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where should/would you go if the NWO/swine flu do start to happen?

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:08 PM
I have been watching this closely, but haven't really ACTED ON IT...i was talking to my gf, and we were mentioning moving out of the country within the year (us), just to avoid all this conflict etc.
But my question is....where would we go? and not just me and her...but what COUNTRY should an American move to, to avoid all this nwo crap that obviously seems to start forming a head?
I have been thinking Australia, but i haven't done much research on the nwo plans globally...

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

The NWO is every Leader, thats why its the New WORLD Order, everyone has to play their part or their is no WORLD. But I think the best place would be somewhere Familiar to you. Why go to a place where you have no idea about anything? Stay local and stay with where and what you know. You can find Safety Zones, like the woods or buildings.

Stay with what you know mate,

Because, the soldiers, when they come, won't know what you know. And that gives you the advantage.

[edit on Aug 13th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
reply to post by michaelhernsin

The NWO is every Leader, thats why its the New WORLD Order, everyone has to play their part or their is no WORLD. But I think the best place would be somewhere Familiar to you. Why go to a place where you have no idea about anything? Stay local and stay with where and what you know. You can find Safety Zones, like the woods or buildings.

Stay with what you know mate,

Because, the soldiers, when they come, won't know what you know. And that gives you the advantage.

[edit on Aug 13th 2009 by TheMythLives]

Very well put...i was thinking of "yellowstone national park" its somewhat near me (im in la) buuut...being that its supposed to "explode" on the next "big one" perhaps that isn't the wisest choice lol.

another question if you wouldn't mind answering, you seem wise on this subject.
what is it exactly they would want the US CITIZENS to do? what would they demand of us? surely they dont think they can get away with killing most of the us off. I think people are only blind, till it enters its yard, then and really ONLY then, it seems we will "take action"

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

I think they just want us to Seriously, lower the population you have the control over the masses. Maybe keep a few 100,000 alive to build new places. Like the Holocaust Jews, Blacks and Other prisoners that they had. Made them work then kill them. But they can use a whole bunch of things to keep us in line, its just living thats going to be hard. Of course if you watch the movie Defiance, you know that not only you, but THOUSANDS can survive, with proper leadership and working together:

You watch that and that will give you Hope beyond hope.

And then read this:

Psychology of History: The Bielski Brothers

Hope that helps

Star and Flag

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:23 PM
michaelhernsin said it best... There is nowhere to go that they don't already control. That was why they instituted the Chip in all new licenses and passports as well. I would stay away from Fed National Parks though as they are sensor cameras hidden and embeded thought the fosestry as they say they use them to monitor wild life but lol can be used to monitor activity as well...

I plan to play my roll, go to work, get along, go home and if and when they come to me it better be for purposes of peace.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

hay mike the only country that the NWO haven't gotten is Russia. I know surprising. but Russia talks about the NWO and warns people. the NWO want's people not to have kids. Hens China's one child policy. well in Russia they pay you for kids and host legal orgies. and they do host orgies. Russia knows about the NWO and are trying to fight them in any way possible.

Austrian is a HORRIBLE idea. they are heavily corrupted. We(America) have laws like the patriot act, but we seldom use it. In Austral they do exercise their totalitarian laws. they are as close to air strip one you can get.

When swine flew takes hold and the news up's the fear mongering then this is what will happen

1) Quarantine people
2)Force everyone to get the shots
3)20-30% of the world's population will die
4)Martial law
5)They will say that we need to be protected and we will be forced into the FEMA camps.
6)another 30% of people will die in the camps. some by deaese others by murder most by starvation
7) America Canada and Mexico will form the north America union
8) All governments will form unions and become super-states.
9) all Governments will Merge together

Now sometime in between their we had better wake up and fight back.

Here is their plain to take over America. It is named "U.S. MILITARY CIVIL DISTURBANCE PLANNING: THE WAR AT HOME"

here's the link

[edit on 13-8-2009 by Vinveezy]

[edit on 13-8-2009 by Vinveezy]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:13 PM
What do you mean "if" it starts to happen? It's already started dude. The question should be what are you going to do now? Nothing?

Okay, then, if not now, then when?

What will it take for people to realize they better get outta town before your neighborhood gets quarantined? When you make that decision, what are you going to do?

As for myself, as soon as I hear that vaccinations are mandatory, that's when I'm packing up my truck and heading for the hills. I love my life and job, but without my life I can have no job. Those vaccines will kill you if not screw you up for life.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:20 PM
I have a place, small community by the sea. Government wont give a crap about this place living there now would be pointless but if the shtf in whatever way thats the first place i'm going

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
What do you mean "if" it starts to happen? It's already started dude. The question should be what are you going to do now? Nothing?

Okay, then, if not now, then when?

What will it take for people to realize they better get outta town before your neighborhood gets quarantined? When you make that decision, what are you going to do?

