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Gerald Celente: The “Second American Revolution” Has Begun

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:11 PM
This morning when i came into work i received a Trend Alert from the Trends Research Institute.


The “Second American Revolution” Has Begun
KINGSTON, NY, 12 August 2009 — The natives are restless. The third shot of the “Second American Revolution” has been fired. History is being made. But just as with the first two shots, the third shot is not being heard.

America is seething. Not since the Civil War has anything like this happened. But the protests are either being intentionally downplayed or ignorantly misinterpreted.

The first shot was fired on April 15, 2009. Over 700 anti-tax rallies and “Tea Parties” erupted nationwide. Rather than acknowledge their significance, the general media either ignored or ridiculed both protests and protestors, playing on “tea bagging” for its sexual innuendo.

Initially President Obama said he was unaware of the tea parties. The White House later warned they could “mutate” into something “unhealthy.”

Shot #2 was fired on the Fourth of July, when throngs of citizens across the nation gathered to again protest “taxation without representation.” And as before, the demonstrations were branded right-wing mischief and dismissed.

The third volley, fired in early August, was aimed point blank at Senators and House members pitching President Obama’s health care reform package to constituents. In fiery town hall meetings, enraged citizens shouted down their elected representatives. It took a strong police presence and/or burly bodyguards to preserve a safe physical space between the politicians and irate townspeople.

The White House and the media have labeled protestors “conservative fringe elements,” or as players in staged events organized by Republican operatives that have been egged on by Fox news and right-wing radio show hosts.

In regard to this latest wave of outbursts, health industry interests opposed to any reform are also being blamed for inciting the public. But organized or spontaneous is not the issue. While most protestors exhibit little grasp of the complex 1000 page health care reform document (that nary a legislator has read either), their emotion is clearly real and un-staged.

Rightly or wrongly, the legislation is regarded as yet another straw on the already overloaded camel’s back. A series of gigantic, unpopular government-imposed (but taxpayer-financed) bailouts, buyouts, rescue and stimulus packages have been stuffed down the gullet of Americans. With no public platform to voice their opposition, options for citizens have been limited to fruitless petitions, e-mails and phone calls to Congress … all fielded by anonymous staff underlings.

Now, with Congress in recess and elected representatives less than a stone’s throw away, the public is exploding. The devil is not in the details of the heath care reform, the devil is the government mandating health care. Regardless of how the plan is pitched or what is being promised, to the public the legislation is yet another instance of big government taking another piece out of their lives and making them pay for it; again telling them what they can or cannot do.

Though in its early stages, the “Second American Revolution” is underway. Yet, what we forecast will become the most profound political trend of the century – the trend that will change the world – is still invisible to the same experts, authorities and pundits who didn’t see the financial crisis coming until the bottom fell out of the economy.

Trend Forecast: Conditions will continue to deteriorate. The global economy is terminally ill. The recession is in a brief remission, not the early stages of recovery. Cheap money, easy credit and unrestrained borrowing brought on an economic crisis that cannot be cured by monetary and fiscal policies that promote more cheap money, easy credit and unrestrained borrowing.

Nevertheless, Washington will continue to intervene, tax and exert control. Protests will escalate and riots will follow.

Fourth Shot of the “Second American Revolution”: While there are many wild cards that could light the fuse, The Trends Research Institute forecasts that if the threat of government-forced Swine Flu vaccinations is realized, it will be the fourth shot. Tens of millions will fight for their right to remain free and unvaccinated.

Publisher’s Note: The power of the Internet and new technologies is inexorably fermenting the “Second American Revolution.” However widespread and emotionally charged, had the tax rallies, tea parties and healthcare reform protests occurred in years past, they might have been covered by the local media, but might not have made national headline news and thus would have died stillborn.

Now, with the ubiquitous camera-equipped cell phone, universal access to YouTube, and millions of twitters and tweets, the uprisings cannot be ignored, contained, managed, spun or edited down. The revolutionary fervor will prove contagious.

Can anything stop it?

Trend Forecast: Before the momentum of the “Second American Revolution” becomes unstoppable, it could be derailed through some false flag event designed to deceive the public, or a genuine event or crisis capable of rallying the entire nation behind the President. In a worst-case scenario, according to Trends Research Institute Director, Gerald Celente, “Given the pattern of governments to parlay egregious failures into mega-failures, the classic trend they follow, when all else fails, is to take their nation to war."

A false flag attempt, a genuine crisis, or a declaration of war, may slow the momentum of the “Second American Revolution,” but nothing will stop it.

I have notice that “Second American Revolution” has been used a few time here on ATS and on other sites, perhaps with everyone thinking along these lines its bound to happen.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:24 PM
The situation does seem to be edging towards rebellion, whether it takes on a civil or violent tone remains to be seen.

The Powers that Be have long believed that people who have no home (have lost their homes) and have no jobs will be more compliant and pliable and moldable to their agenda. The Government offers a few handouts and entitlements are awards to the citizens making them feel protected and cared for. In many ways I imagine the poorly botched attempt to present a health care program is such a feeble attempt.

