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Mystery plane (E4B) 0n 9/11 Decoded

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:07 PM
Below is link to article outlining aircraft tracks of planes out of Andrews . Of most
interest is VENUS 77, an E4B, launched at 9:43EDT (13:43GMT). It is the only
non scheduled flight out of Andrews, launched in response to attacks on NYC

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by thedman

I don't know E the author sure does his best to tie everything up in a big pretty bow, the basic overall point of the story(s) for me was that they(the US military) did the best they could.

They even make sure to add in the fact that, oh yeah we/they could of stopped f93 but the passengers did it themselves.

For me one of the biggest problems with 9/11 is the fact that there wasn't even a single fighter that put eyes on any of the aircraft let alone attempted to stop any of them. Especially, f77, and f93, we have a full scale attack culminating on targets in DC. With one striking the pentagon a full hour and a half after the last strike.

Both articles (the fighter article that was attached) were a interesting read nonetheless.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Stillresearchn911

For me one of the biggest problems with 9/11 is the fact that there wasn't even a single fighter that put eyes on any of the aircraft let alone attempted to stop any of them. Especially, f77, and f93, we have a full scale attack culminating on targets in DC. With one striking the pentagon a full hour and a half after the last strike.

Ok. Tell us then, using the timelines of FAA and military/NEADS notifications and the locations, flight paths, IFF-status and "locate-ability" (my word) of the airliners in question, coupled with the "fog" of what was going on, what *you think* should have happened for fighters to get "eyes on" any of the 4 hijacked aircraft in sufficient time to be able to prevent any of the events.

You can not assume the various NORAD alert organizations (NEADS, Otis, langley, etc) aircraft had perfect intelligence on the situation because that is very, very rarely - if ever - the case in these sorts of matters.

We know that in a perfect world with perfect intelligence and an all-knowing and prescient command and control structure with no ambiguity or questions or uncertainty as to what was going on, we would have known about the hijacks *immediately*, would have launched fighters *immediately*, who would have intercepted them *as soon as possible* on a direct intercept path, and hence would have had "eyes on" *immediately*.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by thedman

Don't forget about the other two E-4B's that were airborne on 9/11 as well:

On September 11, 2001 three of the E-4Bs were participating in a live command-level exercise known as Global Guardian.[10] The exercise is an annual event, and is staged to test the readiness of the US military's command and control procedures involved in waging thermonuclear war. The 2001 exercise started the week before September 11 under the directorship of Admiral Richard Mies, commander-in-chief of STRATCOM. According to various reports, the drill was in "full swing" at the time of the 9/11 attack. Numerous other military commands were also involved, including NORAD. While few details have been released, we know that in previous years the US Space Command, the Air Combat Command, and the US Atlantic and Pacific Fleets were also involved.[11]

10 Joe Dejka, "Inside STRATCOM on September 11: Offutt exercise took real-life twist," Omaha World-Herald, February 27, 2002.
11 Col. Joe Wasiak, "Global Guardian '99," The Collins Center Update, Vol 1, Issue 3, December 1999.

Three of our four E-4B's were airborne on 9/11. Any one of which could have been the base of operations to carry out 9/11.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Three of our four E-4B's were airborne on 9/11. Any one of which could have been the base of operations to carry out 9/11.

BoneZ, the two E-4Bs were on the ground at Andrews Air Force Base while the attacks were occurring in New York. Where was the third one and when did it take off?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
BoneZ, the two E-4Bs were on the ground at Andrews Air Force Base while the attacks were occurring in New York. Where was the third one and when did it take off?

What part of my post did you not understand where it says that 3 of our 4 E-4B's were participating in military exercises and that the exercises were in full operation when the "attacks" were happening?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I guess that part I'm having trouble understanding is your claim that these three airborne command posts were used as the "base of operations" for the attacks when all three of them were sitting on the ground while New York was being attacked and two of them were on the ground while the Pentagon was being attacked.

Do you see where I'm coming from?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
Three of our four E-4B's were airborne on 9/11. Any one of which could have been the base of operations to carry out 9/11.

You do realize this is nothign but innuendo, right? The E-4b is essentially a flying command center, with satellite links, communications gear, conference rooms, and so on. The reason they'd want a flying command center is in the event of nuclear attack, since all land based command centers would almost certainly be targetted and destroyed.

Why then, do you automagically assume that your hypothetical conspiracy had to have been coordinated from a E-4B? There are plenty of ground based command centers I.E. NORAD HQ that have the exact same communications capabilities as an E-4B, and since ther wasn't any nuclear attack it wouldn't need to be airborne. It would actually require MORE people to coordinate such an event from an E-4B due to the necessary overhead (pilots, technicians, engineers, etc) that a land based command center wouldn't need. I don't have to tell you that any such conspiracy would necessarily have to involve as few people as necessary to avoid anyone spillign the beans.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Boone 870

You're still not understanding my first post. We have four E-4B's in our inventory. Three of them were participating in scheduled military wargames on 9/11, according to reports, and the fourth was parked at it's home at Offutt.

