Please note that the MSM is already in damage control. By tomorrow, this "Brave Little Girl" will be on all the MSM morning shows, and any mention
of "Plant" will be called a "vicious, right-wing attack"
The girl later told the Globe that picking the president’s brain was “incredible.”
“It was like a once in a lifetime experience,” she said.
Julia’s mother was an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama,
the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden.
“This was my first time meeting Barack Obama, and he’s a very nice man,” Julia said. “I’m glad I voted for him.”
She said Obama won a mock presidential election at the Cheverus School in 2008. And on Tuesday, he approached her after the town meeting.
“He said ‘great question,’” Julia said. “I shook his hand and got his picture.”
Kathleen Manning Hall, Julia’s mother, was shocked when her daughter said she wanted to ask a question. They wrote it down beforehand, and Julia
didn’t miss a beat when Obama called on her.
“It was surreal,” said Manning Hall, a coordinator of Massachusetts Women for Obama during the election.
She said Julia was moved by a woman’s testimonial on Tuesday before the president spoke. The woman described her ordeal battling liver disease
without health insurance.
“Julia talked about it the whole way home,” said Manning Hall, adding that they often discuss politics. “We talk a lot about human rights and
having compassion for people.”
[edit on 8/11/2009 by loki41872]