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Leaked Letter reveals swine flu jab has links to killer nerve disease

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:10 AM
I would be more confident of the flu shot if the following happened.

Every single member of government, every single member of the pharma companies, and every single member of the medical community.....takes the vaccine first. I'm not talking about the lower ranks here, i want to see the presidents and prime ministers, company bosses and medical hierarchy to take these shots.

They are vaccinated publicly, live on tv, with shots that are just about to be given to our children, so no replacing the shots with safer ones or a placebo.

Then i'd be half confident about taking these vaccines.


posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:26 AM
This thread is interesting, and the alleged links to a nerve disease are worrying.
however, would it not be contradictory for a mainstream news company, the mail on Sunday, which is the country's second biggest-selling Sunday newspaper in the country, to be giving information which opposes the necessity of a swine flu vaccine?

Are many here on ATS not under the impression that the-powers-that-be use the media to cast a spell of lies to the public?
It seems odd that we would regard all of the papers' points on 9/11, 7/7, UFOs or Chem trails as disinformation, yet use it as a source if it agrees with our beliefs.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I saw the headline but didn't read the article.... looks like vaccines aren't all they are cracked up to be

Ok, i know the research team spend a lot of time at their jobs but at the same time before they say a vaccine is safe they should make sure 100% that it is safe

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by CX
I would be more confident of the flu shot if the following happened.

Every single member of government, every single member of the pharma companies, and every single member of the medical community.....takes the vaccine first. I'm not talking about the lower ranks here, i want to see the presidents and prime ministers, company bosses and medical hierarchy to take these shots.

They are vaccinated publicly, live on tv, with shots that are just about to be given to our children, so no replacing the shots with safer ones or a placebo.

Then i'd be half confident about taking these vaccines.


Trouble with that is it's probably part of their agenda to appear on Tv and take the shot but really it will be a harmless saline solution or something else completely.

As far as I'm concerned they want to vaccinate now for a later mutation it's impossible and makes no sense they can't make a vaccine for a virus that doesn't exist yet.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Get to find out more about these vaccines by the day, a snip from your article:

Geffen (1950) noted in the 1949 epidemic 30 out of 182 paralytic patients under 5 had been immunised against diptheria, pertussis, or both within weeks of contracting polio. In all of these cases the limb last injected was paralysed; in another seven cases a different limb was affected. In 21 of the 30 cases combined diptheria and pertussis vaccine had been used, APT in eight, and pertussis alone in one. Geffen calculated that the proportion of children becoming paralysed after immunisation was of the order of 1 in 1800. The interval between injection and the developement of polio was usually between 5 and 16 days (Geffen, Paterson and Tracy 1953)."--Wilson, The Hazards of Immunisation

Dr Arthur Gale of the Ministry of Health reported 65 cases from the Midlands, where paralysis followed about two weeks after an injection: in 49 of these, paralysis occurred in the injected limb. Then it was reported that of 112 cases of paralysis admitted to the Park Hospital, London, during 1947-1949, 14 were paralysed in the limb which had received one or more of a course of immunising injections within the previous two months. In the majority of cases, the interval between the last injection and the onset of paralysis was between 9 and 14 days. Again, combined whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus injections were involved.

How many of you actually do get a jab when going on holiday abroad? I'm just wondering if after reading about these jabs on polio & H1N1 whether you will continue to take jabs before going abroad!!

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by liveandlearn

It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine. GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal.

I suffered from temporary paralasis in 76 while in school after being vaccinated. I wish there was some way to go back and verify what shots I was given that day.
I'm so glad you posted this as I've very often wondered what was the cause.
All I really remember was walking down the steps getting very weak and sitting down unable to get up.
Things were different then,my mother was called and she came to where I was stranded picked me up ( I was nine) threw me over her shoulder like a sack of feed and carried me home. I later that day recovered and have been fine ever since but I'm very scared of vaccinations now.
Its my kids I'm concerned about now and with all the moves made by tptb its going to be very difficult to prevent them from being poked if not impossible.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 07:31 AM
I sent these links to the Daily Mail editor to see if the mainstream media have picked up on this too:

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by stevcolx

Thanx for your post.... it seems to me that the terrorists are not only operating in the Middle East but in America & Europe too..... Mass Bio-chemical production of a vaccine which is obviously bad for you:

Burgermeister's charges include evidence that Baxter AG, Austrian subsidiary of Baxter International, deliberately sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu virus, supplied by the WHO in the winter of 2009 to 16 laboratories in four counties. She claims this evidence offers clear proof that the pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies themselves are actively engaged in producing, developing, manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly bioweapons on earth in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass death.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 08:20 AM
Good morning fellow ats people.

