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The ATS Enlightenment - Becoming the change you want to see

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 02:47 AM
DISCLAIMER: As usual, this is not a one paragraph thread. And thus, will require more than 5 minutes of your time. If you are fairly new, an astounding amount of this information may be news to you, and it's you, that I hope to reach. If you are a long time member, you may not find too much new, but I do cover a lot, and I hope you take the time to, at very least, refresh your memory.

Reason for writing..

The reason I have decided to compile this thread is because there seems to be a lot of people not sure where to go to for information. I am going to lead all of you to water, it will as it always has been, be up to you, to drink it. This thread shall encompass many aspects of our current reality, and for someone who is new, could take many, many hours of time to read > watch > digest. Those who 'know what's up', I invite you to refresh your memory on the many issues at hand and use that refreshed memory to inform those who have not made the leap yet. This thread is about educating yourself, so that you can truly understand new information, and opening your mind to new possibilities and ways of thinking. The end includes a long list of extremely informative documentary's, all of which are well worth your time especially if you are a new member.

If every member of this forum were to take the time to read and comprehend everything in this thread, we would have no choice but to experience a revolution of this forum. It is time for a new era people, an era of enlightenment, in which real change can be nurtured, absent of division, distraction and frivolous debate.


Enlightenment – Noun

2.A philosophical movement of the 18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms. Used with the.

“A persons mind is like Pandora's Box. Once it has been opened to a possibility, it is no easy task to close it again.”
- King9072

A moment for... perception

We live in a world of perception. One hundred people can all witness one event, and every single person could walk away with a different perception. That's the beauty of life, everyone perceives things differently. The issue is that for most people, the layers that build their perception of reality have been built and implanted upon them, without them being aware of it.

For instance, from what I know of the world and how it works, I need not look at evidence of 911 to decide it was an inside job. My perception forces me to understand that this is not a unique occurrence, the people surrounding the event had ample motive to pull off such an event, and that its elements mirror history.

Now to contrast, someone who has grown up in Godknowswhere USA, has led a sheltered life, and believes whole heartedly everything the government and family tells them. This person's perception of reality completely eliminates any possibility that the government may have been involved. That same perception will also force them to subconsciously ignore all evidence that does not support the official story. This is just an example.

Side note, once someone explains something to you, you're able to understand and recognize it extremely easy. This sounds like an obvious statement, but I feel it's important. Because instead of just throwing out my view point, I do my best to explain how things are done, for instance with the media, and once I show you how they distract you, you will notice them distracting you non-stop, where as before you may not have noticed at all. Again, the media is just an example, this concept can be applied to practically everything.

Focus on the message, and less on the messenger or the issue

Recently I have noticed a serious problem on this forum. People fail to read and comprehend what someone is trying to say, before attacking one part of the issue or the messenger themselves. All while ignoring the underlying message. For those who care to entertain themselves, you can see myself illustrate this phenomenon perfectly in this thread.
If you take the time to read it, focus on the point I was trying to make. I even devoted the time to write two full posts in explanation. But people were unable to grasp the information due to the fact that they did not like my examples.

Read everything, listen to everyone, don't trust anything until you can prove it yourself with your own research.
- William Cooper

Likely.. the single most important thing I can teach you..

Is to learn absolutely everything you possibly can, about everything you possibly can, from everyone you possibly can. I guess that has been my blessing, my mind is a sponge constantly soaking up information. This is why I can effortlessly write, because I pull from so many different sources of information, and have listened to so many different views that I can easily make sense of situations. Anyone can learn to do this, and it begins with soaking up all available knowledge.

The reasons I include the above quote [bill cooper] are many. But primarily I include it to highlight the fact that we cannot disregard information simply because of our view, or the views, of the person speaking. In other words, just cause you don't like [insert any public figure], does not mean that he will never provide any useful information. Don't begin watching or listening to anyone with a preconceived notion, simply listen to what is said, then research and decide for yourself.

