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Learn The Magic Word; That'll Change The World!!!

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by Geladinhu

I was merely playing devils advocate to your so-called solution. Don't look to me for answers, if I had them would I be here wasting my time with you?
If I made anyone feel inferior by what I typed, well then I suggest you get tougher skin if you hope to make your efforts work. If anything I was trying to make you all understand the realities and consequences of saying no. My attitude of action taking as you call it was an example and I surely hope you know the difference.
Words are just words.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Numb2itall

Words aren't "just words".
Words are vibrations with intent.
Words shape our world.
Words can damage, words can heal.
Words are a powerful tool.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Hemisphere

I will give you an example that I'm assuming will be common to most. How many of you can discuss openly and at length the various topics covered here on ATS with all of your family, friends and co-workers? How many would think you daft? Sure your spouse accepts you, they are likely a NO too. You couldn't put up living with a rock hard YES. You could deal with a MAYBE with potential but not a YES.

I'm talking UFOs, aliens, government conspiracy, world conspiracy, mind control, the supernatural and the list goes on. I'm not saying you believe or promote everything on ATS. I'm saying you are open to concepts that are not part of societal compliance. If you are here you are a NO whether you admit it or not. This is not brainless Facebook or Twitter (and don't tell me those forums take a lot of thought) this is NO. You are here and here is NO.

Okay, I read the part about a spouse, and that created belly laughs. I end up 'testing' my wife. Come at her from a different angles, to see if my nutty theories hold water, or is she saying 'yes' to shut me up??

Well, let me tell'ya guys she's behind this NO, and she likes it.

I promise everyone that should they fully embody what the meaning behind this word is, then it will change the world for the ********better********

Twitter, and Face book are great places to spread the word; afterall it is free.

reply to post by Numb2itall

Hey buddy, you've got the right idea; your using your personal rights to disagree with us. You can keep on arguing, but you are using the embodied nature of No!

reply to post by Geladinhu

You are one very articulate individual.

I will be writing the follow up to this thread; with examples. Hopefully I'll have it out today.

I was thinking, there is no reason anyone reading this right now cannot spread the ideology coast to coast. There are so many ****FREE**** sources of publication. Community message boards(the real kind in person, and virtual), ******craigslist******** free section, so many places..

This can be an absolute grassroots message. Somewhere between the 18th century, and now we've forgotten what it means.

Make a list of your NO's.

and share the ideology of defining yourselves. Gandhi wasn't negative.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:22 PM
Love the OP and funnily enough I just wrote a letter to my mortgage company/bank and told them NO!

As I wrote the letter I felt as if I was taking back control of a serious, ongoing issue I have with them. I've given them 3 choices and will also be instructing a lawyer tomorrow to make sure that they choose 1 of them.

Here are the bank's options:-

A) Accept you sold me inadequate building insurance that doesn't ensure your charge on my property so you are responsible for the rebuild costs.

B) Acknowledge you sold me adequate insurance and will assist me in recovering the rebuild cost from the insurance company.

C) Agree to accept full ownership of my property as full and final settlement of all money owed to the bank.

I had resigned myself to accepting that I would have to pay rent, because the property is uninhabitable, and to also somehow pay my mortgage and save enough to do all the rebuild work. The bank renewed the building insurance with the same company, last September, and I've been asking what's covered ever since - other insurance companies have told me the property is not insurable.

I fell behind with mortgage payments because of having to also pay rent. I paid what I could, when I could and my local branch agreed to accept €1000 per month. I stuck to the agreement and have receipts to prove it but now the main branch have instructed their lawyer to start legal proceedings to repossess the property! They want me to pay them €3000.00 to stop further legal action - I call that extortion!!

I have written the letter to clearly tell them NO!

They probably won't choose any of the options but it was quite empowering to write the letter and just tell them I will not take anymore of this ridiculous situation. To be honest I am now struggling to work out why I have spent almost 2 years putting myself through an emotional and financial wringer and see no reason to continue playing their silly game. If they want my house that badly then they're welcome to it.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Maya00a

You go!!! I'd say No to all the bills which you receive NOTHING in exchange.

I understand your in England??? Either way, everywhere has bailed out the banks; which are the credit card companies.

I think more people should say NO to it all.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
Words aren't "just words".
Words are vibrations with intent.
Words shape our world.
Words can damage, words can heal.
Words are a powerful tool.

Words numb my skull with buzzing drones
Words are simian squiggles, apish howls
Words dissolution my world, sell my delusions
Words make mighty swords, forged to blow
Words are like the butterfly, said the weatherman

NO. I AM not known to you.
NO. I shall not implode.
NO. You are not the alpha nor the omega, but yet you are.
NO. You have no freakin' idea.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones

reply to post by Hemisphere

Okay, I read the part about a spouse, and that created belly laughs. I end up 'testing' my wife. Come at her from a different angles, to see if my nutty theories hold water, or is she saying 'yes' to shut me up??

