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ABC Tries to Tie Health Care Town Hall Protesters to Hate Groups

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posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:28 AM

ABC News correspondent Brian Ross tried to connect the health care town hall protesters to hate groups on Friday’s GMA. Ross cited the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose left-wing political affiliation he omitted, and used two sound bites from the SPLC’s Mark Potok, who hyped that President Obama supposedly “triggered fears among...white people...that they are somehow losing their country.”

We all know that the MSM is trying to discredit opponents of Obamacare as racist and hatemongers, but this report is interesting because they themselves away. The report that Ross is citing is an old report that has been used over and over again to give the impression these protests are part of an alleged rise in hate groups. This is the "Southern Poverty Law center", which is a left wing group that as been playing the race card for Obama since before the election.

At the end of Mr. Ross's report, he claims:

ROSS (on-camera): Officials tell my colleague Pierre Thomas at ABC News that the President’s daily threat matrix has yet to reflect a sharp increase in threats. But White House officials privately admit deep concern, and have told the Secret Service to keep security tight, even if the president himself objects.

So, they admit that there is no rise in threat, but they did the story anyway? Going as far as to paint the president as some kind of fearless leader since he might object to stricter security...

This isn't even good propaganda! Its so blatantly obvious! The people better wake up and notice that the MSM has turned on them and is now attacking them for the government. This isn't the America I know.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:35 AM
Seems that the SPLC is becoming the darling of the Obama Media Conglomerate lately for providing them with data that looks almost credible they can peddle to their sheeple.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:40 AM
The mass media as well as the politicians are in the pockets of the bankers and large Corporations.

When those opposed to the corporate take over of our food supply got the media's attention, two reporters in Florida were fired and Derry Brownfield was forced off the air when he aired a negative piece about Monsanto. John Munsfield's story about the USDA cover-up of Con Agra routine of shipping of e-coli tainted meat was pulled by the owner of a major New York paper just as it was going to press. There are other reports of people on radio and TV being warned not to say anything.

Generally all stories about food except those approved by the corporate cartel are suppressed.

I do not bother listening to MSM anymore because it is all propaganda.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:42 AM
Well, without the influence of MSM, I can certainly see how the violent and disruptive protesters could be tied to hate groups and racists sentiments. I've had the same thoughts myself.

Any perusal of Stormfront or other white supremacy groups' literature will make it clear that there's a real fear that other races, particularly blacks and Jews, are going to "take over our country"! Also, they are willing to do just about anything to prevent that from happening.

That certainly doesn't mean that all Obama opponents are members of hate groups, but there's definitely an element who are legitimized by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Senator Grassley out there stoking the fires of hatred and fear that these groups thrive on. An element of extremists who are willing to do more - to take it further - than most politically active opponents.

"And if you go and take a look at this, you will find that the Obama health care logo is damn close to a Nazi swastika logo," Limbaugh said.


You know there are people out there listening to Rush and just salivating when they hear something like that. Rush's audience isn't just comprised of average conservatives with logical minds. There are some hate groups out there listening to him and hanging on every word, taking what he says as motivation to make moves that weren't being supported by mainstream America before...

This isn't the America I know, either.

[edit on 14-8-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Any perusal of Stormfront or other white supremacy groups' literature will make it clear that there's a real fear that other races, particularly blacks and Jews, are going to "take over our country"! Also, they are willing to do just about anything to prevent that from happening.

Just like most left wing material shows a disdain for white people, mainly white men. You see it regularly in the media, especially recently with people coming out of the wood work to accuse these people of somehow being affiliated with hate groups, simply because they're white.

Why are you defending the US media, trying to paint a whole group as racist, because somewhere out there, they maybe racists? I don't remember you ever having a problem with the anti-Bush people and they acted much more angry and violent. I don't remember the media doing that either. Do you?

but there's definitely an element who are legitimized by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Senator Grassley out there stoking the fires of hatred and fear that these groups thrive on. An element of extremists who are willing to do more - to take it further - than most politically active opponents.