Knowledge is power people, and for those who read my previous thread Ponzi America you can see how using KNOWLEDGE, not a standing army, the Rothschilds were able to control literally, half the worlds wealth. Almost overnight.

That is a powerful concept. Because if overnight, 300 million Americans could know what many members of this forum know, we wouldn't be having the issues we are having. And we WOULD see change. It would be inevitable.

Also, to continue on my expose of irrelevant distraction topics here's a short list of “Recent Posts” [some are abbreviated]: A little girl who talked about mean signs at Obama Town Hall, MSNBC Host “Socialist is Code Word, Olberman slams Palin, Obama Compares health care, Man with ear pieces at Obama event, H1N1 First hand account, Town Hall meetings go Corporate, White house objects to poster, etc etc.

Becoming the change you want to see

As of late, I have noticed a lot of people complaining about the forum for a variety of reasons. What people need to understand, is that I was once one of these people. A long banning later, I realized that I need not worry about the others, I must be the change I want to see. So I set out writing elaborate threads meant to inform, not divide, or complain. We must understand that every single time we stop the work of informing people, and instead focus on bickering and complaining we are part of the problem.

If you are tired of seeing lackluster threads, then sit down and write one. And until you start doing that, I personally, don't want to hear a damn complaint out of your mouth. It's not constructive, and does nothing but perpetuate an ill environment.

Now I understand, there are people who are new to this site, and perhaps this whole way of thinking. That is why I have written this thread, if you want to become a contributing member to this site and actually make a difference, I am supplying you with all the knowledge you need to get a grasp on the situation. Once you have an understanding, you can investigate any of the issues that you want, and you will then be able to contribute to the forum is a meaningful way. If I inspire just one person to write a great thread for this forum, I have accomplished my mission. Together we influence change, divided we can influence nothing.


I hate repeating myself.. so I wont..
Below is a list of threads I have already written, and a short explanation of them. If you have not already read them, please take the time, cause I guarantee you will learn something.

Ponzi America – This thread covers a short bit of history, then delves into the reasons we have the issues that we have. It also focuses on how we are letting trivial issues divide and conquer us. Additionally, it details how the USA is a massive Ponzi Scheme, where the wealth of many, is divided amongst a few.

The end of 911 conspiracy, the beginning of 911 common knowledge – This thread tries to go over the division and state of the movement. People have allowed themselves to be divided against each other through attacks and illogical thinking. People want to quickly forget, that it is the government who supplied the bogus story, thus it is THEM who must answer questions. Not the truth movement. You will notice trolls want to flip that theory, and instead demand answers about 'truther' theories, all while disregarding all valid questions pertaining to 911 itself.

Codex Alimentarius – This thread covers Codex and it's implications. Because of strong opposition to the plan, it appears that the implementation has been pushed till sometime in 2011. Regardless, it is a very thorough thread that should explain most of what you need to know regarding Codex.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by king9072]

[edit on 12-8-2009 by king9072]

[edit on 12-8-2009 by king9072]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 02:48 AM
7 Things that are killing you - Part 1 Part 2 – First off, in hindsight, I wish I had of named these threads “7 Things that are ruining your life” because that's what they are. All 14 items included are deteriorating your quality of life. Any person can willingly use or ingest everything in the thread and of course will not die. But will face the side effects, which are extremely varied and far reaching. I would rather live to 20 and be happy and health, than live to 100 miserable and unhealthy. Remember that.

Biggest DISINFO Ring in the world – This thread details how the media pulls off their brainwashing. Including the use of current event examples to help illustrate their tactics (Swine flu). For anyone who hasn't already, this is a must read. As previously stated, once I explain how they influence you, you will notice them trying to influence you all the time. Im going to so far as to say, without reading this and my other MSM thread [below] you shouldn't dare turning on mainstream news.