Well, let me tell'ya guys she's behind this NO, and she likes it.

Sancho, we have that in common. My wife is a terrific sounding board for my ideas and I try to be the same for her. And occasionally we NO each other. That's not such a bad thing. Who among us is perfect?

There is a tale about a mentor and his apprentice. I don't remember all the details. And the point of the story was that the underling said yes all the time as he was afraid to disagree with his superior. The apprentice had become a "YES man". Eventually the master became so annoyed that he said "Would you please disagree with me so that I'll know there are two of us here!"

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I'm really glad to see you, Gelan..., and hemi.... coming in keeping this alive. We can change the world with a single word.

reply to post by Hemisphere

Alright, that was too funny
. I've never heard that one before, but gawd, I've experienced

****Okay, so I made these collages, and they are in another thread; as well. Solely on my own, I've started running Craigslist Ads. Offering these for either downloads, copy/paste, or write in to get your free "poster". I've hit a couple major cities, and plan to do more. This really can be a No structure grass roots movement.
The govt. uses NO all the time:

This is my attempt at showing in my minds eye the signs should read. Of course, I'm only human. I don't have a prison handy to make my No signs. So, I had to use "Microsoft Paint" graffiti to alter the signs the Govt. had the prisoners make. Enjoy.


posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 06:05 PM
I agree with the entire subject... only I do belive "no" alone causes the same issues as "yes" alone does.
What the ENTIRE world needs right now is balance not more extremes.
The Time for TRUTH
Say "NO" when you mean it
Say "YES" when you mean it.
Stop holding onto fears of your peers and or governments.
Who cares what they "SAY" because we can always "SAY" something back...
And with that said for the most part I could care less if so one disagrees with me or try's to tell me their incorrect truths, views , ways , and reasoning.
I simply could care less to "fight" over "truths" The TRUTH is when you give in and say "yes" to the government when you really mean to say no... in reality you have created a lie.
TRUTH spoke to you... but because of the fears the government and media place in your minds.... you go against your inner voice / guide / truth and end up basing your choices on false truths and false beliefs and false fears.
And thus we have the entire mess we are in now... all because we were tricked into lying when we know the truth..... thus we have "sin" created on purpose by the ones in power who know our thoughts effect reality.

[edit on 18-8-2009 by AsTaR]

[edit on 18-8-2009 by AsTaR]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 06:08 PM
I have given this advice to many people. "the most powerful word in the english language is no." "hold-out."

Unfortunately, I am a "YES" man. I always give in.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by AsTaR

sure, I agree. There are many important words to express our emotions. No doubt a duality is necessary. Gawd, a world with only NO would suck, but We are dealing with an oppressive, suppressive, and totalitarian NWO governmental system currently.

We must help Our fellow Person. The most empowering thing We can offer right now is the word which has been used against us continually without relent; No.
No more
No more tyrants
No more taxes
No more wars
No more slavery; taxation without representation
No more killer vaccines
No more man made killer viruses
No more genetically modified foods
No more special interest lobbies

reply to post by president

HOLD OUT!!! Yes, that's the way. Hey, just making a comment in this thread, or spreading empowerment through showing other People what saying No can do is something good. I guess that'd make you a yes man to no; no?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:55 AM
what about saying no to the salesman trying to get you to sign your life away for some T.V. or house or piece of crap car that ain't even hybrid.

not counting, "Say no to drugs." and prostitutes.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by daniel815
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Fantastic! The word NO is great, specially if you use it on the "people" trying to brainwash your brain and do things against your own interests... well, but that requires OPENING-YOUR-MIND, another magic thing.

I agree with you -- just a plain "NO" would not be very constructive, unless it's an informed "no", a conscious "no" -- better off, a "no" accompanied by a counter-suggestion. A counter-action. Another plan. When someone says "do this, think that, believe this", learn to not just say a passive "no" and sit with your arms crossed like a stubborn child, DO SOMETHING USEFUL!

So, Sancho, I won't say "NO" just because you told me to! I'm actually making constructive criticism. ;-) OPENING UP.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I'm really glad to see you, Gelan..., and hemi.... coming in keeping this alive. We can change the world with a single word.

I'm happy to contribute where I might. Now, this may sound weird but what do those of us with autism-spectrum disorders that largley lack an emotional life beyond being overly sensitive to people's expression do?

Cranking up the enthusiasm to go out and say "NO!" gets a bit muted by the preference for routine (even if totally pointless) and being a hermit.

