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Secret Societies, Symbolism and Sacred Geometry

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posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Secret Societies, Symbolism and Sacred Geometry
- Written by Tetragrammaton

I would like to thank ATS and its members for inspiring me to write this paper.
I would especially like to thank Simon, Masonic Light and Stoneskull, who have been a major inspiration and a muse for my soul and mind.

This article does not contain the truth, it only contains my truth.
You should be able to think for yourself, use deduction, logic, rational thought and addition where you think it is needed.

Feel free to comment and perhaps spark a debate, but try to keep on the subject of this article, which is: Secret Societies, Symbolism and Sacred Geometry.
I recommend everyone to look up my sources and decide for yourself what fits into your reality.

Lastly: The content of this article is copyrighted.
ATS have permission to use this article in anyway they see fit.
Members of ATS have permission to quote the ENTIRE article on other web pages, giving credit to its source; Tetragrammaton an ATS member.

This paper is about Secret Societies, their origin, agenda, symbolism and their use of sacred geometry in their teachings.
This paper will over the course of a few pages illustrate the connection between all modern and old secret societies. And the manipulation and control we all are victims off.
Furthermore this paper will deal with the ancient learning’s of sacred geometry, as the author find these to be essential in the understanding of the secret societies, their origin and agenda.

When I use these words in the context of this article, this is how I define them.
This sub chapter is needed to avoid a debate about definitions.
You do not have to agree with my definitions, this sub chapter is only intended so that the overall understanding of my writings is improved.

Secret Society: A hidden vessel within a known body, an organization created with the sole purpose of controlling the masses and/or keeping information from the masses. I will not differentiate between the whether the agenda is pure or corrupted.

Illuminati: The name conspiracy theorist decided or falsely started to use as the unknown body that is supposedly behind the agenda of world domination and enslavement of the none-enlightened. When I use this word in this thread, I am not talking about the Bavarian Illuminati unless stated.

New World Order: Or New Order of the Ages is the agenda that the Illuminati have inscribed in the “corner-stone” or scriptures/secret teachings they adhere too. The New World Order is one of the secrets I believe that some but not all of the secret societies have as a hidden agenda. Chapter one: the history of secret societies

Sacred Geometry: Is the teachings involving the blueprint of the universe. the circle, Platonic solids, pi, golden mean, Metraton’s cube, semen, seed, flower, tree and fruit of life, fractals and so fourth.

Symbolism: Any symbol or sign used to relay a meaning over the course of history.

Chapter one: secret societies of modern and ancient age

Secret societies originates several thousands years in the past, scholars can’t seem to agree exactly when the first secret society came to be.
My own researches have led me to believe that secret societies can be dated back at least 15.000 years. The reason I have come to this conclusion is because of the newer dating of the Sphinx, The Cheops Pyramid, The temple of Osiris, the Sunken city outside the islands of Japan, The temples in south America, The temples in India and Stonehenge etc.
Its certain to me, that the builders of these ancient wonders had the knowledge of sacred geometry, and that this knowledge forms the cornerstone of secret societies of modern and ancient age.
I am also certain that the saying: “knowledge is power” originates back to the beginning and formation of the before mentioned secret societies.

Why the secret societies did come to be?
It is certain to me, that there was a cataclysmic event, more precisely the melting of the ice age around 18.000 – 10.000 years ago. That led to the destruction of a highly cultural and civilized society. (What some refer to as Atlantis?)
The story of Atlantis is too detailed for me to go in to in full. But I will say this, I do believe that there where more than one city state, and Atlantis could be one of these city states.
Suffice to say; there where a lot of knowledge lost to the general population during these cataclysmic times.
I am certain that it was this cataclysmic event, which gave the secret societies the excuse to emerge.

So what I am getting at is this:
The secret societies came to be because of the melting of the glacier, which sparked the great flood that ALL local stories have in them.
They could do this, because the majority of people where killed, and they simply lost this information.
Now that there where only a few select people that had access to the ancient knowledge, they could hoard it, and keep it away from the public.
To keep this knowledge away from the general populace; they made the secret societies.

In these secret societies; they made initiation, rituals and seminars intended to enlighten the members of these societies, always keeping the teaching symbolic, and in multiple layers so that the lower level initiates would think they would understand the symbols and the teaching, but as they advanced in the levels, new layers and meanings where revealed to them.

Now I won’t go into the spreading of these secret societies over the globe, since this is much better covered elsewhere by other people.

Suffice to say is that, today these secret societies and their teachings flourish in a modern spiritually exhausted globalized world.

Now the question emerges: What about these modern secret societies and their connection to the ancient secret societies?
Well the connection is there, it is the same teachings, and the same esoteric knowledge.
But one could speculate that today the societies have run its course, since the information is free for everyone that knows where to look to obtain it.
Nevertheless the role of the secret society still exists.