Now, unless you're privy to classified information, I don't see how you could possibly know when the E-4B's were parked and at what times they became airborne. The government still isn't even admitting that those planes were even airborne after they were informed by CNN of the videos of the E-4B flying low over DC shortly after the alleged plane crash into the Pentagon.

As far as 9/11 being controlled in-part or all from an E-4B, that's just speculation and was never claimed to be factual.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Now, unless you're privy to classified information, I don't see how you could possibly know when the E-4B's were parked and at what times they became airborne. The government still isn't even admitting that those planes were even airborne after they were informed by CNN of the videos of the E-4B flying low over DC shortly after the alleged plane crash into the Pentagon.

Did you not click the link provided in thedman's OP?

One of the E-4Bs (WORD 31) departed Andrews at 9:27 a.m. and the other (VENUS 77) departed at 9:43 a.m.

The third E-4B (VIVI 36) was sitting on the ground at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base waiting for departure approval at 9:40 a.m. Here's the audio link.

None of this information is "classified," BTW.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
You're still not understanding my first post. We have four E-4B's in our inventory. Three of them were participating in scheduled military wargames on 9/11, according to reports, and the fourth was parked at it's home at Offutt.

Don't expect too much logic out of the government story believers in this thread, Bonez.

Who can forget Reheat's glaring contradiction, about the E-4B, that he made in this thread.

Originally posted by Reheat
I never once said I knew exactly what their mission was on 9/11, but I'll guarantee you it was not for some nefarious purpose,

Reheat doesn't know what the E-4Bs were doing, but he assures us that it wasn't anything they shouldn't have been doing...


posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:28 PM
Miles Kara, the person where the information in the OP came from, is a 9/11 Commission staff member. There is no chain of custody for the above information and none of the 9/11 Commission staff can be trusted to give us accurate information.

Does anyone know if the Andrews tapes are available to the public?

[edit on 14-8-2009 by _BoneZ_]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Here is a little YouTube video I made late last year. It is a combination of recordings and radar data from Andrews Air Force Base and Ronald Reagan National Airport:

Or, you can find the audio recordings of WORD 31 here and here.

And you can find the recordings for VENUS 77 here, here, here, here, and here.

Also, here is a link to the flight progress strips from Andrews Air Force Base in which you will find the transponder codes for the two E-4Bs that departed from there. And here is a link to the page that contains the radar data files from Andrews and Reagan.

I have more links if you're interested.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Boone 870

Thank you for the links. I'll look into them as soon as I'm able. As the original discoverer of the E-4B, I find the topic of the E-4B very interesting.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by trebor451

Originally posted by Stillresearchn911

For me one of the biggest problems with 9/11 is the fact that there wasn't even a single fighter that put eyes on any of the aircraft let alone attempted to stop any of them. Especially, f77, and f93, we have a full scale attack culminating on targets in DC. With one striking the pentagon a full hour and a half after the last strike.

Ok. Tell us then, using the timelines of FAA and military/NEADS notifications and the locations, flight paths, IFF-status and "locate-ability" (my word) of the airliners in question, coupled with the "fog" of what was going on, what *you think* should have happened for fighters to get "eyes on" any of the 4 hijacked aircraft in sufficient time to be able to prevent any of the events.

Ok, I think we will both agree that f77 had lost contact and changed directions by 854am. NORAD claims they were not notified till 924am.

Well thats strange isn't it?

B/c if we look at the previous hijacking (f175) which again I think we'll both agree was hijacked at 842am. NORAD claims in this instance they were notified at (amazingly) 843am. One minute later?!

So what happened?

Why did it take thirty minutes to notify NORAD about f77? When it only had taken one minute to notify NORAD of the previous hijacking.

The planes were not invisible to anyone, let alone NORAD. We have evidence based off Minetas statements that the jet was being tracked from at least 50 miles out, what makes you think they didn't track it the entire time.

What fog of war(the war games?)? It was a hijacking in progress, ending with the crashing of the hijacked aircraft, they knew this without question by 903am. Making this particular situation highly urgent.

Obviously, I believe NORAD was notified (most likely) one minute after the hijacking of f77. We know they were in the case of f175, and there was a open line in place by the time f93 was hijacked. So we know they knew about them(f93)a minute after hijacking. Still no fighters able to be dispatched in time(well I shouldn't say that b/c the plane crashed prematurely and NORAD claims they would have intercepted f93).

BTW, obviously, I don't blame the fighters, I blame the bureaucracy and what seems to have been a orchestrated effort to make it impossible for the fighters to intercept let alone stop them.

You may think that it is perfectly normal that not one of all of our military bases, especially, the ones close around DC, responded that day in time. I do not.

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