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Has ATS become A Right Wing Side Show!?!?

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:04 AM
I am still thankful for our now limited freedom of speech because that is what the far left wants. The so called Republicans include Independence and
libertarians with constructive opinions. The left wants total control of every aspect of your life and government run healthcare will do just that. Obama's control everything Empire is an ideology that has been tried over and over with guaranteed failure. Humans and their souls thrive on freedom because
freedom is the natural food of this Universe.

The dissenters of the leftist philosophy are not trying to take this country apart they are trying to keep it together without government meddling in every aspect of their lives. Centralized governmental healthcare is unconstitutional and private healthcare should be kept privatized and overseen by each individual state, check it out.

obama's Empire is a Robin Hood mentality and this country is very compassionate towards Weople of lessor means. I believe that ATS has become a Right Wing Right Show. ^Y^

[edit on 16-8-2009 by amari]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:12 AM
I hate labels

I have read this thread and i am just shocked..


you are letting the people who run your life CONTROL YOU and argue

do you not thing we should be smacking the bitches who run the place

OH by way WE LET..

god sake im sick of all the crappy name calling YOUR A REGTHUG no no your a OMBAMICA or some crap

its pointless WE ARE ALL BEING SCREWED no matter what stupid poliitcal leaning you wish to LABEL your self with

its like fashion statements.. totaly bloody useless

U go to work PAY bills for wat? why because your LIFE is meaningless

some idiots wait for god and some use you because your to stupid to see the truth

YOU A SLAVE.. but they give you lots of nice things to buy like 52 INCH TVS new TRIMS for your HOT NEW I JUST GOT MY PIMP MY RIDE crap

people are like drones and for wat? tell me what is so great about ur little petty life?

NOTHING and do you know why? because your to lazy to get off your arse and do something about it

wait for god.. keep waiting and then when your stupid little planet is fkd then you can BITCH and WHINE about that aswel

dont even know why i bother....pointless

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by FantasmaTaans
Isn't he withdrawing from Iraq? And didn't he stop the ban on stem cell research? Also, didn't he end the torture? Just saying....

Withdrawing from Iraq, moving more troops into Afghanistan. I believe they are sending 45,000 more soldiers. A good friend of mine who is in the Army, and served two tours in Iraq is being sent to Afghanistan at the beginning of next year.

No end of torture, the MSM is simply not covering torture. Also, there are reports of detainees being transferred to different countries. I wouldn't be surprised if the, the U.S. was outsourcing torture.

As for the stem cell research, I'm all for it. Should have never been restricted in the first place.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

And you are rude.

I didn't say ats was created in 2006. I said I believed ats was created in 2006, which leaves room for error.

That is what the data I have seen shows, a lot doesn't go back to 2004 or 2002.

so instead of the usual hostility, you could of politely corrected me.

And henceforth, proved my case.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by nixie_nox]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by lucid eyes

Yes, thank you!

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
The definition of Nazi is National Socialism, the expanision of state control of the economy.

Socialism is not about control and doesn't describe Nazi. State control is communism, which is centralization. Socialism is about shared ownership. Ownership is not the same as control.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:28 AM
Well, it's true that the anti-Obama hate threats outnumber supportive Obama threads like 50 to 1 on this site these days. Also, they often gets put on the front page by the admins, even threads with low amount of stars and replies... it makes you wonder.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Shades1035
Well, it's true that the anti-Obama hate threats outnumber supportive Obama threads like 50 to 1 on this site these days. Also, they often gets put on the front page by the admins, even threads with low amount of stars and replies... it makes you wonder.


Absolute and utter rubbish.

The ONLY thing that gets threads on the front page of ATS is flags, and the flags are given by the members.

You must have a short memory or selective amnesia, because when Bush was in power there were equal - if not more - anti-Bush threads on this board.

What make ME wonder, is why people make claims like this, constantly, that have no basis in reality whatsoever.

Quite simply, the shoe is on the other foot, and the Republican hacks are out in force as much now as the Democrat hacks were out in force before. Both sides are equally as bad as each other for partisan rubbish, and BOTH sides are also equally as good at trying to blame ATS when their "man" gets it stuck to them.

Look - you've all finally got something in common - maybe you can build off that instead of bickering with each other like children?