That role is acting as a vessel for a much larger agenda called control and manipulation.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by Tetragrammaton]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 07:38 PM
All teachers of secret societies have acknowledged that what they teach initiates isn’t the truth.
And that the symbolism and rituals have several layers and meanings that will get revealed as an initiate advance through the degrees and levels of the secret society.
Another thing is that they also acknowledge that the whole secret society structure isn’t visible or understandable to the initiates and the members of the lower levels.
I.e. the members cannot see the cap stone from the bottom of the pyramid.

Chapter two: an introduction to sacred geometry
Sacred geometry is said to be the blueprint for our reality, and I would agree with this statement.
In every religion and every secret society and actually every where around us we see sacred geometry, and to the uninitiated it might come as a shock, when they open their eyes and see for themselves the sheer magnitude and how widespread sacred geometry is in our daily lives. We see it in music, cosmology and even light.

Sacred geometry starts simply enough with a perfect circle, which of course is a representation of a perfect sphere in our universe. You can create a perfect sphere using one of the platonic solids (the octahedron) and rotating it.
In a two dimensional representation it becomes the spherical octahedron.

You then copy the above mention circle and place it so it is intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other.
We now have created the Vesica Piscis.

We then to it one more time with another circle and we get the tripod of life.

We then do this 4 more times, (6 in total, 7 if you count the first sphere/circle)
And we get the seed of life.
Now the fun begins because from the seed of life, we get the flower of life, and in the flower of life, we have the tree of life. And from the flower of life we also create the fruit of life, which contains Metraton’s cube and all the platonic solids. We also get the Tube Torus, and every other shape or form artificially and naturally created in our universe.

Now what is even more astonishing about sacred geometry is that it was known ALL over the world thousands of years ago, the idea that man independent of each other should have come by this knowledge by chance is close to zero.

So what does sacred geometry teach us?
It teaches us how to shape our reality, literally as well as spiritually.
It does so because in understanding sacred geometry, it opens our eyes and mind to the understanding of a fractal universe, or as some call it a holographic universe.

Why this knowledge is not learned everywhere then?
This is where the secret societies and their agenda fit in.
It should be standard knowledge, yet I didn’t learn about this until I was in my middle twenties.
It contains everything you need to know, in fact if there was only one thing I would want to know, it would be sacred geometry.

This is not all there is to know about sacred geometry, but it is enough for us to move on to the next chapter.

Chapter three: the symbolism of the ancients
The ancients knew the importance of this knowledge, and imbedded it EVERYWHERE.
The reason they did this was because they wanted this knowledge to be passed on.
Somewhere along the line, the secret societies almost managed to get a monopoly on this knowledge, they used it to create almost all religions, especially, the kabala, Gnosticism, Judeo-Christian religion, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism etc.
But as the ancients knew, and the secret societies know, we are approaching an age of enlightenment.

There have been ages like this before, and it is the duality of our universe, we are on our way out of a dark age.
And it is only in these dark ages that the duality of enlightenment can flourish.
The secret societies top echelon knows this, and more importantly they fear it.
So my theory goes like this; it is when we see these dark ages of humanity that we see the secret societies.
There is a perfect rational explanation for this, as all great philosophers understood; there is a duality in nature, man and the universe we inhabit.
The secret societies merely reflect this duality.
And the rational thought behind it is this; it is only because of ignorance that a society based on the hoarding of knowledge can thrive.
That is why the symbolism stays the same, but the knowledge to unlock this symbolism is lost from time to time.

The symbolism doesn’t change because it is an interpretation of our universe, our nature and everything it contains.
The only change we see as humans is the change of Dark Age vs. enlightenment. The universe stays the same; it is us that changes.
Or more precisely it is our perception of our reality that changes.

“I reject your reality and substitute it with my own”

Has actually been proven right with modern science, faith can move mountains, and you have nothing to fear, not even fear itself.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 07:39 PM
Note: I am too tired to continue this post, will update it later today when i wake up bear with me please.

Reserving this post for the ending.

Chapter four: the finale

Reflections and afterthoughts

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:34 AM
To be honest, I have more interest in your name than your posts. You must know who Tidessen is, right?

He is, after all, the secret king.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:01 AM

Secret Society: A hidden vessel within a known body, an organization created with the sole purpose of controlling the masses and/or keeping information from the masses. I will not differentiate between the whether the agenda is pure or corrupted.

Personally, I feel that this generalization distracts from the quality of your paper.

Some secret societies exist for the preservation of esoteric knowledge.

Others use secrecy as a means of revealing information piece by piece to the initiate.

To assume that ALL secret societies share exactly only one (sole) purpose of controlling the masses is presumptuous, and leads the reader to automatically take up a defensive stance before reading the rest of the paper.

