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H1N1 First hand account (my own, I have it right now)

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Things happen for a reason. You might consider taking this opportunity to obtain a sample of the virus. I am guessing that it would be non trivial to order some H1N1 lab samples...

- PM

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by die_another_day
If your lungs are filled with fluid, then you have swine flu. It's that simple.

Yeah, and if you're posting on ATS, then you're automatically correct.

Give me a break. Fluid in the lungs, also known as pulmonary edema, can be caused by numerous things. Heart disorders (many) can cause fluid to leak out into the alveoli. Pneumonia or any other type of infection to the lungs. Pulmonary embelism due to obesity or blood clotting. Pancreatitis. Altitude sickness. The list goes on and on. So, no. It's not that simple.

OP, I hope all is going well for you. Honestly, as I saw another poster state, your symtoms don't seem to match up with influenza. The flu tends to hit hard & fast. Your systems seem to fit more along the lines of a severe sinus infection or the initial stages of pneumonia. Either way, I've never heard of a doctor refusing to see somebody who feels they are really ill. Make symptoms up if that's what it takes, but I highly suggest you get checked out before you regret not doing so. Better to be safe then sorry, right? Good luck!


posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Why would you post that you have swine flu in the title only to say in the body that you are not sure if it is H1N1. That seems a little disingenuous. Why not just title it "I think I have H1N1"??

Also, no doctor turns a patient away because they Think they have the flu. Many serious illneses mimic flu-like symptoms and if you died tomorrow from something else, that doctor would lose his livelyhood.

Also, I thought that all cases of Swine Flu are being recorded and the public are actually encouraged to see their physicians and, if need be, go to the ER for the correct diagnosis. Even the CDC is saying that. Yet, your doctor's receptionist turned you away?

Is this a joke?

[edit on 12-8-2009 by IconoclasticTalamasca]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Roadblockx
I will be very interested to see how this thread shakes out. With the looming swine flu vaccine being mandatory, it would be great to further know that those that get it can survive without the vaccine.

Also, since a group of us are working on an online petition to find out what is going on with the vaccine, add your thoughts and continue the discussion:

OP, take care!

Mandatory?! I read that about the WHO thing, but only your government could say anything about that, I guess, you are still a sovereign country. The WHO has no mandate for something like that.
In my country (Netherlands, EU) they will not go so far in any case.

The official line is now: This flu is mild, it takes 2-7 days to get over it. Vaccines are only given to the old and weak, by choice. Premedication with Tamiflu is avoided as much as possible because of reported side effects.
So at this point nothing to report as far as this flu is concerned.

(The stocked on vaccines and Tamiflu for the whole population (16 million) so Huray! say the pharmaceutical bankaccounts)

[edit on 12-8-2009 by Pjotr]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:09 AM
I have wanted to posts my assumptions about my children and the flu for a while and I think this thread will work for me to do it.

I am not positive of my findings, like the OP...but I assume all of my children had swine flu.

It was right after the big scare of it hitting the news...we had went to a local fair and a couple of days after we went to the fair my children started showing signs of a horrid cough. The cough held a span of almost 3 weeks. My oldest ONLY had the was a deep horse dry cough that hurt to the chest when the coughing seemed to become like a broken record that couldn't stop. My daughter a year younger then my son had the cough...but also a low fever for over a week. She had 2 days and nights that she sweated/chills and even a day of vomiting and diarrhea. My youngest child...who was 3 at the time....was horribly sick. He had the cough...had a fever of a 103 for a couple days then a fever of 100 for several days. Along with the fever....for about 5 days straight...he had diarrhea and vomiting. We were giving him droppers of fluids that just made him dry heave. Now and then we would keep a dropper down during his sleep time, he lost weight over this time. The diarrhea was the worst I had ever seen in my life. It was explosive and would go everywhere...I even resorted to putting diapers on my potty trained child due to how often and uncontrollable it was....and the diapers would not hold it for a second! The cleaning up after all of this was so awful....I even threw out a couch that got bombarded by it all.

So we go to the doctor...I take in all three kids. This was the worst flu I had ever witnessed when watching how it effected my youngest...but my oldest ones fought it rather well. My doctor would not give them a test for the swine flu and I got upset with him. He has been my doctor forever and he is a really great doctor. I believe he didnt want the attention drawn into the fact that even if it was swine flu...the only thing to do was to ride it out.

I cant say for sure this was swine flu....but it spread through my children so fast and seemed to effect them the younger they were. I have never seen a cough last so long and the cough was the only thing that was never left...for almost 3 weeks time. The timing of it happening was so in sync with the first alerts that came out about the flu and it coming from Mexico. What even scared me more was that all of the people that run the fair were all Mexican. None of them could speak English!! So they were defiantly fresh from somewhere else that they did not need to know any English. During those couple of weeks...many kids were out of school for a horrid cough!

I am not making claims as facts...but it sits on my mind...wondering if they had swine flu. For my youngest....I could defiantly see how a younger child or elderly person could die from I said, he lost weight...didnt eat any food for 5 days that he could keep down...and survived on little fluids that I could get in him before he fell asleep. We had to sleep on the floor in the living room because he woke up so often dry heaving I was worried about the vomiting on the furniture and bed. Course the sleeping on the cough came a couple days after he had done already thrown up on everything in the house more or the time I moved to the floor to sleep with him he was just dry heaving.