Mainstream Media, how we're all being bent over – This is my other media base thread and another must read if you haven't. In this thread I use the Tea Parties to illustrate how the media was able to infiltrate and influence the movement in ways that benefited themselves.

Documentary Index
New Members – I seriously suggest taking the time to watch, understand, and investigate, every single documentary I provide. This could take as long as 20+ hours, but once you have done it, you're life will be forever changed. Your mind will be opened to 100's of new possibilities, and thousands of bits of new information. I suggest doing all this, prior to writing your next post or thread.

Old Members – Some of you may have seen some or even all of the listed documentaries. But I hope that you occasionally take the time to review them. I do this all the time while I am in my office or at home, I turn these on and listen to them while I go about my business. Just hearing them again refreshes my memory, and I often recall many useful gems in each movie that I have used to formulate my outlook on life, and base my decisions and perception.

A short reiteration
Please don't disregard someones information because you don't like them. For instance, some people don't like Alex Jones, labeling him a “scaremonger” and thus refuse to watch his
movies. Now I won't debate that he can be over the top, but in the past he has opened my eyes to situations I did not know existed.

Or, perhaps David Icke. Some people immediately disregard anything that he says, all because of his damn “reptilian” theory. Now the jury is still out on that situation, and we may never know if reptilians do exist. But regardless of that, I have included a lecture by him that covers the history of our life intimately, and to disregard all that information simply because I do not believe in reptilians would be foolish at best, and outright ignorant at worst.

Title - Summary

Zeitgeist – Perfect example of how people will be too offended by one part of someones information, and quickly disregard the rest. The first part of this movie covers RELIGION and the way it has simply been plagiarized from previous religions. This causes people to end the documentary, robbing themselves of valuable information. Part 2 covers 911, part 3 covers money.

Zeitgeist Addendum – This 2nd version continues where the first left off, delving further into our monetary issues, as well as much, much more.

Esoteric Agenda - A detailed account of the future of Humankind, what the global governments have been planning for us the masses. Truth and enlightenment is the journey in which this video will uncover and tell you the truth.

Kymatica – AKA Esoteric Agenda part 2. This is another great documentary that primarily focuses on self, and conscience.

William Cooper Amazing Lecture - This is an older lecture that William Cooper did, it covers a lot and if you've never heard of Cooper, you definitely need to see this. I also want to mention my point from earlier, if I let my views stop me from learning new information, I would have missed out on Cooper thanks to our differing views on religion.
OutFoxed: Rupert Murdochs war on Journalism - Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know

Freedom to Fascism – A lot of talk about this on the forum lately, a must see. This film which is neither left, nor right-wing is a startling examination of government. It exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created. Through interviews with U.S. Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, former IRS and FBI agents and tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card which becomes law in May 2008

End Game: Alex Jones – This movie outlines who makes up the N.W.O. And the Bilderbergs, and their plans for humanity.

Core of Curruption - Core of Corruption is a documentary film series which details a comprehensive investigation into clandestine intelligence operations and conspiracies. The project is surfacing exclusive whistle blowers, insiders and critical evidence for the very first time.

David Icke – Freedom or Fascism Lecture - Over 7 hours of well presented, well documented facts about our history.

Ron Paul: The American Power Elite – 20 years before most people even knew about the N.W.O. Dr. Paul was speaking out against them and their use of the FED to control us. A great watch for all non-paul believers.

The 911 Report, you never saw – Great documentary about all aspects of 911, especially good for introducing older people to the entire day.

This is in no way an all inclusive list, and I invite everyone to add videos which have helped them understand reality. Once again, if you do not agree with an aspect of the documentary, don't just shut it off cause it challenges your beliefs. Watch the entire thing, research what you disagree with, and perhaps you may change your opinion. It is never too late to admit you were wrong, and learn something new so you can make more informed decisions in the future. End division, and we will see change, educate yourself, then educate your friends, family and neighbors, and someday maybe we will see a change in our society. And always keep in mind, the following quote:

A revolution is coming - a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough - but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability.
-John F. Kennedy

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by king9072
It's a well written OP, clearly with some thought behind it. I'm going to flag it although I don't share your position...

