posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:53 AM
I just wanted to chime in with my experience: Oil cleansing seriously works wonders for blackheads and oily skin. It seems counter-intuitive, but oil
dissolves oil, helping to lift blackheads and excess oil from the skin. I've had very oily blackhead-filled skin my whole life, up until I started
using oil to cleanse my face, and my skin is like... awesome. There were great results even after the first time. If only I knew about this when I was
in highschool -.-
Any kind of oil can be used, and it's good to mix thin and thick oils, like essential oils and almond or olive oil, it helps get into the pores
better. I like to massage it into my face for a good 5 minutes, and then steam my face for a bit before wiping it off. Oil cleansing is great before
bed, but you can do it in the morning and every day if you really wanted to.