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The Secret Pyramid Shafts Being Explored Now.

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posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

The IMO under-discussed idea about the 'doors' is that they must have been designed into the pyramid. I've read a few explanations that the copper attachments were fixed to a pole or rope and used to either push or pull them into position in the shafts after the construction was completed.

In my estimation this explanation is completely infeasible.
As you should well know, the shafts do not run straight. They bend almost immediately from the interior of the chambers up towards their angle. Therefore, they were not used to lower the blocks into place from within, unless the AE had advanced pipe-fittings and pipes of considerable length that were stronger than copper to a point that the difference is enough to carry the weight of 2 tons (average weight of block in the GP.)
I haven't ran the math on that, but I would say you would need a very, very strong metal indeed. I mean, what is the length? 200 feet? More? to hoist DOWNWARD from two points a mere couple of inches apart?
No way.

Lowered into. No.
Same problem, except it must be rope. Still yet, I doubt the structural integrity of those tine copper handles can hold up to the force of 2 tons bearing down on them. Nevermind the fact that the blocks wouldn't form a seamless fit (in reality I'd give odds they do) because you would have to cut the rope from above to free the block.

In any event, the mass of the block itself would warp the handles no matter the method of placement...

These handles are simply a puzzle.

Or serve another purpose.
As a conductor perhaps.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by JayinAR
I agree about the copper 'handles,' and explained why on about p7. Like you say, copper bends and they're only small and delicate. Far more likely to be symbolic of something else altogether. Here's more of what Hawass has to say (the link's worth reading):

The presence of the doors inside them raises many questions. One idea is that the doors are a challenge that the king must face before he can travel into the afterlife. It is written in the Pyramid Texts that the king will face bolted doors before beginning his journey - perhaps this reference explains the doors’ copper handles. Yet if this is true, why is Khufu’s pyramid the only one with the doors? Also, why are there no doors in the shafts in the King’s Chamber? Logically, we would expect to find them in the shafts that extend from the room where the king’s body was buried. Could it be possible that these doors are evidence that Khufu’s burial chamber might still be hidden somewhere inside his pyramid? The mystery of the doors is one of the most exciting puzzles in Egyptology today.
The Mystery of the Hidden Doors Inside the Great Pyramid

There looks to be enough clearance at the top to get a fiber optic/endoscope device through and have a look. Below are some more images that give a better understanding of how it all goes together. The last one is purely speculative. The images are taken from Gantenbrink's website dedicated to his Upuaut robot...Gantenbrink's site: The Upuaut

[atsimg][/atsimg] Queen's Chamber is the lowest room on the diagram.

[atsimg][/atsimg]Construction profile

[atsimg][/atsimg] The 'handles' and notice that white residue or stain.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Agreed on that point. I knew you agreed. I was just throwing around some things for folks who think they were used to place the block.

Anyhow, why put them there at all?

It tells me that whomever built the thing knew that eventually it would be looked at.
Just sayin'.
PS - Also, I love the construction diagram. Notice the blocks labeled "d".
They are inset to reinforce structural integrity yet the shaft remains steady.

MASTERFUL building techniques. Reminds me of a site in the Americas. (can't find a damned picture) in which the wall was built with what appears to be a garble of random stones but the wall is seemless and perfect. No straight lines.

[edit on 22-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

Hello JayinAR,

JayinAR: Anyhow, why put them [the 'doors' in the QC shafts] there at all?

SC: The shafts from the two upper chambers in the Great Pyramid are, IMO, indicating a tilt of the Earth's polar axis of around 6.5*. The KC shafts point to the post shift position of two stars (Vega & Alpha Centauri) whilst the QC shafts point to the pre-shift position of those stars. Since the Earth tilted these two stars would have shifted 'out of line' with the QC shafts and so these shafts have been symbolically blocked.

The placement of these blocks in the Queen's Chamber shafts signifying that the stars are no longer in line with these two QC shafts allows us to determine the direction of the Earth tilt.

How the Great Pyramid Shafts demonstrate a Tilt of the Earth's polar axis.

You can read more in this in these articles with author, Gary Osborn:

The Great Pyramid and the Axis of the Earth - Part 1

The Great Pyramid and the Axis of the Earth - Part 2


Scott Creighton

PS - Here's a major hint to the Earth Tilt - read the section concerning the 'cross-over' of the shafts.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Thanks man

This will give me something to look at for a few hours when I get the chance.
I'm sure the work is good. I have enjoyed reading your threads.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 07:36 PM
What they really need to do is check out that tomb of the first Chinese emperor.

The dude with all the clay soldiers.

Is bad ass.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Titus7
What they really need to do is check out that tomb of the first Chinese emperor.