I had an appointment to see my doctor on Thursday of this week and we discussed this thing. I have been seeing this woman since her residency when I found her in one of those clinics where family docs do their residency...25 years ago! Yep, I have had the same primary care physician for 25 years and trust her with my life. That being said, here goes.

I did ask her about this vaccine and if she was going to take it. "Not unless they absolutely force docs will I take that"! Pretty shocking from a As we discussed the recommendations she said that she is making ZERO plans to inoculate any of her patients until this thing is better tested. In fact she said that she refuses to do a thing with this until at least October. Her only concern is they may force her, you know mandatory stuff and all. She also is against vaccinating kids with the regular flu vaccine and sees this vaccine thing as being way over the top. I asked her with my asthma did she think I should take it, since it is all over TV that anyone with pre existing issues should. She said at this point her recommendation would be NO! It is in a series of 3 shots too, I had heard that but now from the lips of an MD.

Now, I am sure she does not share her opinion with most of her patients, like I said we are close friends and she has sung at both my daughters funeral and my grandson, we have each others home numbers and often just call each other to visit. I thought it would be a good thing to share this with all of you.

Yeah, I remember when we were all called fear mongers and the once very active and informative thread on the swine flu was suspended. Who is who now????

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by liveandlearn

I read this article this morning. I can't say I am surprised. So, what happens now?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 08:45 AM
no one knows for sure. Let's face it, the wealth of information available is not hard data to prove your case that they want to poison us, or even kill us.

Being involved in toxicology studies as a reviewer of test data, I see zero factual test data to make an intelligent judgment regarding the efficacy of this flu vaccine.

I'll agree that many vaccines are "tainted" with minute quantities of preservatives and buffers. And that is based on actual analytical data on past vaccine material and defined preserving techniques recognized by the industry.

Something just doesn't add up to me. Why would they insist in vaccinating first medical support personnel, first responder personnel, the military and smaller children? Do they want them to succumb to the adverse effects first??

Doesn't add up folks. You guys are basing your opinions on hype and propaganda, and not hard data. I don't care who says that it is harmful, I would like to see the hard data.

If the vaccine was harmful, do you really think THEY would allow the information and disinformation to be disbursed in the manner it has? Look at the millions across the world that seemingly are "informed" regarding the vaccine. Everyone and their mother is talking about how harmful the vaccine is and that you will be forced to take the shot. What if that is what they want? Maybe they DON'T want you to take the shot. Either way, it will be a difficult decision for each individual. If they do not force you, will you take the shot? And if it is mandatory, can you really refuse??

If there are any stock market (day traders) players in here, you would agree this is exactly what they do when a trend change is coming. They first psyche you out with a bombardment of news, until you are literally convinced that the market is likely to head in a certain direction. They even create cutesy little patterns so that chart readers start jabbering the same line. And sure enough, swoosh, it takes a turn to the completely opposite direction. These are typically referred to a either "bear" or "bull" traps.

Your propagandists are everywhere, including ATS. The internet is now the source of much propaganda and misinformation so as to create much mistrust, division, chaos and uncertainty.

I hope we are all OK, and I do not wish to see anyone harmed. The game is a ruthless game of mind control. Be careful of the "traps".

[edit on 16-8-2009 by allclear]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:12 AM
there is another thread on this, and as i said there, mad, the story from the mail on sunday in the OP includes a bit about a woman who developed the syndrome, she lives 4 mile away from me, and i know her family, its odd that i find something local on here (that doesn't involve sellafield nuclear station or the carlisle spaceman) lol

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:23 AM
This is news how? Pointing out what has always been a very slim (lottery-winning slim) chance for side-effects from vaccinations proves nothing. This is not new, and hardly alarming. If you have ever gotten a flu shot, you should already know this.

It's ironic that people can listen to commercials that end with "Possible side effects include liver disease, strokes, loss of appetite, dizziness, etc. et al," and people still pay good money for the product, because they want more hair on their head.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by CX
I would be more confident of the flu shot if the following happened.

Every single member of government, every single member of the pharma companies, and every single member of the medical community.....takes the vaccine first. I'm not talking about the lower ranks here, i want to see the presidents and prime ministers, company bosses and medical hierarchy to take these shots.

They are vaccinated publicly, live on tv, with shots that are just about to be given to our children, so no replacing the shots with safer ones or a placebo.

Then i'd be half confident about taking these vaccines.


