reply to post by neformore
Well luckily in this case the shadows show that nobody knocked or bumped the video camera based on the fact that the guy on the left's shadow was
visibly to the left of the video camera.
For him to have bumped it, it would have had to have been done by his foot. But we can see that he didn't touch the camera. If someone touched the
camera from the left or the right side of the camera, we would have seen their shadow pushed up more.
The guys shadow on the left shows that he is behind the camera and to the left. Now based on the sun and the shadows, for someone to have knocked the
camera their shadow would have to be in line with the cameras shadow.
These pictures prove that nobody touched the camera.
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The guy on the left, you can see his shadow on the guy in front, his elbow can be seen on the guy in fronts left pant leg.
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Here you can see the guy on the lefts shadow, you can see his elbow and now the side of his body on the guy in front's pant leg.
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Now you can see the guy on the lefts shadow, you can see where his shirt is overhanging from hi stomach. That little thing that looks like a birds
beek is the bottom of his shirt by his waist.
More importantly you can see the guys legs, each individual leg separated by the sunlight in between his legs in this 3rd pic.
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In this 4th pic you can see the guys shadow and you can see that the guys leg closest to the camera is completely separate from the camera. Also the
guys legs remain still when the ground level bomb/s blast goes off.
The guy on the left never touched the camera at all. This debunker theory doesn't apply. According to the debunk theory, if there was any time where
the guy onthe lefts leg could have tapped the camera it would have been when the guys shadow was touching the camera's shadow.
That would mean that the guy was directly behind the camera and not to the left. But as can be seen the guy never touched the camera at all. He was
behind the camera out of range to hit it with his foot and also he was to the left of the camera. The shadows prove that in the video tape and
screenshot pictures.
To further prove that he didn't touch the video camera, before the ground level bomb explosion and before the plane crash, his shadow sways slightly
back and fourth (left to right etc.) and he still never touches the camera. When the bomb vibration is seen, the guy is completely to the left and his
shadow is completely to the left of the camera.
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This picture is just a good picture showing the camera's shadow. This was the only debunk theory left for debunkers but it's been proven that nobody
touched the camera.
If anybody tries to claim that a different person touched the camera that also would be impossible because a shadow would have been seen directly
behind the camera. The shadow would have had to extend far onto the side walk.
The video camera captured the vibration of the ground level bomb blasts going off.
[edit on 22-5-2010 by truthseeker911]