Yet people tired of decreasing wages, shrinking spending power, a lack of jobs, corporate and government corruption do not seem as they will be so easily placated or bought off this time.

Time will tell, battle lines do seem to be being drawn as the rhetoric wars heat up.

We can only hope that the citizens can advocate for their rights and due in a peaceful atmosphere and be heard by our legislatures and have our real concerns addressed and redressed in a civil and peaceful manner.

Should the government fail in that endeavor or take heed all bets are off as to how things might proceed.

The fourth shot will tell. Pity the fools who didn’t recognize the third shot for what it is. The third time is usually the charm!

The people demand more than charm from our leaders, we want accountability, transparency, an ear, and a voice, and are beginning to finally insist that our government reflect our wishes, and not just the corporations, the media elites, and the arrogant politicians.

The guillotine is being polished and oiled. One wonders how long it might be until it is tested.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I don't live in America,all i get to see or hear is either on here or on the media.Are a large percentage of americans *actually* angry,or is it a small but vocal minority when it comes to the streets and day to day life/conversations?
I can't imagine a large percentage are getting angry enough to do anything about it,except moan and wait for it to get passed,moan some more and forget about it within a year...then again im not on the ground.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:31 PM
I was one to believe at first that Celente was just using all of this talk of revolution to sell newsletters.

I'm beginning to think he's right. We are witnessing a rare conjunction of economic and political problems, and the American public may finally be getting a gut full.

I'm going to watch this stuff very carefully over the next few months. I heartily agree that there is a revolt coming over "mandatory" vaccinations.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

He won't lie that he's trying to make money.. However he's a forecaster, and I think he prides himself at his job.

So far since I've been listen to him, he's been right. He said the sort of revolution would start to approach it's peak beginning the spring of this year.. Which he was right on this with the tea parties.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:39 PM
Star and flag for you Wycky.

Zane, yes there are a lot of angry Americans.

I hear the anger and concern from people I never thought would care.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Solomons

I would say it's a building anger.. mostly about the fact that they don't feel they are heard or represented. Keep in mind, this is how they've always felt, just now they are starting to actually act.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by wycky

I have done quite a bit of research on the uprising taking place since the bail outs...

In my opinion...there is a storm brewing and it is not just a left right battle.

People have had enough...they know they have been sold out, sold down the river, duped, and lied to! We now commonly hear the Trillion dollar figure mentioned in conjuntion with the term bail out.
Bail Out One, Two and now they want a Third!

The people also realize that all that money, good thrown after bad has not even made a slight impact in turning around the financial collapse!

For what it is worth...Jones did a segment on this also...a few days ago. It is worth watching.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:46 PM
If we don't want a third American revolution this second one better be based upon non-violent resistance.

Enough with the power trips.
Let love prevail.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
We can only hope that the citizens can advocate for their rights and due in a peaceful atmosphere and be heard by our legislatures and have our real concerns addressed and redressed in a civil and peaceful manner.

I think if anything happens, like a peaceful protest, rally, march etc, with Tazer happy police and standing up for your rights now makes u a terrorist, its not gonna stay peaceful for long

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I don't live in America,all i get to see or hear is either on here or on the media.Are a large percentage of americans *actually* angry,or is it a small but vocal minority when it comes to the streets and day to day life/conversations?
I can't imagine a large percentage are getting angry enough to do anything about it,except moan and wait for it to get passed,moan some more and forget about it within a year...then again im not on the ground.

Well, most Americans are in fact angry right now. Some are angry at the President though he has a very large, near majority of people who still support him and an effective network both governmental, public and private to make it appear that far more many people who support him than do.

Some of the people are angry at government period, some are angry at the corporations and the government (probably a true majority). Many on the left are angry on anyone on the right, and any one not on or with the left is considered on the right, no matter where in the middle you are.

There is a general and palbable ongoing attitude of despair, fear, anger and uncertainty noticable in almost everyone, even with Obama's most avid supporters who still are not getting any better off financially though try to take cheer in stock market surges and other manipulated numbers that things on main street will soon to get better.

Many people who were solidly middle class up until two years ago are now living hand to mouth, often with no jobs, often on government or family assistance, often giving up prized possessions, homes, and lifestyles to barely eek by. These are not uneducated or undereducated people and are not as understanding towards the lack of opportunities when they are willing to work hard and competently and are multi-skilled and functional. They suspect and know that the system is broken that the remedies being taken are not going to give them real relief anytime soon if ever at all, and this class of people is what's really driving things in to the streets in a way that this class of people has never had cause or been compelled to before.

A revolution of what type or another is about to occur, whether it's an entirely government led revolution to destroy the last vestiges of our constitutional life style and dive all but a select few into poverty and a catered nanny state that tends to just basic needs with few luxuries or real freedoms, or will be the people used to such luxuries and freedoms that are now after two years of a prolonged recession becoming distant but greatly missed memories to them, rising up and forcing an intimidated and frightened government into investing not in the worlds wealthiest corporations but in small business to create living wage jobs, and revamp monopoly laws to break up the hedgemony of the corporations and create new trade tarrifs that no longer favor the export of living wage manufacturing and service jobs remains to be seen.

