posted on May, 21 2004 @ 07:37 PM
I know this works...
of course mount the bottle on its side, with the wheels parallel like a car.
Use the cap and put a small (1/8") hole in the center of the cap.
Fill the bottle with about enough water to cover the hole +1" or so, when placed for motion.
BUT when you add the special ingrediant it must be up!
A can of "Freeze-It" Freon or propellent based electronic freeze spray is used to activate.
Use the nozzle that is with the can, and spray the freezit into the bottle, while standing up, with the coke cap with the hole ON and tight..
This is the tricky part, you must be fairly fast in putting the bottle down for motion on the wheels.
The freon spray will expand as it warms to room temp, creating internal pressure.
The water will be forced out the hole providing propulsion force.
It is quite fun, although short lived...a dozen or two seconds.
It may take a couple of practice runs to get the hang of it.
Non volitile too!