I think omitting or reviewing this definition would lead to a much more positive response to your paper.

Anyway, interesting post... flagged and starred.

[edit on 12/8/2009 by Saurus]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:08 AM
Response to Chapter One:

Now that there where only a few select people that had access to the ancient knowledge, they could hoard it, and keep it away from the public.
To keep this knowledge away from the general populace; they made the secret societies.

I don't think this has ever been the purpose of secret societies. In fact, most if not all secret societies I know of have done more to put such knowledge into the hands of the general populace, while trying to keep it out of the hands of tyrants and religious zealots. Secret societies long ago recognized that the church and the state are the enemies of a free thinking mind, and the combination of the two is devastating. This is why again and again secret societies have stood for the separation of church and state.

All teachers of secret societies have acknowledged that what they teach initiates isn’t the truth.
And that the symbolism and rituals have several layers and meanings that will get revealed as an initiate advance through the degrees and levels of the secret society.
All teachers of secret societies have acknowledged that truth is relative. My truth and your truth are not the same. And my truth today will not be my truth in 20 years. Yes, the meanings of the symbols may change with deeper knowledge, but it is not deeper knowledge that is withheld or revealed by higher ranks, it is the understanding that one comes to through his own life's experience that changes the meaning over time.

Another thing is that they also acknowledge that the whole secret society structure isn’t visible or understandable to the initiates and the members of the lower levels.
I.e. the members cannot see the cap stone from the bottom of the pyramid.

Name one secret society which acknowledges this "fact".

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton
All teachers of secret societies have acknowledged that truth is relative.

I must strongly disagree with that statement. In my study of the mystery schools, I have never seen any teach that truth is relative. Instead, they have all concurred that there is an ultimate truth that cannot be relative.

2 plus 2 always equals 4. This is an ultimate truth. If you have a "truth", but I have a "truth" that is the exact opposite, then it is obvious that at least one of those "truths" are in fact errors.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
2 plus 2 always equals 4. This is an ultimate truth. If you have a "truth", but I have a "truth" that is the exact opposite, then it is obvious that at least one of those "truths" are in fact errors.
2 plus 2 only equals 4 because we agree on what the symbol "2" represents and what the symbol "4" represents. My interpretation of Tetragrammaton's post is that he believes there is one "true" meaning for each symbol (and further that such true meaning is A: Hidden, and B: explicitly revealed to a select few). I disagree. Particularly on the esoteric symbols.

[edit on 8/12/2009 by JoshNorton]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

2 plus 2 only equals 4 because we agree on what the symbol "2" represents and what the symbol "4" represents.

Yet mathematics is a universal language that contains absolute truth. If someone tells us that 2 plus 2 equals, we know he is in error.

My interpretation of Tetragrammaton's post is that he believes there is one "true" meaning for each symbol (and further that such true meaning is A: Hidden, and B: explicitly revealed to a select few). I disagree. Particularly on the esoteric symbols.

If that's the case, I have to agree with Tetragrammaton. Symbols are adopted to express a particular idea, so there must have been an original "true" meaning. Of course, other meanings could be attached to them over the course of time, but in their original state, they were meant to convey one idea. Otherwise, any type of symbolism would be useless, as anyone would feel free to make a symbol mean anything they wanted.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Tetragrammaton

Originally posted by Tetragrammaton
Note: I am too tired to continue this post, will update it later today when i wake up bear with me please.

Reserving this post for the ending.

Hmm I wasn’t able to edit my above post, so I will have to continue this article from here.

Well where was I?
Ah yes, the duality of everything.
The universe is a complex representation of our soul; we decode this reality using sacred geometry on a subconscious level.
This is why there are some keys of knowledge like the golden mean etc as mentioned before in chapter two.
These keys are presented to us out in the open, in our everyday lives. This ancient symbolism thrives on the very reality it helped create, through the manipulation of our subconscious mind.

Chapter four: the finale

So what do all these ramblings of a tinfoil madmen sum into?
The Illuminati is the top echelon, the hidden society within the hidden society, the Russian Doll.
The Illuminati is the secret organization organizing all of the secret societies all over the world, teaching the same secret esoteric knowledge through rituals, Gnosticism and symbolism!

Is this done in an obvious way?
It sure is, I have learned a lot over my 10 years of research. And one thing that continues to repeat itself, and present itself right out there in the open is this. Is there an ultimate truth? Of course there is, the duality teaches us this. And since there is an ultimate truth, there has to be an ultimate false.
The Ying and the Yang!

I find it funny, that an argument used by people who attend the lowest echelons of these secret societies is that if there was one they would know about it, it’s all transparent, what you see is what there is.
Well I wholeheartedly disagree with this, everything I have learned points clearly to this result.
There can be no doubt in my mind.