The government as Obama stated during his campaign wants a fundamental change in America and to rewrite the constitution to redress and address percieved social injustices.

Most Americans are wising up to the fact that entails lowering almost everyones standard of living down to sustinance and little else, as opposed to raising those in poverty above just sustinance.

It is a powder keg, people are scared, and becoming increasinly desperate and the country is on the cusp of a momentus and revolutionary change.

It has not been decided whether it will be one for the worse (by the government) or one for the better (truly by the people) as of yet, but time is drawing nearer to when all will be revealed.

That is how I see the reality on the ground here in America, just my observation, though technically Miami where I live is a third world city state and not America!

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

If we don't want a third American revolution this second one better be based upon non-violent resistance.

Enough with the power trips.
Let love prevail.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

It isn't going to be up the protesters if it becomes violent. It will be the government who turns it into violence.

I really like what JFK said about this.

(paraphrased)" If you refuse the people a peaceful revolution, you leave them no choice but a violent revolution".

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well said.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

I understand what you mean.
But I think you didn't understand what I meant.

Of course the government will become violent. Its going to be its last breath.
But what I said is that we ought to fight back in a non-violent resistance manner.
If we respond the oppressors with their own violent techniques we will become exactly what we hate. There will only be real change when we stop giving back what we received.

"An eye for an eye and we all go blind." - Gandhi

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Well I hope you like dieing then, because that is exactly what will happen, if you don't fight fire with fire, they are just going to round us all up and do with what they will.

Gandhi is great and all if applied in the right situation, but when somebody starts taking shots at you its time to fight back.

Let's just hope the government doesn't start the violence. People are peacefully protesting right now. If this doesn't work then it will turn violent.

Look at Iran, they peacefully protested and the regime just ran right over them.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

For many years I rested under the assumption,should things get bad enough,I could voice my opinion to my congressman and get results.
To my great suprise when the first bailouts were being bandied about,80% of my fellow constituants joined to oppose it. Our Congressman ignored our protestations,and voted for the bailout. Sending us all letters stating that he FELT that he knew what was in our best interest. This attitude has been consistant up to the vote on the Cap and Trade bill,when he finally HEARD us.

That IMHO is what has the people ready to fight. They have assumed their voice would be heard. Yet they are squelched and belittled at every turn. There is a reveloution coming. Someone else stated whether it is civil or violent will be at the pleasure of our government.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by daddyroo45]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:25 PM
Im not saying it won't happen,but im sure celente has made revolution predictions quite a few times that didn't happen through his career.I don't really trust me him at all if im being honest.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

I don't mind dying...I mean, if I did, how could I even enjoy life at its fullest? We are all going to die sooner or later. I rather die for an idea then for a lack of idea.

Let them do what they will...Aren't we already letting them do what they will? Why would they even want to kill us since we are the ones that work for them? If they killed us all they would have to work for themselves. I'm sure they would think twice. They want control, thats all they want. If we fire back we will show that they are still under control, making us do whatever they want us to do. Show that they have absolutely no control over you that they will give up quite quickly. You just gotta transcend your fear. Death is just part of the cycle, why would you want to avoid the inevitable?

People don't understand that protests will do nothing if they keep feeding and carrying the system on their shoulders.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by daddyroo45
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

For many years I rested under the assumption,should things get bad enough,I could voice my opinion to my congressman and get results.
To my great suprise when the first bailouts were being bandied about,80% of my fellow constituants joined to oppose it. Our Congressman ignored our protestations,and voted for the bailout. Sending us all letters stating that he FELT that he knew what was in our best interest. This attitude has been consistant up to the vote on the Cap and Trade bill,when he finally HEARD us.

That IMHO is what has the people ready to fight. They have assumed their voice would be heard. Yet they are squelched and belittled at every turn. There is a reveloution coming. Someone else stated whether it is civil or violent will be at the pleasure of our government.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by daddyroo45]

It's sad but true that what you have encountered is what I have encountered is what many Americans have encountered in trying to deal with our mounting frustrations and concerns.

We live in an autocratic dictatorship and this is the best way I can explain why I believe we do.
My Response to Skeptic Overlords thread on Congress and Obama

I would hate to see it come to violence and should you read what I posted on that link you might better understand why.

Still we do have to do something, the situation is intollerable.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

I'm sorry that I don't feel that being a willing slave to the government is exactly the best for the world.

I understand what you are saying, but if you just let the government have their way the jackboots would be knocking at your door for just expressing your thoughts.

I don't think you quite grasp at what happens when a tyrannical government takes hold. I haven't ever lived under a tyrannical regime and I'm not about to start now.

Also to clue you in, if violent revolution does take place, people will be dieing for an idea, that idea is freedom.

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