posted on May, 12 2004 @ 05:20 AM
The H.M. Government of Camside - quote from site
"All People of the World are eligible for becoming Camside Citizens, and in so doing take up the additional status of British Subject.
Her Majesty's Government of Camside, allows unlimited multiple citizenships, thereby maintaining any Citizenships that you may already have with
other countries or principalities.
The Declaration of Citizenship that will be returned for your signature, will additionally secede you from the country that has abused your Human
Previous Citizens of the now de funct Principality of Caledonia, which had its Interim Government structure shut down in August 2001, by the now
abdicated prince, Edward James Renton, may apply to have their pre-paid citizenships transferred to Her Majesty's Government of Camside."
it goes on and on, interested? go here
the principality of camside
i was tossing the notion of either placing this thread here or under the New World Order section. so if any MOD's think its better there, feel free
to move it.
anyways, its seems to be an interesting organisation. secret society? who knows, but its there. i havent had the chance to fully view their website as
it is fully extensive, so feel free to do any further proding yourself. i also did a search to see if anyone else had covered this topic, and my
search came up with nil results. enjoy.