reply to post by Animal
I will explain to you animal, what a certain large segment here want.
1) They want to end the income tax, because 33% of it goes off to paying debt, another 33% goes to the military. They want to end it completely,
because lord knows the taxes of seniors and the state taxes (the ones where you pay at a toll on a road) will be somehow enough to sustain the state
2) At the same time these folks want the military to continue its build up. Heck $500 billion a year isnt enough, continue the build up... the $
1trillion increase in expenditure over the last 8years was not enough, continue the increase. We need the military strong as possible.... and just
take it out of the federal government..... which sources 95% of this military expenditure from income tax... but thats gone.... oh nevermind Im sure
$25 billion a year is enough (I actually dont mind that).
3) Oh yes end the IRS, the FED! They are evil evil organizations that take away my hard earned cash! That should solve most of our problems! By ending
these agencies!
4) Yes we dont want socialized medicine! I mean after all, 50% of us conservative constitutionalist folks are over 50 years old! We want the
government to keep their filthy hands off our medicare and we dont want their filthy socialized healthcare!
5) Guns for everybody!
6) Completely outlaw abortion, under any circumstance, because in the bible God specifically says its not our business to take the life of anybody,
its only his, and while your at it make the death penalty legal in all the states, its our duty to take the lives of those criminals!
7) We must be all free in this nation! Free to persue what we feel... free accepting:
-That if your gay you cannot join the army.
-That if you have an arab middle name, you must be a muslim, you cannot choose any other religion for yourself.
-Your free to voted in anybody but the black liberal "kenyan".
-You must wear your flagpin at all times!
-Your free to speak your mind, but if there is any discussion of socialism, you must shut up!
I have a real long list here.... but Im going to end it there.
As they say "Shut up and be free"