It was awful and I hope to not see it again...what ever it was. It was not a flu that I had ever seen.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:16 AM
Hope you get better soon.
Keep us posted.
What's the deal with your doctor, couldn't you sue for refusal to treat you, You really need anti-biotics.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by retroviralsounds

Hi There

I have actual personal experience with Oligodynamic Silver (Silver Ions suspended in water) and have seen it cure H1N1 on a friend of mine. Check out the article below.

According to health expert Babu Ragannath, the best prevention against the H1N1 virus (Mexican Swine Flu) is colloidal silver. The reason is that colloidal silver “disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in all bacteria and pathogens so that they cannot survive.” Mr. Ragunnath stated that it is important to consume yogurt, while taking colloidal silver, since it will also destroy some vital bacteria in the body as well.
Of course, the response to the H1N1 virus has been completely overblown so far, since there has been only one death in the United States and that was the Mexican toddler. It appears that there may be some racial immunity that is lacking in the Mexican population that accounts for the high death rate there.
Viruses are known to be very capable of developing a quick resistance to antibiotics, but are not able to do this with colloidal silver. According to Citizen Wells, the CDC won’t even have a vaccine until the Fall of 2009 anyway.
Colloidal silver has been approved by the FDA since 1938, according to “The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems.”
However, the Pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession may have conflicts of interest in disseminating this information to the Public, since they stand to make so much money with their “vaccines.”

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:50 AM
Those symptoms are more likley to be related to atypical pneumonia (by Mycoplasma or Chlamydia pneumoniae) that to H1N1 flu.

Despite general symptoms and problems with the upper respiratory tract like high fever, headache, a dry irritating cough, later a productive cough there are in general few other physical signs.

X-Ray: inittialy no signs and symptoms of lobar consolidation meaning that the affection is restricted to small areas, rather than involving a whole lobe. As the disease progresses, however, the look can tend to lobar pneumonia.

Lab: Absence of leukocytosis. Can have Hyponatremia.

NOTE: Can also be contagious to other persons (specially family members).

8 days is a long evolution time.
(For Virus, Antibodies are researched by the body in 5 days and produced then to destroy the infection thats why common flu is destroyed within 1 week after the its onset.)

So if you are showing no signs of returning to your normal status consult your family doctor and ask for an opinion.

Treatment is with a specific type of Antibiotics during 14 days.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:01 PM
I call shenanigens and bullcrap. Below is the link YOU ALL NEED TO READ! I wish I could put that in LARGER font. Eleanora I. McBean Ph.D. spent 30 years researching vaccination and virus's. She has worked with and spoken to many experts, physicians, chemists, virologists and so on and published this paper back in 1976. READ IT. Notice who was behind the 5 pharmaceutical companies? Rockefeller, suprising?

The five pharmaceutical houses making the Salk vaccine were called the Rockefeller chain then, and it is the same ones now making the swine flu vaccine, with a few exceptions. The vaccine promoters wanted to dodge all financial loss—the cost of the vaccine and the damage suits, so they could make clear profit, while the taxpayers were saddled with both the payment of the vaccine and the damages, also. I doubt that the crime syndicate could run a more crooked racket than this government sponsored and financed caper, with all the profits siphoned off into the pockets of the medical and drug concerns.

At the present writing, October 1976 a group of medical opportunists have taken upon themselves the dictatorial authority to declare the threat of a sweeping epidemic of SWINE FLU which they said was similar to or related to the 1918 epidemic of Spanish influenza which wiped out 20,000,000 people world-wide This declaration was supposed to scare all the people into their vaccination centers to be shot full of experimental vaccine poisons, while they, the promoters, raked in the profits During the big polio vaccine drive, a spokesman for ParkeDavis one of the five drug houses making the vaccine stated "Our company will clear over $10,000,000 on Salk vaccine in 1955 " Before they were through they had fleeced the people of over $4 billion dollars on the Salk racket (See the chapter on POLIO CAUSED BY VACCINATION)

Dr G. Nossel of the World Health Organisation said:
‘You Americans ought to have your heads examined—No way would we permit it.. . There has been no proper investigation . . . The vaccine has not been properly researched.. . There are too many unknowns."

"Harry Nelson, Medical Editor for L.A. Times, reported on an American Cancer Society Seminar for Science Writers, and announced that microbiologists have uncovered new findings that incriminate vaccination. One of the participants was Dr. Robert M. Simpson of Rutgers University, N.J., who stressed that ‘Immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps, and polio may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form proviruses which will then become latent cells throughout the body . .. Some of these could be molecules in search of a disease, which under proper conditions become activated and cause a variety of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, Parkinson’s disease and perhaps cancer." This quote is from the Honorof Report for June, 1976.

(2) The promoters said that the vaccine would prevent flu. It didn’t; it caused it.

