posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 08:49 PM
"revolutions eat their hero's"
only a fool wish's for a car wreak , the same is true of revolutions .
the people who start them are most likely the first to die in one , those who fight against them lose everything , and the
real winners in a revolution are the people who have nothing to lose , because they have nothing now .
there is no safty in revolution , and if you know who is winning , your being lied to .
planning , schedules and order are for people who have goals that will get other people killed .
stay in the moment , be where you stand , do what's in front of you the best that you can , and move on .
lead , follow or die ... pick one , default answer is die .
bad leaders are kill'd by their own
bad followers are kill'd by the bad guys
the confused are ust kill'd
the good news and bad news
it is highly unlikely there will be armys in the streets , rageing gun battles everywhere , and black mask'd gov agents
kicking in doors .
what is highly likely... when the money runs out... goverment will not go quietly ...
the men in the shadows will crawl out from under their rocks and do in the light of day... what they have been doing for
decades in the shadows.
do not pick a side , do not beleive , do not trust any one or anything that yells " follow me " , " patriot " ! .
free men , or free of this earth !
god , family , country ... I do not follow men , I follow the constitution .... my faith is in higher things .
small goverment , good people , and ....
you make my life hard , and I will make your life short .
leave me be... or leave me ....
militia's are not the answer , but they are a good patch while we find answers .
it is time govermental organizations , police , and military state clearly... are you for the constitution , or against it
big goverment , or cut off the money .
its that simple .
a solvent goverment and a world of tax payers that keep their ideas to them selves , eyes lowered , and work hard .
or a goverment that is afraid of its citizens ...
their was middle ground befor... but that sand is washing away swiftly ... with two rivers flowing swiftly on either side
when the rivers meet... it will not be pretty , or peaceful .
god makes rivers ... goverments only dam things .
free people make business , create , grow and build .
goverment can only stop , slow , block or redirect .
control is happyness ... the more control you have over breathing , the happier you are...
when your head is held under water... and some one else controls what air you get... you are not happy , you tend to be
fearful of the person who has that control .
control is happyness... to the degree you have control , is your level of happyness ...
freedom assume self control...
the parent mind telling the being child to sleep , eat , clean their room ...
socialism assume govermental control...
the parent state telling the citizen child how to live .
control begins with in the skin , with in the skin control begins.
control your self , or others will control you .
revolution is a dangerious place , with dangerious people , doing dangerious things . and you don't want to give them in control
of you .
and for those in goverment or apathic history is a good read now.