You're doing nothing but repeating the kind of bilge that comes from the MSM. How in the world does Rush, Plain or Grassley legitimize racist hate groups? None of these people are racist and do not spread any sort of racist hate.

Can you point to any kind of extreme act that has transpired from these town hall meetings? You seem to be claiming there is some kind of racial violence being egged on by Rush Limbaugh, but nothing of the sort has transpired. Unlike the protests over the last 8 years, where protesters clashed with riot cops, broke in to businesses, burned cars and generally caused chaos.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:56 AM
Too bad the MSM largely ignored the black panthers who actually committed in voter intimidation and then were given a free pass by the current administration. There was an actual case, instead of just reports of some fringe group running around in the woods with guns.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You know there are people out there listening to Rush and just salivating when they hear something like that. Rush's audience isn't just comprised of average conservatives with logical minds. There are some hate groups out there listening to him and hanging on every word, taking what he says as motivation to make moves that weren't being supported by mainstream America before...

See what I mean? You are proving my point for me. You don't listen to Rush and instead you just take what the media says about him as fact. If you're hanging on Rush's every word, than you should know that he was responding to Nanci Pelosi's assertion that these protesters were somehow Nazi sympathizers carrying swastikas. He wasn't being serious. He was "demonstrating absurdity, by being absurd". I'm afraid you're a vicitim of Saul Alynsky's tactics BH. Rush is a boogyman, nothing else.

Let me give you some advice, don't take the MSM's word for it. Listen yourself.

The next day....

EDIT: Also BH, can you tell us anything about the "experts" this ABC report cites? Its a left wing group that is always making these kinds of claims. They have been doing it for a long time. The report they cite is OLD. All of these stories about hate groups is based on this one report. At the end of the ABC report, he even admits there is no great threat on Obama's matrix.

So I ask again, what was the point of the report?

[edit on 14-8-2009 by Wimbly]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:03 PM
I think that they are trying to demonize the people that are against healthcare as well as make those same people who are against it guilty about the racists out there. This is left-wing and ironically racist propaganda in itself.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Then you have people like the Rev. Wright, "god # america, . . . the US of KKK - A. . ."

People better stay clear of this man or anyone who has gone to his church for 20 + years. . . .

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Well, without the influence of MSM, I can certainly see how the violent and disruptive protesters could be tied to hate groups and racists sentiments. I've had the same thoughts myself.

I quite agree. What also ties disruptive protesters with hate groups is a similar brand of irrationality. "Death Panels"? "Turning USA into Russia?" This sort of thing and what hate groups have to say is on the same page.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I quite agree. What also ties disruptive protesters with hate groups is a similar brand of irrationality. "Death Panels"? "Turning USA into Russia?" This sort of thing and what hate groups have to say is on the same page.

Were you in a coma the last 8 years? We heard the same kind of stuff, much louder, more often and supported by the media. Were those people connected to hate groups? Did people just get amnesia or something?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Wimbly
Why are you defending the US media, trying to paint a whole group as racist, because somewhere out there, they maybe racists?

I'm not.
I said "without the influence of the media...". I'm the last person to defend MSM. I'm giving you MY thoughts that I've had for some time now.

I don't remember you ever having a problem with the anti-Bush people

I don't have a problem with the "anti-Bush" people OR the "anti-Obama" people. The people I have a problem with are the ones who make a concerted effort to shout, scream and otherwise disrupt the process of the government communicating with the people.

You're doing nothing but repeating the kind of bilge that comes from the MSM.

Whether MSM is stating it or not, what I'm saying comes from MY perception and my own thoughts.

How in the world does Rush, Plain or Grassley legitimize racist hate groups? None of these people are racist and do not spread any sort of racist hate.