(3) They said the flu was contagious and the vaccine would protect people. Flu is not contagious. It is caused by the blood poisoning effects of the vaccine itself as well as other kinds of body contamination. Viruses and germs cannot cause disease. (See the chapter on WHY GERMS CANNOT CAUSE DISEASE.)

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:02 PM
Hope you're starting to feel better.

I couldn't get an appointment with my physician either when I was the most sick and was told by the receptionist to go to emergency. I would go to the ER if you don't see improvement by today. My physician wasn't able to see me for the recheck until 10 days after I visited the ER. Pretty sure it was an attempt to keep any flu out of the office.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:13 PM
Hey! Everyone should think about stock piling some soup, tea, gatorade,
frozen meals, flu medicine in advance. Do not go out in public if you get sick. Call your neighbors, friends and ask them to help you. People are helpful and understranding. Tell them to leave it on the porch and ring the doorbell.
Go to URGENT CARE, Doctor's care, etc... at 8:00am to get waited on first and get a tamiflu prescription. Don't let one doctor tell you no, open your phone book..... doctors are like stray cats, these is always another one.
Swine flu is contagious so try to stay at home resting. Pneumonia comes on fast like you described, that's not something to play around with. If you stop breathing you are dead. That can get serious in two days.
It feels like an elephant sat on your chest and it hurts to cough, and couching makes you cough more. My husband and I had the stomach flu
a week and a half ago on the weekend. That was very contagious. I got it six hours after he did. That kept us on the bed motionless for two days. We ate nothing and treid to stay away from the kids who stayed downstaris, they never did get it. It seemed like it took all week to get back to normal. I was bleach cleaning all the bathrooms constantly that week. It was a violent dilberating ilness, almost bio-war fare like.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:13 PM
Here's an old natural cure that keeps me from getting sick.

I am a school teacher and I get exposed to lots of germs! When you feel an illness coming on, grab your 3% hydrogen peroxide and pour a few drops into one ear.
*Do not try this if you have tubes or holes from tubes in your eardrum.

Let it sit and fizz for 5 minutes, dry it out and then do the same to the other ear! Simple and effective.

Drinking a spoonful of Natural Apple Cider Vinegar seems to help people feel better too.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by KnowledgeBased]

[edit on 12-8-2009 by KnowledgeBased]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:30 PM
I don't understand why your doctor would say they are not taking flu patients. My friend thought he had the flu, and the doctors asked no questions and immediately gave him Tamiflu as a precaution.
If I were you though, I'd start taking a couple thousand mg of vitamin c per day

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by retroviralsounds

You're in my prayers.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:49 PM
Read this.

I swear by Cayenne Pepper for many, many ailments, but according to this, the way to go is garlic.

The Federal Government's History is Less Than Credible With Regards to Swine Flu

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:00 PM
Hope you get well..

Saying you have swine flu when you're not sure will only increase the coming hysteria. Everyone that has the sniffles will soon be saying they have the swine flu.

Another thing, you're a 25 year old molecular biologist?? I thought it took 6 years just to get your bachelor of science then your masters.. Then you have to get your doctorate in micro or cellular biology.. Most molecular biologists also take a multitude of other courses such as data management to help them with fine tuning there data collection and analysis.

Methinks you may be really sick, but me also thinks you're still in the process of getting your schooling under wraps..

Again, get well.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Primordal

I started getting sick last Saturday. I have had a low grade fever, sore throat, minimal coughing, body aches and sever fatigue. Everyone is saying there is no other flu going around except H1N1 but my Dr.s receptionist said I probably did not have H1N1 because the fever associated with it is very high, like 104. All I know is I feel like crap!

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:19 PM
Fear seems to be the biggest virus being spread not swine flu, but hey we already knew that right
? 96 people out of the 106 that i work with got sent home. It's a sham not one person in my office had the flu. I don't remember what it's called but it's a disorder people get, mass something? People hear about a virus and the mind makes it real, prime example is my work place and on a larger scale, my country!

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by IconoclasticTalamasca
Why would you post that you have swine flu in the title only to say in the body that you are not sure if it is H1N1. That seems a little disingenuous. Why not just title it "I think I have H1N1"??

Also, no doctor turns a patient away because they Think they have the flu. Many serious illneses mimic flu-like symptoms and if you died tomorrow from something else, that doctor would lose his livelyhood.

Also, I thought that all cases of Swine Flu are being recorded and the public are actually encouraged to see their physicians and, if need be, go to the ER for the correct diagnosis. Even the CDC is saying that. Yet, your doctor's receptionist turned you away?

Is this a joke?

[edit on 12-8-2009 by IconoclasticTalamasca]

NO, all cases are NOT being tested and recorded. Only a small minority are. Severe cases. Cases which might be new to a region. The VAST MAJORITY of cases are not and will never be confirmed by tests.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by tamaransd
reply to post by Primordal

I started getting sick last Saturday. I have had a low grade fever, sore throat, minimal coughing, body aches and sever fatigue. Everyone is saying there is no other flu going around except H1N1 but my Dr.s receptionist said I probably did not have H1N1 because the fever associated with it is very high, like 104. All I know is I feel like crap!

many cases of h1n1, including severe hospitalized cases, present with NO FEVER.

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