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I Am Canadian and I am Alive Thanks to Public Healthcare!

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by JustG

You may not have to take a mortgage out, but with every gallon of gas you put in your car you are paying for that road.

Next time gas prices skyrocket, think about the fact a good portion of that price is taxes before you whine about how much the oil companies make.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by j2000

wow, ignorance. no wonder everyone hates you guys, you just proved you dont care about anyone but yourself. so rather than look at a country that has government run health care to see how it works and if there are any problems when you are trying to create a government run health care system is stupid... so if it was up to you there would be a government run health care system that has had no proir research to see if it works or the same crappy one you guys have now?

"we dont care what you think, THIS IS AMERICA,(snip)YEEEEEEEHHAHHHAHAAWWWWW!"

the man was just sharing his experience with governemt run health care to try to show you (snip) what its realy like, we don't euthanize our old and handicapped people, people are taken care of when they are sick. if you need something, you get it. but when your from theres nothing better than not having to worry about a severely overpriced bill and being sick at the same time isnt there?

Glen Beck is your hero isnt he?

[edit on 16-8-2009 by tylerc25211]

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[edit on 16-8-2009 by asala]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by wayno
reply to post by eNumbra

I didn't say all. I said "so many". It really, really does look like a lot of you have the perception that what the rest of the world thinks is completely irrelevant. What the rest of the world knows from experience is irrelevant.

Its the phenomenon that most of us have come to term "American arrogance".

Not everyone, just a lot of you -- or at least a lot of the louder ones.
Perhaps the more reasoned Americans are just a little quieter.

By the way - you are right. Many of them just spout Propaganda Sound Bites.

They think they are thinking - but they're not.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by j2000
Op, I am really glad for you up in Canada.
You can have what you have up there. But threads like this from countries other than US to try and push a propaganda agenda on America is complete BS.

Most of us in the USA don't really care what you think. Get it!

Yes, Interesting we have two post, from two Canadians, with two different views on Canadian health -care.

Who is the plant,

I would have to go with the OP because why does he care whether American have Canadian like health-care,

While the other Canadian poster seems to need a place ot go,( American) to get good health -care.


posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by j2000
Op, I am really glad for you up in Canada.
You can have what you have up there. But threads like this from countries other than US to try and push a propaganda agenda on America is complete BS.

Most of us in the USA don't really care what you think. Get it!

If people down there don't care what we think, why is the Right spending such big bucks in seeking out the anomalies in the system and exploiting they can go on exploiting you?

Recall, most of these entries in support of the system are in response to the serious Bravo Sierra being laid out at our expense.

Just trying to set the story brag, just fact.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Well, not all Canadians think the same. There are folks out there who haven't had the best of experiences or think they should have been treated better. I personally have no complaints for treatment I've received over the years, but like any system, it isn't perfect.

I could go into a long list of services my family has received saving some lives, but it won't change anyone's mind.

A overgeneralization here would be that folks who live in a cities probably have a better experience due to availability of services than those who live in a rural area.

Really though, our system's getting bashed right and left down south, so I think we do have an interest in sharing our experiences, good or bad. It's not an agenda, it's frustration.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Duzey]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by tylerc25211


Yesiree, you're gonna make some points with that.

Please tell me why I should pay attention to what you have to say, when referred to as an (Snip)

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[edit on 16-8-2009 by asala]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:47 PM
As an addition to the info presented here, I'd like to point out that we do have private insurance in Canada.

I'm one of those lucky enough to have 'extended health' through my job. My extended program pays for 90% of my prescriptions, 80% of dental and things that aren't covered under our single-payer system (not socialized as the docs are private businessmen not public employees) such as access to private clinics for physio, massage, new glasses every two years, upgrades to private rooms and a host of other benefits. Even under universal care, I can still pay for upgrades and have better insurance than lots of other Canadians.

Also, each province has the opportunity to opt out of the healthcare program but none have.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Duzey]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by inthesticks

that post was not directed at all americans or you personaly. it was directed at the ignorant ones. there are (snip)in america, am i wrong for stating that? there are (snip)here in canada as well im not saying there all in the states, just most of them.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by tylerc25211]

[edit on 16-8-2009 by tylerc25211]

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by asala]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Duzey

yes we do have the option to have "better' health care, it basicaly pays for prescriptions and private hospital rooms and such. i was lucky enough to fall under my parents extended health care through there work and got a private room with a tv when i was in there for 3 days for surgery. beats sharing a room with 3 old ppl

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Wherestheproof
Wow interesting replies.

