posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:18 PM
Saying 'forced down their throats' is a little harsh. But I suppose if you were at a school where you were punished for questioning or disagreeing
with religion then its understandable that you would have a negative view of it.
When I was at school we had quite a lot of religion based stuff taught to us, we had to pray every morning and then when we had lunch etc. Luckily, my
parents werent christians or religious in any way so I never really believed in God.. just thought they were nice stories.
But thinking about it, it does seem quite wrong to teach young children that religion is fact when it really isnt. And while I dont think of it in a
massively negative way, if you teach a child something from a young age then the vast majority arent going to question it. Just like when you're
taught 1+1=2, you dont question whether it does really equal 2.
So in that respect it takes that childs choice away because they arent really equipped at that age to consider whether what they are being taught is
fact or not. Im pretty sure that if children werent introduced to religion before they were say 10 years old, then there'd be a hell of alot less
religious people in the world.
Personally I think they should teach kids that there are basically 3 types of people - one's who do believe in some sort of God, those that arent
sure and those who flat out dont believe we were created by anything/anyone.
[edit on 063030p://f32Thursday by Bluebelle]