reply to post by HotDogNoBun
That's one interpretation, but I don't agree.
The blame lies squarely with zionazi politicians .. slugs who were emplaced by such 'luminaries' as the reptile-like Rupert Murdoch, for example,
who 'emplaced' Tony Blair and then RE-placed him with the UN-elected UK Prime Minister (not worthy of the name) Gordon Brown .. imo.
FIRST, the zionazis programmed Brits to FEAR the words 'racism' and 'discrimination', within the wider agenda of 'politically correct speech'.
That was one of the foundation-stones.
NEXT, they flooded the British Isles with people .. such as uneducated, ignorant Muslims from the lowest of 3rd world backwaters
THEN, 'They' sat back and watched the fun, the 'fun' being the degradation and destruction of traditional British society.
All the way through, grinning behind their self-righteous-masks, they used the media to beat up all those who objected to the degradation and
destruction on British society.
Now, we have a punch-drunk British society which is labelled (by the whore, zionazi media) as 'rednecks' if they object to the destruction of their
Those not wishing to be considered 'rednecks' and who DO aspire to what they have been conned into believing is 'noble and charitable and
non-judgemental' -- tell themselves they're tolerant and good and tell themselves they don't MIND having their very ancient and beautiful land
despoiled by soaring, out of place minarets and mosques. They tell themselves they don't mind Muslim women who on one hand wear 'modest' burkhas
-- yet at the same time daub their faces with make-up and behave pretty much like other women, yet set themselves apart from other women and consider
themselves 'better, more chaste' than other women.
Personally, I hope the Brits toss out Gordon Brown and as many zionazi political scum as possible, at the next and all subsequent elections.
I'd personally like to see all those who claim they are (burkha-wearing, Sharia-compliant, female-circumcision, etc.) 'practising Muslims' ejected
from Britain. And those who stay would be informed they conform to British tradition, or hit the damn road.
And -- I hope Brits do as the French are doing and will also ban the burkha in public.
I agree with, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'.
But I would prefer that Britain prohibit any more immigrants and deport a lot of those already there.
I hope the Brits stand up on their back legs and take their country back.
[edit on 16-8-2009 by St Vaast]