I disagree. As you'll see in my last post, Rush says things that motivate hatred and fear among races. Palin makes things up ("death panel") and uses her child's condition to make her lies have more impact. And then Grassley repeats it. And it's not JUST racist hate groups. It's hatred, itself. These people are very close to inciting violence and have in some cases. If you haven't seen it, you're not paying attention.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:17 PM
That ABC hit piece just goes to show how out of touch the MSM is with the people and the constitution.

Pretty sad day indeed when the MSM is out demonizing peaceful militia groups and portraying anyone that disagrees with the party line as a violent racists.

Good thing alternative media is there to correct the nonsense.

What I find particularly ridiculous is the Southern Poverty Law Center's involvement in this charade. They were directly involved in the Elohim City militia along with the FBI. They were also involved in that ludicrous DHS memo warning about Ron Paul supporters.

[edit on 14-8-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:22 PM
The longer this goes on the more it's starting to look like the MSM in conjunction with the White House are trying to start a race war. Pretty soon white people will be profiled as potential terrorists.

I blame the Democratic party for being the perpetrators of hate and race baiting. If you notice, it's always the ones on the left that bring up race over and over again.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Too bad the MSM largely ignored the black panthers who actually committed in voter intimidation and then were given a free pass by the current administration. There was an actual case, instead of just reports of some fringe group running around in the woods with guns.

But, the Black Panthers are who the current administration is supporting and fostering to make their organization more powerful. Who do you think told the Justice Dept. to drop all legal proceeding against the Black Panthers after the Justice Dept. won the case?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Palin makes things up ("death panel") and uses her child's condition to make her lies have more impact. And then Grassley repeats it. And it's not JUST racist hate groups. It's hatred, itself. These people are very close to inciting violence and have in some cases. If you haven't seen it, you're not paying attention.

No, he doesn't. Thats something people who don't actually listen to him say. You're just repeating what someone else told you.

Also, Palin didn't make up anything. She may have been describing a worst case scenario, but her warning has forced politicians to say they're taking that provision out.

I'm afraid you're just buying in tot he media hype I'm trying to expose here. You don't think protesters and people in the media weren't inciting violence against Bush? What about the air America radio hosts calling for his assassination?

There has been nothing like this from Rush or anyone else. Like I said, you're just repeating what someone on the internet told you. You and I both know there was no media manufactured outrage about inciting violence or hate groups during the Bush years.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

Thanks for citing that. You deserve some stars for it. Nothing like a real racist hate group getting a free pass from the government. Only white people can be racist.

About your signature. Cigarettes are heavily taxed and provide much income for the government as well as the medical industry. They will not disappear anytime soon.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:32 PM
Those protesters at the Heath Care Town Hall meetings are misinformed lunatics who are puppets for Right to Life activist, racist gun toting revolutionaries and Religious fanatics. Do you really want these people running things?

It's embarrassing when people are trying to have a rational discussion about heath care and these fools start spouting their ignorant rhetoric that is so off topic they would be banned in a heartbeat here for thread hijacking.

The bottom line is most of those protesters have good health care that won't be taken away so what the hell are they so riled up?

Oh I get it, they are so worried that the black president will give basic heath care to all his black and Mexican friends, the reality is disenfranchised poor/middle class white Americans would benefit the most.

They are shooting themselves in the foot.

Well, maybe Sarah Palin can change things for them

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Wimbly
Were you in a coma the last 8 years?

Why thank you I was not.

We heard the same kind of stuff, much louder, more often and supported by the media.

What kind of "stuff"? Death panels and Obama wanting US to be like China?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Wimbly
Just like most left wing material shows a disdain for white people, mainly white men. You see it regularly in the media, especially recently with people coming out of the wood work to accuse these people of somehow being affiliated with hate groups, simply because they're white.

The link you posted has absolutely nothing to do with "disdain for white people". Get your logic straight. And if you are denying that some Obama opponents are such because of his skin color, you probably delude yourself.

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