One make the point of 'perspective.' Everyone's is different, we agree. So I'm surprised you include Alex Jones, David Icke and Bill Cooper as being connected to 'enlightenment.' They fall way short of enlightenment in the understanding of a whole lot of people. From my perspective, they're examples of 'unenlightenment'...I perceive them as being very dark characters.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by king9072
It's a well written OP, clearly with some thought behind it. I'm going to flag it although I don't share your position...

One make the point of 'perspective.' Everyone's is different, we agree. So I'm surprised you include Alex Jones, David Icke and Bill Cooper as being connected to 'enlightenment.' They fall way short of enlightenment in the understanding of a whole lot of people. From my perspective, they're examples of 'unenlightenment'...I perceive them as being very dark characters.

Exact type of mentality I wish to dispel. Attacking the person rather than the message. If you honestly believe that any one of those you mentioned have not in their own way, helped in a major way at some point in waking up a mass of people. To knowledge they may have not known otherwise, Then you haven't listened with open ears.

To move ahead people must truly understand the past and the present, to the best of their ability. I think it's proven that these guys have helped in that matter. Don't disregard all information completely cause you don't like the source, listen to whats said and decide for yourself through further research. And, if it's still an issue, ignore those documentaries and focus on the rest.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by king9072

This is in no way an all inclusive list, and I invite everyone to add videos which have helped them understand reality.

Fair enough, I misunderstood the OP. You should have added a caveat as in, '...helped them understand 'my' reality.' That way it would be clearer that you want a self-validating thread scenario...

I was respectfully, suggesting that a lot of members are familiar with the work of the above and still don't subscribe to their perception of reality. In essence, they've arrived at their own perception of reality using the same critical-thinking skills as you. By my reckoning, the substance of each would be justified and equal.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by king9072

This is in no way an all inclusive list, and I invite everyone to add videos which have helped them understand reality.

Fair enough, I misunderstood the OP. You should have added a caveat as in, '...helped them understand 'my' reality.' That way it would be clearer that you want a self-validating thread scenario...

I was respectfully, suggesting that a lot of members are familiar with the work of the above and still don't subscribe to their perception of reality. In essence, they've arrived at their own perception of reality using the same critical-thinking skills as you. By my reckoning, the substance of each would be justified and equal.

Good point, and glad were clear. This thread is primarily meant for new users. It's not uncommon to hear new members ask how these documentaries are found. Whether one agrees with the presenter or the topic is kind of irrelevant, but it should be heard at least once.

The voices we disagree with are the ones we need to listen to.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 04:54 PM

This thread is about educating yourself, so that you can truly understand new information, and opening your mind to new possibilities and ways of thinking.

As a friend of mine taught me, "Parallel Thinking". It's a great tool to have in one's mental tool box. It will allow you to cross borders, bounderies, and all manner's of obstructions that stop someone who cannot, or will not do it!

If every member of this forum were to take the time to read and comprehend everything in this thread, we would have no choice but to experience a revolution of this forum. It is time for a new era people, an era of enlightenment, in which real change can be nurtured, absent of division, distraction and frivolous debate.

I think with people such as yourself, who have the diligence to fight on through struggles of other people's lack of understanding=assualts; which truly will usher in a new era.

We don't need no stinking bloody civil war of differences. All we need is the real power of information, and the world must change.

learn absolutely everything you possibly can, about everything you possibly can, from everyone you possibly can.

Excellent advice!!! Take what you will, and leave the rest, but listen, and learn! Don't let differences, or Xenophobia stand in the way. we all breath the same air, and we all bleed the same.

We must understand that every single time we stop the work of informing people, and instead focus on bickering and complaining we are part of the problem.

That's what bitter people want; arguments in turbulent waters; which are difficult to navigate. Never back down from what you know is true in your hearts; don't let the defeated bitter idiots stop any of you.

