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Skynet and Cyberdyne are real, and they equal trouble

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by krzyspmac

In my considered opinion, if a race if intelligent robots using AI, or controlled by AI is built, eventually it will gain an awareness. The next logical step for it will be this; It will see as the enemy the only beings that can turn it off. The Great Author Arthur C. Clarke, when asked what would happen if self-replicating robots were sent to another planet to colonize it, we would eventually have to fight a war with them. I believe that.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Helmkat

That's just it....right now, people sit at the Pentagon in front of a computer and direct fire and troop movements in Iraq, and also fully control drone planes, able to recognize and kill a target using facial recognition software already in use here in the US. Just a little piece of advice here, if you live in, or a visiting a city, wear a cap with a long bill and never look up.
Watch the film "Enemy of the State" with Will Smith, and you will be able to see perhaps 1/10 of what the NSA really has, and through FISA uses on Americans every day.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by Helmkat

That's just it....right now, people sit at the Pentagon in front of a computer and direct fire and troop movements in Iraq, and also fully control drone planes, able to recognize and kill a target using facial recognition software already in use here in the US. Just a little piece of advice here, if you live in, or a visiting a city, wear a cap with a long bill and never look up.
Watch the film "Enemy of the State" with Will Smith, and you will be able to see perhaps 1/10 of what the NSA really has, and through FISA uses on Americans every day.

Quite to the Contrary they" Do not do that "

They have "AI programs" that counsel in Australia

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Haydn_17
The ISS has astronauts from all countries, parts from all countries, labs from europe, i doubt anything evil is going on up there.

Just keep right on thinking that, friend, that is just what TPTB want you to do. Never question, never ask for anything, the government will take real good care of you. I actually used to believe that myself. I also thought like you that Space would never have weapons platform in it.....there are laws against that, aren't there? Oh, yes, the National Security Agency is above the law.


National Security Agency has operated largely without Congressional oversight.

NSA Multi-District Litigation

ACLU Sues to Stop Illegal Spying on Americans, Saying President Is Not Above the Law

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:51 PM
Counselling compared to Dictating are two different actions

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 10:05 PM
It should be obvious to the most casual reader with an open mind that there is only one course that USA has followed since Reagan is Global Empire.
I am not the average American and yet I just learned from conversations with returning soldiers that we have a base in Africa. News to me.

Also I didn't know that we have virtually surrounded Russia and China with new allies that that we are equipping with our state of the art weaponry.
All but the Africa info was learned following links on ATS.

I am now of the opinion that this isn't the land of the free. Its the land of mushrooms. Our political tenders keep us feeding on BS and kept in the dark!

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:00 PM
You certainly have that right! I didn't know of the Africa issue either, where did you learn this, may I ask? Here is what I know of the American government. Biggest Bully on the block, arms nations and fights them later, over religion, oil, and conquest. (bragging rights) America has troops stationed in most of the world's countries 24-7. If any nation gets anything from America, they also have to buy weapons along with the purchase. A full one quarter of American GNP goes for Black Projects, and meanwhile, Social Security, according to a post I read today, is now tapped out, the government took all the money out and spent it. I also know that average Americans are pretty mad, and when it gets around to the older folks, and especially the Grey Foxes Group, hell will come soon after. These guys do not seem to remember they are elected officials.....I think we should remind them. I see no transparent government either, or a redress of grievances, or the freedom to make an honest buck without the IRS breathing down my throat. And then there is sh*t like this...

Girl Forced to Shut Down Lemonade Stand
Associated Press

August 8, 2009
TULARE - Tulare city officials are trying to make amends after a code enforcement officer shut down an 8-year-old girl's lemonade stand.

My America went off somewhere...has anyone see where it went?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:06 AM
See? This is finally something I can comment on rather than Obama, and Death Panels.

The militarization of space? Obvious. We are a race of war. We evolved for war, all of our technology was based off tech meant for war. I'll say this, if a alien species ever came down and warred with us, lost a couple ships, I'll feel bad for them, because we wouldn't make it easy.

Computers talking to Computers? We already have that it's called networking, now the problem is not letting a robot's or AI being able to infiltrate that network and using it against us or disabling it. (Battlestar Galactica anyone?)

Robot soldiers? Not with AI. I agree, UCAV, and UAV, and robot soldiers are useful and convenient, but do not let them have their own AI. We should be in full control of them at all time. Also for civilian robots I would have a law set in place that their AI cannot exceed a certain level, and that if were discovered the AI was past that certain point, that system would be destroyed. (Battlestar Galactica/Terminator anyone?)

This I feel, is one of the more realistic doomsday scenarios that could play out...

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
Now I will get to the point of this rather long post. This is theory and speculation only, I have no ironclad evidence, documents, videoes, photos, or eye witnesses, so here goes.

My contention is that the ISS, International Space Station, in concert with the other space stations, is actually a weapons platform under construction as I write this. The I.S.S. is 83% finished, I heard just a few days ago. I believe that on the ISS is a Beam Weapon, and that it has been tested once, and used once, on Earth targets. The first test was the Murrow Building in Oklahoma city, the second time they used it was on the Twin Towers in NYC. I believe very strongly that a Terminator type sceneroio is rapidly in the making, and the hell of it is, they may have gotten the ideas from the movies. I think that one day Articicial Intelligence (AI) will come completely into useage, and that a space based computer system will control hunter-killer weapons systems here on the surface, and pewrhaps even control human beings, if they are stupid enough to take the microchip. the truth is, anyone can be tracked right now via their cell phone which is never far from their body, and, every car manufactuared since 1990 has a small transmitter installed in it, it takes a torch to remove it, and one breaks a Federal Law if they remove it. The New World Order marches on, folks, and only we the people can stop them. Once this system in in place and operational, only by destroying the power source of the system could it be shut down. The power source would be deep underground in a secure site. Think about this for just awhile.


posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:27 AM
i actually seen the laser cannon on the bomber about 5 years ago in a book that had some other things in the thread that you mentioned...didn't think it was actually gonna be a reality though. hm. don't know its a little late now for everyone to be fretting over all of this though?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:44 AM
Honestly, there is some serious # going on.... check out the video where they talk about invading Area 51! here's the link:

it's nuts!