As for myself, as soon as I hear that vaccinations are mandatory, that's when I'm packing up my truck and heading for the hills. I love my life and job, but without my life I can have no job. Those vaccines will kill you if not screw you up for life.

obviously i asked where or what to do...if i didnt know, or realize it was happening, then OBVIOUSLY this forum wouldn't have been posted.
Why do people try to bash OP's and in the end end up looking the fool?
OBVIOUSLY, i realize its coming
come on now

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by michaelhernsin
I have been watching this closely, but haven't really ACTED ON IT...i was talking to my gf, and we were mentioning moving out of the country within the year (us), just to avoid all this conflict etc.
But my question is....where would we go? and not just me and her...but what COUNTRY should an American move to, to avoid all this nwo crap that obviously seems to start forming a head?
I have been thinking Australia, but i haven't done much research on the nwo plans globally...

you do realize that EVERY country will be part of the NWO? there will be no "safe' country. the best idea is to stop it from happening, or just get yourself a nice little place in the woods and hide out.

p.s. been reading the tao?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:15 PM
I'd like to believe I'd have strength to get myself down to Parliament House, in the public gallery.

I'd like to think I'd have the resources to deck myself out as a 'harmless little old lady'

I'd like to think I'd smile my little old lady smile as I got close enough to the 'most important' ones, to ask for their autograph, to to shake them by the hand and 'accidentally' cough the alleged killer flu into their faces before they could back away

and I'd like to think I could get away with spitting my infected phlegm into those lovely water-jugs on the trolley just outside Parliament House .. and then with my last breath, I hope I get to see all those lying, greedy, compromised, for-sale mongrels lapping up that water, yum yum

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Firstly, the disease is pandemic try the contrary of a city crowded with people. Try a secluded place with those anomaly tribes.

Where I plan on going? I'm staying in my location and await for death to knock at my door. Running from a pandemic is out of the option for me.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

I'd say stay away from any of the Brit colonies.

Australia has more poisonous insects and reptiles than any place on earth.

They are under the same thumb as the US.

Don't go anywhere near Africa, period.

Some areas of South America appeal to me, especially the
ones that are nearly unpopulated.

# 3.3 Patagonia - Life at the End of the Earth
# 3.4 Manu - Peru Hidden Rainforest
# 3.24 The Lost World - Venezuela Ancient Tepuis

Hit the torrents and download Natl Geographic The Living Edens,
24 places around the world that are amazing, a few are in South
America and you might do well there.

I am more of the mind that the further you are from government,
the more likely you will be left alone.

I even saw that in the military that west coast bases were more laid back
than east coast bases, I think you will find that common thread
amongst other ppl that were in the service.

There are some pretty remote areas in the US, and you could stay here.

Due to Vietnam, Korea, and WW2 I'd stay the hell out of Asia,
a thin veneer of hospitality is there now, but the old wounds are
just scabbed over with the older crowd.

Racism is not limited to white ppl.

I think if you can find like minded ppl and some remote wilderness
here in the US, your best bet is right here in the US once this
coming Depression goes global.

Good Luck to you all !

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Pretty much what this guy says. Stick to the area that you know. Fortunately for me, I have three choices, the place I am in now, the place where I grew up, and family land in Oklahoma. If the time to go to ground comes, I'll probably go to Oklahoma since it's wooded, hilly, there's water, plenty of small game, enough area for small farming, and remote as any place gets these days. The other two choices are flat desert areas, not good for survival and keeping low.

Urban areas are a mixed bag. Plenty of places to hide, there's not much in the way of game, water can be tapped along with electricity, but every day actions will lead to high rates of exposure. You will be seen so mobility is a must.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:38 AM
I'm not a big believer in the traditional idea of the NWO.

My view is that it is a scenario happening by default as a consequence of globalisation and greed. The power base is ever more defined, we are already down to a few giant corporations controlling the primary functions of supplying resources.
We are down to global cabals controlling everything from Oil production to the delivery of organised aid and the sale of major warfare equipment.

I don't envisage the application of genocide or the mass imprisonment of civilians for labour, simply because that is completely impractical. But I do see the rise of Facism, and that can and will open a whole new can of worms for the immediate future.

I also believe that history repeats itself, which means that I expect a war soon in which the major powers fight for dominance.

As a result of all of this, I have been preparing. I have collected some things that I think I'll need, things that I can grab and be out of the door within half an hour.
I've looked at the local landscape and planned a route out of our area. Not because I think we'd be hit by anything if the bombs began to fly, or because I think the people wouldn't fight a Facist movement into our city, but because I know that one of the biggest threats to safety in such a situation is the actions of your fellow citizens in times of panic.

Our local area would collapse in upon itself within hours. There are people of every colour, culture and religion, and such an event tends to fan the flames of old arguments.

I'm ready to go in the event of...
1. Viral outbreak
2. Civil Unrest
3. Declaration of war
4. Natural Disaster

My route takes me away from other built up areas within thirty minutes, and another thirty minutes later I can be on farmland heading for forest cover. That's on foot at a relatively fast walk, with a backpack.

