posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:06 PM
Today at work some friends asked me how I would change politics in this country if I had the ability. My friends feel the government is getting, or
has been, to big for it's intended purpose. It's a common feeling that people in politics become liars, cheats, followers, etc...
They get into office and with the huge salaries, benifits, perks, etc... they forget what life is like for the rest of us. They don't work paycheck
to paycheck! They don't struggle with bills! They don't pray daily hoping not to get sick because they can't afford the medical bills! They
don't have to park their cars when gas jumps up to $3 a gallon! This list goes ON & ON! So with all this in mind, I again was asked...Rob, how would
YOU change this and bring those in power back to reality and make them work for US, the people, again.
Here is my answer!
-President: $175,000 annually with the ONLY perks being the free white house, and Air Force One. Outside of that, he/she pays for all their own gas,
clothing, cars, etc. SO, WHO WANTS TO BE THE PREZ NOW?
-The Cabinet: $75,000 annually with NO perks. You pay for all your own stuff. But you DO get to fly Air Force One for free when needed by the prez!
-Congress & The House: $50,000 annually with NO perks. Nothing! Pay for parking like the rest of us downtown. Pay for ALL OF IT! And no special BS
healthcare! They get the same plan as other Federal, State, or local employees. NO LETS SEE HOW MANY BS BILLS AND OTHER CRAP THEY VOTE ON, MAKE UP,
-Misc Government (Judges, Advisors, Etc...): $40,000 annually with NO perks. DO I HAVE ANY TAKERS?
They always say they are working for us, and doing what is in OUR best interest. If that was the case...they would be working in the same conditions
WE work in, dealing with the same problems WE do! So how many of you believe people would be lining up to take office, run for positions, etc... if
the compensation was that of an everyday worker in this country?