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A very quick fix to the political problem in America!

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:06 PM
Today at work some friends asked me how I would change politics in this country if I had the ability. My friends feel the government is getting, or has been, to big for it's intended purpose. It's a common feeling that people in politics become liars, cheats, followers, etc...

They get into office and with the huge salaries, benifits, perks, etc... they forget what life is like for the rest of us. They don't work paycheck to paycheck! They don't struggle with bills! They don't pray daily hoping not to get sick because they can't afford the medical bills! They don't have to park their cars when gas jumps up to $3 a gallon! This list goes ON & ON! So with all this in mind, I again was asked...Rob, how would YOU change this and bring those in power back to reality and make them work for US, the people, again.

Here is my answer!

-President: $175,000 annually with the ONLY perks being the free white house, and Air Force One. Outside of that, he/she pays for all their own gas, clothing, cars, etc. SO, WHO WANTS TO BE THE PREZ NOW?

-The Cabinet: $75,000 annually with NO perks. You pay for all your own stuff. But you DO get to fly Air Force One for free when needed by the prez! ARE THEY LINING UP TO WANNA BE ON THE PRESIDENTIAL STAFF NOW?

-Congress & The House: $50,000 annually with NO perks. Nothing! Pay for parking like the rest of us downtown. Pay for ALL OF IT! And no special BS healthcare! They get the same plan as other Federal, State, or local employees. NO LETS SEE HOW MANY BS BILLS AND OTHER CRAP THEY VOTE ON, MAKE UP, PASS, ETC...

-Misc Government (Judges, Advisors, Etc...): $40,000 annually with NO perks. DO I HAVE ANY TAKERS?

They always say they are working for us, and doing what is in OUR best interest. If that was the case...they would be working in the same conditions WE work in, dealing with the same problems WE do! So how many of you believe people would be lining up to take office, run for positions, etc... if the compensation was that of an everyday worker in this country?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:09 PM
i really, really like this idea, i know it will never happen, but i like the idea none the less. our governmemt is supposed to represent us, they arent supposed to be in it for the money......

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:10 PM
Take away Congress's power to vote themselves a raise. When the person leaves office, leave it up to thier disttrict/state to decice if they get thier perks in the elections. Hold them more accountable to the people than just voting them in and out. The politicians have too much power over their own perks/benefits.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:11 PM
Sounds reasonable. If they can place caps on CEO's salaries, why can't taxpayers put a cap on what our leaders make?

I think all of them should know what the price of things really are.

Many of them don't know what reality is.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:11 PM
To assume that people will do things in our best interest because they get less money from the thing they run is kind of odd because it ignores where the majority of their wealth comes from.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:12 PM
No more lobbyists.

The rest makes sense but making it illiegal to lobby our politicians and enforcing it - severely - will be the only solution for the taxpayers.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:12 PM
I would take the opposite approach. I would pay them each several million dollars a year, but when they got caught getting paid off or taking perks from lobbyists they would be publicly executed instantly upon being found guilty.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:13 PM
I would rather see term limits on senators. You can do a lot of damage in 6 years. I would cut that back to 4 or 2 years.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by rcwj75

Sigh, I opened the thread hoping to see something great. Unfortunately, it's just another person that's so far behind they think they're in first.

All that you have suggested, is publicly reduce the amount of money these people are paid. This would just produce even more corruption, if the people are only paying me $50,000, why should I look out for their interests, if a corporation will give me $100,000 for a few yes votes.

All you have suggested is even further corruption. Not only will this not improve the situation, but will actually make it far worse.

We need to sack congress, and the entire political sideshow that is our government. Review all current policies and strike those from the record which are no good, then start with ALL new faces, with lobbying being illegal and bribery punishable the same as high treason.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by king9072

But the thing is, we pay them VERY good salaries now, we give them more than ANY person really needs, they and their families are basically taken care of by our sweat, and they STILL are corrupt. SO why not try an approach that brings them to OUR level. A salary like that will keep MANY folks who are in it for the perks, the glamour, the power, the greed etc...away from our political seats.