To Exile1981, I am very sorry to hear about your experiences. Canada or any system is not 100% perfect but is close to it. Doctor errors happen all the time, but it is not a general description of the health system. Of course you could have paid $3k for better treatment but the probability of the US doctor of making the same misyake would be the same. This means that you would have forked more money over to fix the Dr's mistake.

I can understand why people would be there for sprained ankles as well, because the pain feels like you broke something. Blaming people on welfare is not going to get this debate anywhere. Of course there are people who feed off the system and they should be kicked off welfare, but you cannot lump them with people who have lost jobs and livelihoods who need medical assistance no matter what it is.

Actually once I got to the specialist who did the surgery he did a bang up job and it went well. It's just the primary and emergency care that stinks.

I have been told by two different ambulance drivers that these people don't ever have sprained ankles they fake them to get a free ride into Calgary. It's sad that they do that and the local gov't has tried offering a shuttle bus but as long as an ambulance is free some people will abuse it as a taxi. That being said I would say that the number of abusers is about 100-200 out of a group of 10k. So a small but bad group. It's only the poor abusing it as those above the poverty line have to pay for ambulances.

As a side comment I do like having basic health covered by the gov't for use in an emergency, but I think there is a small group who is abusing it and it's causing the rest of us to pay $$ to pay for it. I know of too many cases of people being shuffled around and not getting the care they need. I've been in hospitals three times and each has been a nightmare. Part of the problem is the operating cost are killing the systems ability to fund increases in capacity, so hospital wait times are very long.

I'm a dual citizen so here is my Canadian half talking---- I'll be glad when the US gets socialized medicine because I think it will be a nightmare and all of the Canadian doctors who left for the US to make bigger $$ will come home and that will solve some of our problems.

My American side ---- Yes the Canadian system has problems but no where near the ones in the US VA and Medicare/medicade systems. So if you think the US gov't can run a health system that will not be a huge amount worse than the Canadian one your crazy.

The biggest issue with the Canadian system is wait times. Even the supreme court agreed that wait times where killing people and that the gov't had to fix it. The other problems are the shortage of medical staff who are qualified and the lack of machines and infrastructure.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Yes, Interesting we have two post, from two Canadians, with two different views on Canadian health -care.

Who is the plant,

I would have to go with the OP because why does he care whether American have Canadian like health-care,

While the other Canadian poster seems to need a place ot go,( American) to get good health -care.


Ouch that hurt Stormdancer, i'm pretty sure I was just accused of being a plant. I never said I had to go to the US for good health care just faster health care, I couldn't afford to not work for the lenght of time I was going to be out of service.

I think the big issue is the province you live in.
I live in southern Alberta. Our city had 4 hospitals for 500K population. Then the population boom hit and Calgary ballooned to 1 million people and they decided to save money by shutting down 1 hospital. So now they have 3/4 the hospitals for twice the people. Our rural hospital was designed for 20-30k people but now serves 60-70k, worse yet it has emergency room wait times half of the city so lately people have taken to getting driven from the city to the rural hospital to get in quicker, then the hospital has to transfer you by ambulance back to the city if it's a major problem (Strathmore has no surgery).

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra
reply to post by wayno

Ah, true enough, I read that wrong.

Honestly I think a more Canadian system of health care could work for America, but our budget needs some serious reworking first. All the other things we waste money on need to be dropped, I'm all for seeing every American getting superb health care at minimal cost to everyone; but there's no such thing as minimal cost to everyone where the American government is concerned.

