not be known by the public, you know why? What the public knows our enemies will know. Its that simple, if you want secrets from governments go around and ask other governments and see what they tell you.

I only had a secret security level when I was in the military, but I would never even think of talking about those secrets, not even mention what they were no matter what. Is not because of any fears, and the information I learnt has nothing to do with ufos or any topics like that, but they are still secret and should be kept that way.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Flyer
I dont think its the blue light thats making him post, but the fact that his superiors told him he would fail a drugs test if he didnt forget it.

Land of the free, eh?
I'm not justifying anybody being threatened but it seems to me that this story is either untrue or he's a complete idiot to post knowing there might be a remote possibility of being caught by men so easily handing out threats.

He's not coming forward JUST because of a threat.

As for your little "land of the free" comment obviously made in sarcasm...

If this wasn't the land of the free you wouldn't be posting right now because there wouldn't be a board to post on. The United States is and always will be the greatest country on Earth. Sometimes I think people get so caught up in their little conspiracy worlds that they forget that. The U.S. only seems to be good enough when other countries are hard up for money or entertainment.

[Edited on 5-14-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Flyer
I cant believe anyone is dumb enough to join the military. That and the fact people are giving up their lives just so bush can get re-elected.
I haven't met one soldier that has joined the military to get a president re-elected so your comment is just silly and malicious. Those soldiers aren't out there giving up their lives for an election...they're giving up their lives for freedom. For those oppressed Iraqi's. Muslims and Christians alike. They're giving up their lives for the oaths they make to uphold freedom and democracy no matter where that pursuit may lead them.

Bush isn't one of the best Presidents the U.S. but he isn't the worst either.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Preest
The United States is and always will be the greatest country on Earth.

Depends what country you come from and if you love your country, i come from Britain i dont think its that great.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Flyer
I don't think people understand the severity of "joining" the military. You do give your life to them. it is not your
dont take this as a personal attack on your daughter but thats precisely the reason I cant believe anyone is dumb enough to join the military. That and the fact people are giving up their lives just so bush can get re-elected.

Not taking it personal, and don't take this personal either. I just think anyone making this kind of comment is just dumb. There are many reasons why people join the military, and normally give up our lives as soldiers/sailors to defend your dumb butt and all civilians, it has nothing to do with re-electing any presidents....

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by drunk
i come from Britain i dont think its that great.
I agree, I don't think Britain is all that great either.

Actually, my post wasn't exactly talking about the U.S. being the greatest country in a patriotic way. I'm talking about everything...the whole ball of wax. This is the greatest country on Earth. No disrespect to any other country and I'm sure a few of the conspiracy trolls will argue my point but it is what it is.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:13 AM
Question:how did this get like this from an alien siting to Bush re-election?, guys this is Alien Forum not Politics or Mud Pit.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Preest

Actually, my post wasn't exactly talking about the U.S. being the greatest country in a patriotic way. I'm talking about everything...the whole ball of wax. This is the greatest country on Earth.

Sounds patriotic to me Preest,Yeah some trolls may disagree with you but what you just said does sound patriotic.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by drunk
Sounds patriotic to me Preest,Yeah some trolls may disagree with you but what you just said does sound patriotic.
Stick to the topic.

*walks out of post scratching butt*

[Edited on 5-14-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:30 AM
Preest>are you sticking to the topic?????

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 05:32 AM
I think i see a troll

Sorry to change the subject, but America the greatest country in the world?? give me a break. Im british and i think Canada is the greatest country, nice people and a lovely country.
Now back to the topic, could someone fill me in with an update?

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