[edit on 16/8/09 by neformore]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

This is why we are ALL screwed as a people.IMO
Everyone thinks they are always right and would
never admit they were ever wrong.
Or would ever take responsibility for their votes.
Meanwhile the raping of the country continues unabated.
(by both sides)

This divisiveness will never be fixed. Ever.
In 2012 it will swing the other way and continue.
We will have many more profit wars and forget all about the american peoples needs or wants.
Its a shame we have so much wealth and continue to blow it daily.
People are too ingrained in their beliefs and
I am sure they will fight to the death for them.
Even if they are proven wrong.... Iraq proves this.
We would rather perpetuate an ongoing war than admit we were wrong.
We justify it however we must. This is why we fail.
War is our friend and is fueled by greed. It is a constant companion.
We know nothing else but what our society is.
Thats why it wont change. We dont know how.

Nope we are toast and its mostly because of this infighting.
Nothing will ever get solved (like health care) unless we give up
the right/left fallacy. Which we wont.
You can tell by some of the posts here this will never ever change.

Enjoy what you have left. Its as good as its ever gonna get.
We will continue to fight untill we screw ourselves completely
and have no recourse anymore.
Am I a defeatist wallowing in doubt?
Nope, I'm a realist saying put on your seat belts.
(if you need to use labels)
The turbulence is terrible.

Here this explains it: Caution potty talk!

I could be all wrong of course!
Miracles do happen!
Apparently the ONLY time we agree is during a catastrophe!
(or a war)

[edit on 16-8-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by contemplator

The best forum communities I have ever used catered to the liberal mindset and ran off conservatives & religious loonies.



So in other words no opinion other then yours is valid?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by kadugen

• Democrats are in control now, they are TPTB (bad guys in ATS vocabulary). If Bush were still president you would see a majority anti-Republican sentiment at ATS.

Well I guess they can't take a dose of their own medicine, eight years of Bush bashing on ths forum, and

OH wait they still Bush bash and conservative bash and Christian bash, they just don't want to really hear anything other then their view.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13

You are exactly right.

Just look at the titles in the Political Conspiracies section.

90% P-Troll, 10% actual discussion.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:17 AM
You have been here longer than I. Did you not observe a strong liberal response to the Bush years on ATS? Could it be that there are currently no MSM outlets for anything resembling true conservative thought? Could it be that the void needs to be filled? "Nature abhors a vacuum." And so what you might be seeing is a return to balance. I have yet to see where ATS requires or prefers liberal over conservative thought. Could we also be at a juncture where the true nature of the Obama administration is being exposed and thus the current conservative backlash? Could it also be that those who leaned left in response to the Bush administration onslaught are now leaning right in response to Obama? Do you not currently have the floor? There are those that agree with you, is that not enough?

Have no fear, truth will win out. Even if we are not around to observe it.

"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." -- Alexis de Tocqueville

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:20 AM
No Joker 13 and others.

This premise of yours is laughable. There are those of us who go back far enough to remember the very vitriolic posts about stolen elections...which went on forever ..or so it seemed. The same old tired rhetoric.

Now that the tables are turned seemingly the other way the posts are about those who do not go along with the devout religious beliefs of those who prefer entitlement systems...including the entitlement to the office of President.

Anyone who disagrees or disapproves is called or labeled a Hater. This telegraphs strongly of an entitlement belief system at work. THat ideas, policies, politics should play through unquestioned, unfettered, unchallenged. It is not so.

What many do not understand and cannot even contemplate is that there are those out here who are conservative but dont like or approve of either of the two political parties....democrats or republicans. We think both are from the same cut of cloth. They just look differently on the outside.
Neither of them is actually representing the American Public. They are representing someone or something ...but not Americans.

The other facet to keep in mind is that it is becoming clear that most Americans are not as liberal as someone out there would like to take for granted that we are. We do not like the two party system ...but nonetheless ...we are not as liberal nor approving of the two party system. This group is growing in this country.

Many of the posters to this thread have alluded to this basic belief system in their posts in different ways.

THe main problem for many us with this administration is that we are becoming aware of the very devout religious political "Entitlement" beliefs of this political party...along with their very cheap way of labeling their opposition as Haters, Racists, Nazis, Hitlers etc etc. We have seen enough of this fingerprint to know that this is not leadership. It is instead very cheap politics. And Americans expect better of their leaders. THe democratic party has done alot of this over the years and it now reflects on their president. It is unavoidable. THey have been doing it for so long...they actually think it wise and entitled politics.
We are also aware of the very cheap and devout religious beliefs of the main stream media who are shilling for this president and his political party while labeling everyone who opposes as a Hater, Nazi, Racist. Hitler...etc etc. This causes many to turn against the media machine who also and openly put this president and political party into office. We are voting with our remote controllers.
Do not make the mistake that because of this understanding about the system in operation... that we automatically believe in Fox News. Many of us have found them to be just the same only for the other phony side.

We will make up our own minds...thank you.