Together we influence change, divided we can influence nothing.

Hey, now your giving away classified NWO strategy; careful

Yes, very true the NWO operates through deceptions, lies, and illusions. In order for those to fully function, they have a couple tools in their mental tool box. Those tools which they are masters at involve chaos. Through chaos they can implement divide, and conquer; smoke, and mirrors; in the end is the order derived...

They are bastards in a nut shell, and they will never stop attacking. We must all remain vigilant. Steady to the ideology, and cause of freedom.

It's the only choice.


[edit on 15-8-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:42 PM
King, I have just begun this thread and already I have found more answers here than anywhere else I've looked. I will continue to go through this info, and sincerely hope you will continue your efforts. This is more than eye opening, it is liberating my thinking. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by BearTruth
King, I have just begun this thread and already I have found more answers here than anywhere else I've looked. I will continue to go through this info, and sincerely hope you will continue your efforts. This is more than eye opening, it is liberating my thinking. Thank you.

Well it's good that a few people took the time to read it. Don't mind me though, well I sweep this under the ATS rug

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:15 PM
This is a very good thread. I think I'll flag and star it. Back when I was going down the rabbit hole of enlightenment... I often asked myself what these people were talking about. I didn't know what bilderberg was and I wish I had someone to explain it to me. I went read a bit about these different theories and I immediately discarded everything that was said. I really became interested in what David Icke had to say about reality. I also then became interested in what Alex Jones had to say about reality.

I know there are many that don't like either of them for said reasons... but I think they have provided an invaluable service to waking many people up. Alex Jones has helped me really wake up beyond what I was before. Alex Jones pushed myself to a certain level of awareness... but the real boost to awareness came from myself.

These people- I think are catalysts, they're supposed to suggest things to you. You're supposed to come up with conclusions by yourself. That being said, when I was starting out I wish I had a thread like this to explain things to me.

I wish I knew where to find these documentaries. I wish I could understand what the federal reserve is, or, why the income tax is bad, or, how the political power game worked when I started out. You don't need to be an anarchist to understand that the political spectrum or the body of politics isn't what it should be.

I think this is a great thread. I hope more people click on it. Also, one thing I should add- is that a lot of people will think they're awakened when they really aren't. That's something else you should be concerned about, and, address in this thread. Hopefully this thread will be successful in helping people become enlightened about what's going on, and, that what-not... so they won't automatically reject these theories when they hear about them in the future, or, these ideas in the future and what not.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:18 PM
S+F....excellent information! I will be checking all of this out so that I can make more informative posts in the future hopefully! Thanks again King9072!

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:03 PM
Thanks, yet again.

For entertainment purposes, I've read the first couple pages of that Palin thread a few times now. Never fails to give me a laugh at the same time as choking back tears.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:18 PM
i wish i can give 100 flags for this,not only is every info you posted wonderfull but you actualy say to people to RISE UP and DO something about it,and you even suggest methods,theres the diference between talking about it and doing something to change it!
you have my respect good sir

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:52 PM
Excellent thread. S&F for sure.

While I haven't watched all of those videos (watching them is difficult for my inet connection) I'll do my best when I can. I can say that I did watch Arron Russo's "Freedom to Facism" and HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

There is one video I'd like to share that I found about a week or so ago on the webiste Kick Them All Out .

The title of the video is "The Corporation" and it's definately well worth the time (2-3 hrs if I remember correctly).

This incredibly unsettling film explores the entire history of corporations and how they've been allowed to virtually take over just about everything, from our values, to our educational system and even our government.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:17 PM
King9072, I must say that I greatly admire the work you're doing herein.

I suggest the Michael Tsarion documentary,]'Architects of Control.'[/url]

Part 1 of 16 here:

Follow the YouTube link to watch in HQ.

Well worth it.

[edit on 8.26.2009 by ItsTheQuestion]

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