The dude with all the clay soldiers.

Is bad ass.

Yeah thats one of my intrests to especially with the reproduction of china thats supposedly in the tomb.But i don't think its going to happen because of the superstition of his return.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:54 PM
I was just looking at the pictures of the handles and since I haven't seen any others I was wondering if anyone on here knows if they are fastened to the blocks at both ends. The way the pictures look it looks to me like they could be turned towards each other or away from each other at the ends thereby activating a latching mechanism of some sort. I have no opinion as to how they were put in place just a controversial idea as to how the doors might be moved.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

The video is interesting, hmm i wonder where i've heard that music before, was it Spielbergs ET ? Anyway, the alleged figures in the crude stone block/door, it reminds me more of a bear than a lion and that also correlates to the constellation Ursa (latin for bear). I didnt get the Uruk bowl connection quite, what was that ?


posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by aleon1018

Yes my thoughts too, since they are approx. 20cm x 20cm nothing big can fit in there, so it could have been a way to transport water from the outside to the workers inside the pyramid during construction and work. Air is a bit more difficult, since the shafts are so long (more than 50 meters) the column/pillar of air prevents a free flow i.e there is not enough flow to make the shafts function as air supply for humans working insie the Pyramid. None of the shafts in the Queens chamber are connected with the outside.

Maybe it was a lunch shute, Khufu food express delivery?

Another thread (off site) abut the Queen and King chambers shafts.

Info the the GP.

[edit on 2009/8/24 by reugen]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:51 AM
Good thread i will watch this thread with interest. A star for your troubles

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Titus7

The museum that I work for will have an exhibit of some of the things from that tomb in about two years. Right now we have an Egyptian one!

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:22 PM
I believe that the GP is in all actuality the Pillar of Enoch.

I also believe that there is a great storeroom of information on the area.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
I believe that the GP is in all actuality the Pillar of Enoch.

I also believe that there is a great storeroom of information on the area.

Me too
I await the day in anticipation when the pyramids are more fully understood.
Could be earth changing!

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:41 AM
Where on earth are the updates from Egypt?!

I read this a few months ago;

Dr. Hawass revealed at his lecture that on the 31th of July the Leeds team already had a major breakthrough. But that was all information Dr. Zahi was willing to share (except that they'll be taking a look at the other shafts also). No hint at what kind of 'major breakthrough' this could be, nor did he share any photographs, video or even just 3D sketches of the robot.

If I don't hear anything from that douche soon I'm going to go there myself and explore his shaft with some garden shears.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:48 AM
Even more annoying and frustrating;

On the matter of the results of the robotic exploraration of the shafts Hawass remains tight lipped. All he has said publically about the results is: “I’m promising all of you that the secrets of the pyramid will be revealed for the first time.”

How do we demand up to date answers? I would like to bypass Hawass and get the information directly from the Leeds University team.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by answers
Even more annoying and frustrating;

On the matter of the results of the robotic exploraration of the shafts Hawass remains tight lipped. All he has said publically about the results is: “I’m promising all of you that the secrets of the pyramid will be revealed for the first time.”

How do we demand up to date answers? I would like to bypass Hawass and get the information directly from the Leeds University team.

Were they to pre-empt Zahi...they wouldn't be coming back. They are Egypt's antiquities...he is responsible for them, and while he might be making life a little difficult for Western scholars, they are no longer running the show, either. Frankly, hat's off to him. He ain't perfect, but he's pretty good.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 10:22 AM
He's probably saving it all for his books and tour lectures.

"I have a guidebook called The Secrets of Egypt with Zahi Hawass, I have in November a book about the Valley of the Nobles called The Lost Tombs of Thebes.

And I have two books coming about the guide to the Cairo Museum, and there is a big book, a big coffee table book coming in December.

And there is a book coming about Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, and there are two books coming about the pyramids.

This year there are about ten books coming."


posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
S&F! Finally he has to retire! Now we will probably start to see some really good stuff that was kept from everyone before. Nice find!

Well...maybe Hawass has always been telling the truth and hasn't he holding back stuff at all.....maybe he likes to keep us in suspence but nothing more than that.

And if that isn't enough....we do not know who we will getting in return for Hawass....maybe somebody much worse.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Were they to pre-empt Zahi...they wouldn't be coming back. They are Egypt's antiquities...he is responsible for them, and while he might be making life a little difficult for Western scholars, they are no longer running the show, either. Frankly, hat's off to him. He ain't perfect, but he's pretty good.

I don't see such important discoveries as belonging to one nation, their antiques are of humanity and it is very wrong for one man to have such control over them.

Updates should be made as discoveries are made not when it suits him and his wallet.

[edit on 7-1-2010 by answers]

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