posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:17 AM
I've also heard about this happening elsewhere.
I did wonder though, if a person could be traced through printed leaflets?
If someone wanted to share some knowledge with the world, and printed off info from their computer, could there be comeback if they did so?
Does your computer store records of printed documents?
I just worry that people who are wanting to share info of this kind, will be deemed as "enemies of the system", therefore initializing the usual
labelling and punishments.
Then again, you have to be 100% you are distributing the correct information. That could prove dangerous if you are telling people not to have a
certain medicine, when they really could do with it.
That doesn't apply to Swine Flu though.....i've read more than enough to convince me it's full of crap.
[edit on 13/8/09 by CX]