I would not put it past the politicians to pull such a stunt ,but instead of being injected with the H1N1 vaccine ,they would be injected with something much more benign. The powerful elites trying to cull the population may be demonically pocessed.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by eradown]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:32 AM
Another point to be made on this virus. Everyone could be currently infected with the virus. If the madmen you believe in are the ones that engineered this virus, they could have rather easily engineered in a prescriptive latency period much longer than the typical one of 72 hours. In such a case, everyone would already be infected with a virus, a sort of ticking time bomb, not unlike the herpes zoster virus which reactivated throughout a lifetime. It could also be that a small subset of the population is extremely sensitive or immunologically deficient to the virus such that it is expressed early in that population. Or that the virus gene code was modified by some natural force.

Thinking like the evildoers and my background in biochem, a virus could be released over time with a modified latency period. Hmmm....maybe they could actually release them in the sky...chemtrails??

Latent viral infection

(a) Some viruses are able to hide from a host’s immune system by entering cells and not producing new viruses

(b) Such infections are termed latent

(c) The many different herpes viruses are examples of viruses capable of entering latent infections

(d) This is why herpes virus infections (including those that cause cold sores, genital herpes, and chickenpox/shingles) once acquired, never completely go away (e.g., chickenpox may be followed, years later, with shingles, with both the result of the same viral infection)

Patent title: Safer Attenuated Virus Vaccines With Missing Or Diminished Latency Of Infection

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:35 AM
I work in health care and have already decided I am not taking the flu shot this year. My wife has done her own research and had decided that because of the health problems she already has, she's going to skip it. It seems that you stand a chance of dying from the vaccine if you are obese, have hypertension, or heart problems. I'm not sure where she got her information, because I haven't had time to sit down with her and ask and take the appropriate notes.
There is just something about this whole flu thing this year that doesn't pass the smell test.
By the way, the flu that came out of Mexico was a combination of 3 seperate viruses. Human, Avian, and Swine. The odds of this happening in nature are at least a million to one. This virus was created in a lab, release in a warm climate where viruses don't do well, at the wrong time of year for it to effectively spread, and yet WHO and CDC are calling it a pandemic.
I agree with the earlier poster who said watch October. That's when it cools off some in the Northern Hemisphere, and people start to congregate indoors.
There are some other things I am watching, and if it pans out like I think it will, October is going to be a very interesting and tense month.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:37 AM
i remember as a child id see things. as in my imagintation that u wouldnt normaly see then i got the manitory vaccines for school and they dissapeard. :/ dont kno if anyone had the experience

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Once again ,here is a paper done on the 1976 debacle. Written by a Ph.D. and researcher of 30 years into vaccinations. This is the 1976 strain and program they refer to in the new article. READ IT, it will open your eyes for sure.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:37 AM
Hi everyone

I have been a lurker on ATS now for a longtime and just joined to get in on this discussion because I had GBS back in 2001 and only just about managed to survive it. I thought I would post because I might be able to give some pointers to people on what to look out for if they have family members and friends who end up getting the swine flu jab.

Firstly mine probably had nothing to do with a jab, I did have a measles jab about 2 years before getting GBS. I can't attribute that jab to my illness and to this day don't know the reason I got GBS.

It started on a Thursday and I felt a general weakness within my body. I went to the doctors on the Friday and was booked in to get a blood test the following week, the doctor thought it could be Anaemia and I was sent away until the next week. Saturday came and I didn't feel any better but by the evening my legs were getting weak, especially when climbing the stairs where my leg would just fall slightly on the push up to the next step.

By Sunday morning I woke up and couldn't get out of bed. My legs were completely paralyzed. It started from the bottom of my body and works its way up. Obviously at this point I was in hospital and it then quickly creeped up my body, so next it will be your arms to go numb and be paralyzed. By Monday I was completely paralyzed, in ICU, on an air ventilator and in an induced coma for about a week.

No movement came back for about 2 weeks and it was about 2 months before I could walk again. Apparently that was a quick recovery and was helped because I was only 19 years at the time. If you are older it can take years to recover at the time when I was ill certain doctors did say it might take 2 years to recover and some people never fully recover.

As far as I understand GBS is due to a overactive immune system which can be caused by an illness. In the case of these jabs it is probably due to that adjuvant thing which is suppose to stimulate your immune system. Your own body attacks the lining of your nerves and destroys it, causing complete paralysis. The doctor who came out to me on the Sunday diagnosed it straight off, an earlier doctor on the Friday dismissed it as Anaemia. To diagnose it properly they stick a needle in your back to draw off spinal fluid.

Today I get a small shake in my hands when trying to do something like threading a needle and my facial expressions have never fully got back as it is still hard to smile fully.

If your family does get the jab, look out for weakness especially in the legs and arms. They will feel alright apart from this weakness. It is gradual at first but soon after it is very fast.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:46 AM
In my opinion the second anything starts happening to anyone who took the vaccine...people are going to start flipping. the vaccine that kills people will be their undoing. IMHO

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