posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:42 PM
I see at least one problem: what if there is a failure in either of the lifting devices? Is one unit capable of lifing the entire vehicle, or at least
capable of providing enough lift to allow a controlled landing in the event of a failure in the other? I see no means to control roll moments... maybe
the ducting below the vehicle can independently vector thrust across its cross-section in orter to maintain attitude? Yaw appears to be a function of
the rear-facing units so it seems they act as similar units on submersibles do?
Sadly, I don't see anything like this taking hold for a while, though they've been promised since flight was possible. Automobiles will remain the
mainstay as long as they have the advantage of safety when the main propulsion device (engine) fails: it isn't going to fall 10000 feet to the