My close friends and I have a plan in place (they think like me and would rather be prepared). We have a meeting point out of the city. If something happens, we send a text alert to all those in the list and we make our own arrangements from there.

We'd all meet at the designated spot with our respective required supplies (non-essentials are listed and responsibility for bringing them is divided amongst us).
Then we head off to our secluded spot away from the chaos and monitor the situation by wind-up radio.

I wouldn't change my life prior to an event begining and being certain about it, so leaving the country is just not practical at such a time of chaos.

As previously said by another poster, I'd rather fight on my own territory, in a place I've known most of my life. I know the infrastructure, I know the hiding places, I know the alley ways and the dirt roads.

It's sad that people have to consider these events, and five years ago I would never have imagined I'd be planning a survival strategy. But in the last few years I have seen several nations proclaiming to be free while denying the rights of their people and limiting their freedoms further each day.
And the worst thing about it is, they (TPTB) think there's nothing wrong.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
I'm not a big believer in the traditional idea of the NWO.

My view is that it is a scenario happening by default as a consequence of globalisation and greed. The power base is ever more defined, we are already down to a few giant corporations controlling the primary functions of supplying resources.
We are down to global cabals controlling everything from Oil production to the delivery of organised aid and the sale of major warfare equipment.

I don't envisage the application of genocide or the mass imprisonment of civilians for labour, simply because that is completely impractical. But I do see the rise of Facism, and that can and will open a whole new can of worms for the immediate future.

I also believe that history repeats itself, which means that I expect a war soon in which the major powers fight for dominance.

As a result of all of this, I have been preparing. I have collected some things that I think I'll need, things that I can grab and be out of the door within half an hour.
I've looked at the local landscape and planned a route out of our area. Not because I think we'd be hit by anything if the bombs began to fly, or because I think the people wouldn't fight a Facist movement into our city, but because I know that one of the biggest threats to safety in such a situation is the actions of your fellow citizens in times of panic.

Our local area would collapse in upon itself within hours. There are people of every colour, culture and religion, and such an event tends to fan the flames of old arguments.

I'm ready to go in the event of...
1. Viral outbreak
2. Civil Unrest
3. Declaration of war
4. Natural Disaster

My route takes me away from other built up areas within thirty minutes, and another thirty minutes later I can be on farmland heading for forest cover. That's on foot at a relatively fast walk, with a backpack.

My close friends and I have a plan in place (they think like me and would rather be prepared). We have a meeting point out of the city. If something happens, we send a text alert to all those in the list and we make our own arrangements from there.

We'd all meet at the designated spot with our respective required supplies (non-essentials are listed and responsibility for bringing them is divided amongst us).
Then we head off to our secluded spot away from the chaos and monitor the situation by wind-up radio.

I wouldn't change my life prior to an event begining and being certain about it, so leaving the country is just not practical at such a time of chaos.

As previously said by another poster, I'd rather fight on my own territory, in a place I've known most of my life. I know the infrastructure, I know the hiding places, I know the alley ways and the dirt roads.

It's sad that people have to consider these events, and five years ago I would never have imagined I'd be planning a survival strategy. But in the last few years I have seen several nations proclaiming to be free while denying the rights of their people and limiting their freedoms further each day.
And the worst thing about it is, they (TPTB) think there's nothing wrong.

PERFECT POST/RESPONSE BRO. exactly the type of info, courage,mind i wanted to read and learn from. I stay near la, so wooded areas are kinda hard for me. WE DO HAVE MOUNTAINS...but i dont think its "THAT GREAT" its dry most of the time, its kinda #ty, nothing big or great going on there, theres houses, and a bunch of campsites etc.
i been wanting to get rations and learn how to trap game, and get meat, make fire etc. but i dunno, i guess it makes me nervous to TAKE THE STEPS< towards doing this, because then it is "REAL" is real no matter what way we look at it though.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:10 AM
there's nowhere you can go - except space (even then, the NWO might be connected with "bad sky people").

all you can do is fight. not necessarily physically, though i'm sure it will unfortunately be at times necessary, but with self-sufficiency.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by St Vaast

No their is ONE country that the NWO hasn't gotten to, and that is Russia. Surprising i know. Russia is still a bad place but their is still not a lot of NWO stuff goin on over their. In fact in russia they host Open Orgies and pay you when you have a kid. as you no the NWO kills babies not make

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Vinveezy
reply to post by St Vaast

No their is ONE country that the NWO hasn't gotten to, and that is Russia. Surprising i know. Russia is still a bad place but their is still not a lot of NWO stuff goin on over their. In fact in russia they host Open Orgies and pay you when you have a kid. as you no the NWO kills babies not make

Yea, but their president was the one that pulled out the future world currency coin...

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:03 AM
If you are in LA, pick out a place in N. Arizona. Base of the Rockies and sparesly populated.

It's where I'm going . . . thought about Argentina, but not realistic and I would be out of my element. Plenty of resources to live off of and the scenery ain't so bad either.

If you have a safe/warm place for the winter . . . not even the black helicopters can find you.

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