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Is Your Immune System Ready To Fight Infection? Or Have You Had Your Tonsils Out!

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Tonsils are masses of lymphoid tissue which line the mouth and opening of the throat. They are designed to trap bacteria, VIRUSES, and other harmful substances before they enter the respiratory system and the rest of the body. Because they act to reduce and fight infection, tonsils are considered to be part of the immune system.


Usually a throat infection such as tonsillitis causes no trouble and only lasts about a week

Eh, I had tonsillitis once as a kid, My doctor said I'd been kissing too many girls (lol) and I needed to have my tonsils taken out, but by time I was ready for the hospital (the next day) the infection had cleard. It lasted about 3-4 days and that was 15 years ago! After learning what they are actually for I'm glad I kept them

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:31 AM
I had a bout when i was a lad, of constant throat infections, and I was one trip to the docs away from having them out. I still have them in

Do you have a few links to these facts you've posted?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:40 AM
I've had years where I'd get swollen tonsils about 4-5 times a year, then I'd go for years without getting sick once.

I still have mine, thank God. I had a feeling about keeping them...when I went to the Ear, Nose, Throat specialist, he said, "The tonsils are an appendage which has no use to humans, they should definitely be taken out." I had a bad feeling that day and couldn't explain it. But, I left and realized that we need every little organ, tissue, and cell in this complex living machine we call the human body.
To which I thought to myself, "No thanks doc, the solution to everything is not to just take things out of the body."

I'm still thinking I was right.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic

Heres a couple, some are not brilliant sources but...

Just do a quick google search and see for yourself

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:52 AM
I had tonsillitis quite a lot when I was little in addition to ear infections. I lived with a smoker.
I was scheduled to have them taken out when I was 7 years old, but moved from Illinois to California away from the smoking environment a couple days before then. After moving to California then onto Arizona - I never had any problems with my tonsils again. I think it was meant to be that I still have them!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by deadoralive

Well I have had my tonsils and my adenoids taken out.

I have not been ill for a very long time, years, probably about 5 years ago since I was last ill. The last illness I had was a sore throat actually if I remember rightly but I do smoke so I wouldnt say that was a viral illness really.

Maybe I am lucky. I have never been seriously ill apart from the one time and that was when I got the operation done.

Placebo effects are nothing to do with tablets you know, I subscribe to that belief and beliefs can be a powerful thing indeed.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
reply to post by deadoralive

Well I have had my tonsils and my adenoids taken out.

I have not been ill for a very long time, years, probably about 5 years ago since I was last ill. The last illness I had was a sore throat actually if I remember rightly but I do smoke so I wouldnt say that was a viral illness really.

Maybe I am lucky. I have never been seriously ill apart from the one time and that was when I got the operation done.

Placebo effects are nothing to do with tablets you know, I subscribe to that belief and beliefs can be a powerful thing indeed.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by XXXN3O]

I'm on this boat

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by allsop

Yeah it sails along nicely doesnt it.


posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:16 AM
I used have many infections with mine and bad breath for many many years. But I had a few bad habits and one in particular was biting my nails. I still have my toncils and I think they're a way to tell us when things aren't right.

My second wife had our kids tonsils and adenoids taken out so they wouldn't have bad breath, snore or apnea sleep problems. She cured mine with her by moving out of the house into their own apartment. I've been cured from her for 14 years now and still sleep alone.

I had noticed when I did get sick with toncillitis, that not drinking milk seemed to help a lot. Brushing and flossing should also be done to avoid it. Now I brush my tongue twice, last with baking soda before I going to bed. I also take 1000 mg of Ester C in the morning to help fight infections. I used to do that when my throat bothered me or when I was getting sick. Seemed to work.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by aleon1018]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Got mine out at 21..... they looked like the surface of the moon pitted and beat up. I usually got strep throat a couple times a year ending up coughing up blood and having it last for weeks. After 4-5 years of this the doctor let me decide if I wanted them out. I agreed, and have never had a throat infection to the degree I was getting before.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Interesting! When I was 7 I was having constant sore throats due to inflamed tonsils. Doctor told me that my tonsils could come out and make me feel better. As a 7 year old my parents gave me the choice. I'm glad I decided ti keep em because i have no real tonsil problems now. Tons of gook turning into tonsil tooth is my only throat problem.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Happyfeet

Tons of gook turning into tonsil tooth is my only throat problem.


Sounds like an infection to me. Ever heard of halitosis?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by aleon1018

I think its called tonsil stones and its either food " debris" or an immune over reaction , where the food or white blood cells gets trapped in your tonsil cavities

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Kalomar

I had heard pustules a long time ago, but that's probably a little off, but similar.
I found a blog on the tonsil stones and one girl also claimed as I did that not drinking cows milk helps to get rid of them. She said she switched to soy milk instead.

I had those for many years growing up and later and it was horrible. I'ved noticed people every now and then with the hallitosis and think it's that.

I've also known a couple who developed heart disease and wondered if it was related also. I think once it starts up and opens up the tonsils, it exposes them to even more supposed particles and growths. I would think they would have known if it was a specific bacterial infection.

Many would say it was from not flossing and brushing and it does makes sense....or um, scents.

An avatar showing someone who might have this would likely close many doors.

Q: "Have you heard the good word?"

A: "Have your heard of good mouthwash?"

Speaking of which; I had known a co-worker that was a JW and had jokingly asked him what his favorite holiday was and he said; " Halloween."

I said; " Holloween!!?"

He said; " Yep, cause that's when WE don't answer the door!"

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:12 AM
Im 37 years only and i have only had the flue twice in my life. Strep throat mayby 2 or 3 times. No other ilness besides chicken pox.
My tonsils are HUGE and interfere when im trying to swallow food. Almost everything i eat gets caught on them. I have to force every bite down with a drink of water. Sometimes food gets stuck for several minutes and i almost feel like im going to start choking. Im looking to have them removed because of this.
Im also having sleep apnea due to my giant tonsils. Its like im trying to breath through an hour glass.
Never getting sick is nice and its probobly because of my giant tonsils. And it will suck to have them gone but i need to breath.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:24 AM
"Yes" to the two questions posed in the OP. I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out when I was about 7. I wish I still had them, however adenoids removal made it such that I was no longer a "mouth-breather".

My immune system is strong, and ready to do battle, as evidenced by the speed in which I usually fight off a virus.

Haven't gotten the flu this year, however will take Vit. D, goldenseal, Vit. C, L-lysine and zinc if I do get it. Nojab.

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