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 07:33 AM
Its incredible that people just want to build weapons to destroy each other , russia , china and the US are still trying to outdo each other with weapons , its like the cold war never really ended , it just got more advanced.

Why do they believe so much that other countries want to destroy them, this just really makes me angry !

wherner von braun protested about the weaponisation of space , in fact im sure he said we should try to stop it, otherwise we would end up in alot of trouble!

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 08:55 AM
Reagans speech about an Alien invasion is ALWAYS misunderstood. It would make much more sense to think he meant ALIEN; as in another country invading the US - and alien force.

From wikipedia;

Types of "alien" persons are:

* An alien who is legally permitted to remain in a country which is foreign to him or her. On specified terms, this kind of alien may be called a legal alien of that country. This is a very broad category which includes tourists, guest workers, green card permanent residents and student visa aliens.
* An alien who has temporary or permanent residence in a country (which is foreign to him/her) may be called a resident alien of that country. This is a subset of the aforementioned legal alien category.
* An alien who is visiting a country (which is foreign to him/her) may be called a nonresident alien of that country. This is a subset of the aforementioned legal alien category.
* An alien who is present in a country (which is foreign to him/her) unlawfully or without the country's authorization may be called an illegal alien of that country.[1] In the United States, such an alien may euphemistically call themself an "undocumented person".
* An enemy alien is an alien who is designated as an enemy; compare to enemy combatant.


[edit on 18-8-2009 by DwaynetheSpecious]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
and, every car manufactuared since 1990 has a small transmitter installed in it, it takes a torch to remove it, and one breaks a Federal Law if they remove it.

Proof please?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Spxder
Honestly, there is some serious # going on.... check out the video where they talk about invading Area 51! here's the link:

it's nuts!

That vid is lame, nice voice though

All this talk reminded me of that robot dog by Boston Dynamics, it was petrol engine run, but hey its well freaky....

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
Now I will get to the point of this rather long post. This is theory and speculation only, I have no ironclad evidence, documents, videoes, photos, or eye witnesses, so here goes.

My contention is that the ISS, International Space Station, in concert with the other space stations, is actually a weapons platform under construction as I write this. The I.S.S. is 83% finished, I heard just a few days ago. I believe that on the ISS is a Beam Weapon, and that it has been tested once, and used once, on Earth targets. The first test was the Murrow Building in Oklahoma city, the second time they used it was on the Twin Towers in NYC. I believe very strongly that a Terminator type sceneroio is rapidly in the making, and the hell of it is, they may have gotten the ideas from the movies. I think that one day Articicial Intelligence (AI) will come completely into useage, and that a space based computer system will control hunter-killer weapons systems here on the surface, and pewrhaps even control human beings, if they are stupid enough to take the microchip. the truth is, anyone can be tracked right now via their cell phone which is never far from their body, and, every car manufactuared since 1990 has a small transmitter installed in it, it takes a torch to remove it, and one breaks a Federal Law if they remove it. The New World Order marches on, folks, and only we the people can stop them. Once this system in in place and operational, only by destroying the power source of the system could it be shut down. The power source would be deep underground in a secure site. Think about this for just awhile.

The Oklahoma city bombing happened in 1995. ISS was still in the planning stages back then, it wasn't started until 1998. I don't deny that there could be satellites with this type of weaponry, but there's no way that ISS was responsible for Oklahoma.

If the government was going to create an orbital energy weapon or missile platform, they wouldn't mount it on a piece of equipment used by the international community. Everything else they do is low-pro, why change tactics now?

I just can't see ISS being used as a weapon at this point. Besides that though, you've dug up some good stuff, so thanks for all of the hard work.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Oreyeon


Secret "Black Box" May Be Monitoring Your Driving

HR 1015 - NMA's Black Box Bill

List of vehicles with Black Boxes. [pdf]

Another list of vehicles with Black Boxes. [pdf]

Your car, the black box and Big Brother

It is said, by government and manufacturing that the EDRs don't record voices and they only record a few seconds of data about what the car was doing right before and after the crash. Knowing big Brother like I do, I simply cannot believe this fully. For all we know, the EDR could be sending real time information of any sound picked up in the vehicle, along with smells and other stuff that is basically our Privacy.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by DwaynetheSpecious

I really wish folks would not use wikipedia to back up a claim. Listen to the speech, he says, "aliens from another world," I believe. My PC speakers went to hell today, so I cannot hear it right now. I do think that is what it says. Anyone else care to listen and see for this person?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by upgrayedd

ISS was still in the planning stages back then, it wasn't started until 1998.

This is what NASA told us. Do you believe everything they say? I have spoken to people who tell me mankind was flying to Mars in the 60s, and that man first set foot on the Moon in the late 1940s. Do I believe them fully? No, I do not, but i don't trust anything NASA says anymore, they have lied to us too many times, and they airbrush all the good stuff out of their photos.They do miss a few though.....

Soviet Moon Images

5000 Moon Images

Planet Anomalies - Lunar Anomalies: Construction Vehicles #1

new NASA image website


posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:09 PM
For your consideration, here is what John Lear says about the Weaponization of Space

For the past 40 years the U.S. has secretly weaponized low earth orbit space with high tech Direct Energy and other related weapons.

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