Americans are not as left leaning as most would think or like to assume we are. This does not automatically make us haters. It means we disapprove of what is happening.
THe labeling is very much of what we disapprove in shows great immaturity and the tendency of someone out there to take advantage of peoples emotions rather than use reason and issues. This is an attempt at emotional pimping and rape of people against their will. And it is getting very tiring and disgusting.
We are waking up to this fingerprint used by both political parties and the machine which pimps for them. They will both sell the souls of the American public for lucre.


posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13

Far Left, Far Right, same sheep, different wolves clothing. Controlled by Partisan ideology incapable of independent critical thinking.

Its a shame Independents get attacked from both sides with slanderous remarks.

What is really being said by both sides is if you don't tow MY Parties line, shut up, you have no rights. Only people who agree with us have the right to speak.

Lets have a discussion about Partisans trying to control speech. That is a legitimate topic. Might not get a lot of silly flags and stars but it might actually be relevant and important.

Why are you opposed to free speech and debating issues?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by mattifikation
I thought political trolling and partisan hate threads were taboo around here? *shrug.* Must have been wrong. Might as well add my two cents then:

Hey, all you people who hate the right wing:

Thanks for helping to divide America along one half of an arbitrary political feud that the elite have created to prevent us from becoming united. Your dedicated and loyal commitment to blindly vilifying half of your country has been invaluable to half the crooked career politicians who are working effortlessly to manipulate and destroy you for their own personal gain.

Hey, all you people who hate the left wing:

Thanks for helping to divide America along one half of an arbitrary political feud that the elite have created to prevent us from becoming united. Your dedicated and loyal commitment to blindly vilifying half of your country has been invaluable to half the crooked career politicians who are working effortlessly to manipulate and destroy you for their own personal gain.

Yeah, that's right, all of you, on both sides of the aisle, without exception, thanks a lot for helping to destroy our country. If you want to "Deny Ignorance" then quit siding with half of the crooked politicians out there and join those of us who are living life "outside the matrix" so-to-speak. ;-)

That was a good post Matt, so I am repeating it,
Odd the only star it got was from me.

The more I read the post, the more I come to the conclusion that you may be correct,

I used to think people who bought into the forum being a set up were paranoid, but after the recent odd serious of coincidence, I am starting to believe it very well may be.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
The best forum communities I have ever used catered to the liberal mindset and ran off conservatives & religious loonies. It is a shame ATS can't do the same. The fact is (proven scientifically) that conservatives are not open to differing viewpoints. In fact the more evidence they are presented with the firmer their twisted stance becomes. This site has a conservative christian cabal that almost renders it useless.

And so you stay? There are better and in your words: "The best forum communities" and you remain here among those of firm twisted stance? (How would that look on a business card? Hemisphere - purveyor of "firm twisted stance".) Are you on a crusade? I think I understand your problem.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
The fact is (proven scientifically) that conservatives are not open to differing viewpoints. .

OMG that's funny. Radical left wing 'tolerance' is only extended to those who share a radical left wing view. I won't claim that it's been proven 'scientifically' because for anyone to claim that - from the right or the left - would be absolutely absurd.

Originally posted by contemplator
The best forum communities I have ever used catered to the liberal mindset and ran off conservatives & religious loonies.

Been hanging out at that looney-bin echochamber called 'the democratic underground' .. haven't ya.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Welcome to ATS. Get over it.

ps (anyone sick of these stupid threads yet?)

Amen! and YES!

Originally posted by NoJoker13
I've had the pleasure *sarcasm*, of coming onto ATS the past few months to only see the spread of Right Wing hate and a disturbing trend of Republicans trying to tear this website and this country apart.

1 - You've been here 2 months and have no idea about the history of this site.

2 - As far as 'tearing this country apart' ... plenty of dems are guilty of that ... Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, etc etc. Running down the country is an equal opportunity sport for both the left and the right.

3 - If you don't like this site then quit whining and leave.

Originally posted by NoJoker13
I am for my country thick or thin,

If you are FOR your country that doesn't mean you have to be FOR the POTUS. Sometimes the best thing is to be against what the POTUS wants. For example ... the last two presidents ...

[edit on 8/16/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:43 AM
A perfect example, this thread, of why I and others feel the need to post in RATS.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
I shall convert all the World into Libertarians, and we will live in a Utopia where no body tells anyone else how to live!

Sign me up. I'll help ya'. Then again ... perhaps having my name on your helpers list would be more of a black eye, eh?
Anyways ... I agree with ya' Rockpuck. Third and fourth parties are our only hope at this point. Libertarian. Constitution Party. Pick either one. Just don't pick Republican or Democrat.

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