I lived in the US for 30 years raised 3 kids and two wife's (errr they raised me).... its not the system its THE CROOKS in office that are destroying the country, no, things aren't free in Canada, I live here again and I LOVE IT...........
Taxes collected pay for social services, unlike in the states they take the taxes and spend on personal agendas and pet projects, then short the real project or better yet steal it from the SSI slush fund , as has been done for a VERY LONG TIME! stealing from peter to pay Paul will ultimately catch up. and guess what folks it HAS!!

the socialized medical system works (and has problems) but the people in charge of the system have to care about it working and not be crooked as the day is long, I walked into get blood work done the other day, pulled a number and as I looked up to see what number was next she called me!!!!!!! NEVER EVER has that happened in the states NOT EVER.

that was a fluke tho because since then I have had to wait sometimes as long as 10 minutes. the wait times are far from what you would expect for a free medical system, and I'm sure longer wait times are in larger cities and hospitals but all in all its a lot better than going to a hospital and being sent to another hospital because your insurance sucked. and YEH it happened to me in Phoenix as my wife was giving birth (water broke) the nurse was like you guys have time its just 20 minutes THAT WAY >>>>>>>>>.

American in general are so clueless and BLIND to the corruption in your government, its really sad once you move to another country and see how things really are compared. Keep chasing the carrot guys, its good exercise but just know you will never catch it (rigged games always have the same outcome)

What a retard for leaving in the first place,

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by j2000
Op, I am really glad for you up in Canada.
You can have what you have up there. But threads like this from countries other than US to try and push a propaganda agenda on America is complete BS.

Most of us in the USA don't really care what you think. Get it!

Yes, Interesting we have two post, from two Canadians, with two different views on Canadian health -care.

Who is the plant,

I would have to go with the OP because why does he care whether American have Canadian like health-care,

While the other Canadian poster seems to need a place ot go,( American) to get good health -care.


Hahahaha wow, do you not have any compassion for your fellow human beings? Why should I care? Umm...because the suffering of people in the richest nation in the world is absurd.

People who accuse others are usually the ones guilty themselves. How much is the Private Health Insurance lobby paying you to spew this nonesense.

I think you the plant who is working for the assholes who want to gauge normal working people of thier $$$.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Wherestheproof

Yay for anecdotal evidence!

I've seen lot's of these threads, some bashing and others defending the government run healthcare systems. Personally I don't know which would be worst, government run healthcare or the private insurance we have now and it looks like America is going to be getting a mix of both.

The truth is that there will still be many big healthcare issues even if the bill passes (a bill which still hasn't been solidified). I don't feel very swayed by the personal experiences of one person though, that's like one survivor of a terrible thing coming out and going "well I did well, not sure what everyone else is fussing about." (not saying govt run public healthcare will be terrible just that one person's anecdotal story doesn't solidify that it will be a good change)...

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by wayno
reply to post by eNumbra

The American government (and increasingly the rest of the world's too) is sort of becoming a democracy not of/for the people but of/for the money lobbyists and corporations.

This corruption of your republic ensures that all of those special interests get their $$ no matter what. Everything ends up costing way more than it should.

Oh I know... trust me I know all about that. I live in one of the most corrupt, least quote unquote free states here. Smell that? Salt air mixed with trash and just a hint of medical waste? Mmmm, Jersey Shore.

We are trying to fix our republic, we really are.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:20 AM
Saying you are alive or dead because of free healthcare is a strawman.

If you had reasonable insurance in America, you probably would have had the same or better care.

If you are too poor to afford insurance, all emergency rooms must treat you no matter if you can pay or not.

If you are indigent, programs like Medicaid will pick up the tab.

If you are elderly, Medicare will pick up the tab.

This debate revolves around which keeps costs down and delivers the highest quality of care.

Actually, there is no debate. There is only one mechanism known to man that can keep costs down while at the same time improving quality. Something that is not implemented in either the American or Canadian system at the moment.

The free market.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1There is only one mechanism known to man that can keep costs down while at the same time improving quality...The free market.

And we all know how well that worked with your banks.

I'll keep my government mandated and regulated system, thanks very much.

You guys do what you want, just don't set us up as a straw man in your debate.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 09:11 AM
It's nice to read about other country's health care systems, so I'd like to think the OP for sharing their story. I want to know.

My niece died as a result of the health care system. She had a baby by cesarean and while in the hospital, contracted a staph infection and died, leaving her new young husband with an infant daughter to raise.

I won't say what happened to me just now, but I will live with chronic pain for the rest of my life. And it's a direct result of the health care system...

Both of these horror stories are a result of the health care system in the US.

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