Corruption has been a mainstay in society since man was created, so that won't thats why my idea is just MY way of helping curb an out of control machine.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:21 PM
The single biggest mistake, and the loophole they are always taking advantage of, is that congress can set it's own policy and they are the ones that pass laws that apply to them.

We need three things (none of which would actually pass since Congress has to pass them):

1) Give the US Public the ability to call for a referrendum and pass laws. Sure this is subject to misdirection and expensive PR campaigns, but at least THAT is public

2) Mandate that congress must follow procedures drafted and approved by a neutral outside body (similar to the W3C or the IEEE) and any laws applying directly to congress or a member of congress must be approved through public referrendum.

3) Make lobbying congress 100% illegal and punishable with fines and jail time.

well, that's my take on it, at least.

Edit to add that I also believe that we need to do a 100% audit of ALL laws on the books at a federal level.

[edit on 8-13-2009 by rogerstigers]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:24 PM
"To assume that people will do things in our best interest because they get less money from the thing they run is kind of odd because it ignores where the majority of their wealth comes from."

Yeah, the majority of their wealth comes from corruption. It seems to me, lowering their salaries would only serve to increase the corruption, if that is at all possible.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by rcwj75

You got my vote!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:26 PM
One of the problems with this idea is that there are so many millionaires in Congress right now, that it would not affect them. The Kerry's, Kennedy's, Pelosi's, etc, were wealthy before they even entered office.

This would actually keep the average guy from even considering running for office. Plus, as someone has already mentioned, it would make graftt much more appealing.

The end result would be that only the wealthy could afford to run for office.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

McCain Feingold Act. Limits to/for campaigns.

It's just that this law appears to be ignored by all.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:31 PM
The problem is that congress adjusts its own pay and benefits as they see fit to... In fact throughout congressional history the legislation that will raise their pay or benefits has always taken priority over all other legislation and issues.

History will show you that even a divided congress will always get together in a bipartisan effort to quickly push through their own pay raises.

The real money comes from the lobbyists and special interests for both members of congress and the President.... But that is another topic all together.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:31 PM
They're not running anything... they are controlling. Although I like your idea, I think I have a better one. Why don't we order 10 buses, drive them to Washington and pick up all the misguided parasites seated in congress and the senate. Then drive all the buses, now filled with clowns to local circus's so they can continue to perform acts and stunts in a more suitable environment; and let the parade of propaganda continue somewhere in a tent so we don't have to live in their world... only visit it. But there are a few I would have to toss to the lions without watching them perform any further. And I might even keep Obama around to organize the circus events, but Pelosi would be the first one I would feed to the lions. They can have some great names for theirs shows as well: "Knife tossing at Arlene Spector's brain tumor, the Pelosi Pit in the Pendalem, Russian Roulette with Reveren Wright, The Barney Frank Frankenstein show, Lobotomy with a Liberal and so on. And I even have a great name to kick off the circus: "The Liberal Looney Circus!" Thanks for the post... hope you enjoyed mine!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:49 PM
Not to be too negative but I really don't think there is a solution for this garbage. The people in control of the nation are the ones with the money and basically they buy what they want. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! The only thing that is going to fix this is outright revolution in the street. I agree with Celente, we are getting closer every day.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:57 PM
While watching a show on PBS the other night, a show where the guy gets paid to travel to different cities (forget the show), he was in Edinbourg, and he mentioned that after some Scottish revolt, law as written so that all representatives were mandated to take public transportation to and from Parliament(?) each day.
He said that this way, unlike in America, where our reps take chauffeured limos, they would need to travel just like, and with, the people the represented.

I thought this was a great idea.
Imagine having to sit on the "L" every day, next to the very people you represent.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by Oaktree]

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