Yes, I'm an incredibly boring person with little outward direction of energy. I do quite like the fact I don't like much that society has to offer.

So, I repeat, what do I do besides magickal spells?

(If you think I'm not being serious, both of my hands can make face-slapping motions.)

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by blunatic

Er, I just want People to start taking responsibility for their own lives. The govt. forces crap down our throats every day of our lives....Why? because they force until we say, yes, one way, or another we say YES.

I really think that if People would quit compromising their entire lives away. due to multinational corporations, and governments the World would start changing at the microcosmic level, and then it would start the change at the macrocosmic level.

reply to post by EnlightenUp

My entire contention with the word NO is that People have lost touch with it to such a degree that bringing it back into all Our personal lives will start the change.

I'm not too much of a People person either, but the reason I go, and keep going is because I truly believe the Elite scum are getting ready to make the choice of death for vast amounts of the population. I say let them go first, but we all knoow that's not going to happen. Here's my first gawd awful Youtube video.............. I intend to practice, and put out better ones, but We all need to stand up................Oh, I like routine, and mundane a lot, but the Elite don't like me, or You breathing; so I'm gonna keep trucking along with this message of Standing Up!

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
Elite don't like me, or You breathing; so I'm gonna keep trucking along with this message of Standing Up!

Cute dog. Nice pad. You certainly don't seem to be destitute.

The elite...well, I really think the realization needs to be made by the general population that they need us more than we need them.

Can you imagine a world consisting only of the aristrocratic classes and noone else propping them up by their labour? Such a proposition is absurd as they would be reduced to the worker and their lifestyles would collapse when they have to attempt themselves to take up the activities necessary to maintain them.

Can you imagine a world consisting only of more modest individuals? Absolutely! It is easy to imagine the absence of exploitative power heirarchies and people organizing around grand undertakings without any individuals striving to climb to or maintain their postitions at the top of a ladder of power. To actually accomplish this requires a raising of consciouness or what will result is another cycle of the same thing. No system now matter how well conceived is immune to corruption.

Part of the illusion they have so carefully built is that they are required for grand organization in order to provide us our means of survival. The Protestant work ethic of salvation through work has served them as a way to divide us into separate, striving individuals rather than cooperative and content communities. That is how they get people to run their machines for a barely liveable wage. Also, the loss of community ties to rugged individualism creates (read *safety net* of a more human kind) a situation where it is impossible to refuse orders on moral grounds out of fear of losing everything one has so arduously worked for, including one's freedom. The isolation, partly by having people move from rural lifestyles to large cities where they a basically faceless, is a form of ritual abuse to instill fear in order to prevent defectors from the system upon which the elites depend.

Trust me, they like us, need us, breathing so long as we continue to believe that we must buy the air from them lest we suffocate. We have to know the air will still be there and we have the means within us to breathe on our own.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:52 PM
There is one "Just say NO" campaign, spearheaded in the 80's by Nancy Reagan that further inflamed a war that was destined to fail from its inception. It's one of those peculiar instances where shouting NO encourages thinking YES.

I suppose the NO will actually mean YES to those to whom the form of dominion you asked for a stand against actually appeals. This is a good master of demons type move in my humble opinion, not on the level of Solomon but still quite a ticker tweezer.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 05:18 PM

The magic word is “no.” Despite what you may have heard, the power of the word “no” outstrips the power of “yes.” The word “no” has greater utility, avoids unsuspecting troubles and protects against severe injury and death. When a toddler is about to stick a fork in a light socket, the word “no” saves the child from electrocution. When that famous daredevil says he can jump the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle the appropriate reaction is, “No, you mustn’t.” The power of negative thinking is in keeping with sobriety and respectable conduct. If you want to be a drug addict, “Just say no.” If you don’t want higher taxes, vote “no” on nearly every proposition. And if you don’t want socialism then your watchword is, “No we can’t!”

I ought to write a book on the power of negative thinking. Chapter 1 should be titled “The Awful Damaging Consequences of Yes.” Ask yourself a simple question: Is a “yes”-man noble? Do you want to live without discretion or judgment? Is it right to accommodate everyone? Our permissive society is all about “yes,” so that yes has become sinister. Opening the flood-gates of yes has deformed our society. In the delicate balance of yes and no, we have tipped too far in the direction of yes and are becoming a nation of neurotics and weirdoes. Man is limited and fragile. He is not all-knowing or all-powerful. In fact, we all need to be reminded of our limitations. Think of the damage caused when we say “yes” to our appetites, our whims, our momentary urges. If you are 500 pounds, you’ve been saying “yes” when you should be saying “no.” If your credit cards are maxed, it is because you live in a world of “yes” when your world should be about “no..."

Goes through seven proposed chapters.

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