But as I have stated over and over again, there is nothing to fear.
We are coming into the age of great change as we have done before and shall do again.
This is a coming of enlightenment. An age of knowledge and peace, even the secret societies knows this. They know that this can only be changed through a major separation of our soul and mind.
That is why they have manipulated us time over time again and again.

Well I’m going to round this off now.

Reflections and afterthoughts

I have added an explanation to my definitions chapter by request.

I agree with Masonic Light that if we both hold a truth, and they oppose each other, one must be wrong. Unless why can explain that opposition. I.e. if we both agree that 2 is 2, then 2+2 must be 4, no matter what, we can only change 4 by changing 2, and if we change 2; 2 is not 2 anymore.

I believe that the 2 dimensional symbolisms we see depicted in sacred geometry is in fact a 2 dimensional representation of our universe. Because you can scale it up with ease, in fact you don’t have to do anything; it is just very hard for the brain to understand.
Sacred geometry is depicted in 3 dimensions; it is depicted and interprets by our brain, and translated as the 3 dimensional universes we perceive here on earth.

So what I am saying is this, if you take a 2 dimensional flower of life, and turn in into a 3 dimensional object, you gate the basics of the holographic reality we reside in, this is the material quarks are made of. (Bear with me when I use the word material)

Well I am going to read your replies thoroughly one more time, thanks for the stars and flags.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Yes I know who he is. No I do not know he was the secret king.
It is funny you should mention him, since I am Asatru!

edit: formulation

[edit on 12-8-2009 by Tetragrammaton]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Interesting post. Starred and flagged.
. I disagree with a few things but don't want to get into it now. Still interesting none the less.

[edit on by jeasahtheseer]

[edit on by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Tetragrammaton

you obviously put a lot of effort into your post. I enjoyed the speculation on the Atlantis theory. But I will have to disagree on the Illuminati thing. I have been reading things here and on the web about the Illuminati for some time. A lot of what I read lead me to masonry(which is one reason I joined). I do agree that there is a powerful group that makes decisions. I think that there are multiple groups in different areas of government. The NSA pulls the strings of all alphabet societies under the guise of national security, the money people with power have lobbyists driving political opinion, The politicians are lucky to have found a spot where they can ride out their time and retire like kings, all the while ignoring the very people who put them in office. And there very well should be a governing authority over this group. For lack of a better term, we on ATS seem to gravitate toward "Illuminati". But from what I see of most "secret societies" they all seem to have the betterment of mankind as their paramount goal. Rosicrucians, masons, Moose lodge, whatever. So if the core belief is the betterment of mankind, how do these groups evolve into a secret power hungry upper eshalon at the top going 180 degrees the opposite of the teachings that brought them all to the group in the first place? that does not make sense at all and I would assume that theory to be incorrect. If the core belief in the society was to work real hard to make more money, to buy more stuff, to look better, and seem cooler than your neighbor, then the above thought might be true. Oh, I just described a capitalist society. My bad.

Great post to get the grey matter exercised.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:36 PM
Very interesting!

I will agree wholeheartedly that the whole thing is in plain view for everyone to see. You don't need a specific religion, fraternity or book to arrive at the Truth.

I disagree that all 'secret societies' should be lumped together.

There are some organizations(or Churches) that know the "Truth" and intentionally obscure it from humanity in order to maintain some sort of "temporal" control over their lives.

There are other organizations that know the "Truth" and try to scream it from the mountaintops, but they are branded as wackos and are ignored by humanity. In some cases they are even reviled and/or killed.

Finally there is a third type of group. In this group "We" know the "Truth" and pass it down through generations in all the forms and methods you discuss. We preserve and protect it. We force it on no one, but offer it to any who ask.

When the SHTF the first group will try and eliminate the second and third groups. The second is dealt with easily by simply eliminating the "wackos".

The third group fades into the background. They become Gray Men, capable of moving in and out of society unnoticed. They preserve the "Truth" (yes, secretly) until the darkness yields to the morning.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:45 PM
I personaly think that it goes well beyond our planet.

It could be incredibly well defined and planned out in a universe with a possibly inifite amount of time to learn from its mistakes.

maybe all of our important events have been engineered to be as "effective" as possible in teaching lessons and advancing society.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by network dude

Yes this fractional conspiracy/corruption almost had me persuaded, but it didn’t quite do it.

I am convinced that this must be organized at least on a subconscious level. Through manipulation,. I hope I am wrong though, but I can’t afford to be right.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by emsed1

First; nice post mate...
Secondly, I know I am a bit stiff on the whole Illuminati/secret society point of view, and I agree with your third option, such societies exists, they have to, they are a logical consequence of an illogical ignorance

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Tetragrammaton
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Yes I know who he is. No I do not know he was the secret king.
It is funny you should mention him, since I am Asatru!

edit: formulation[edit on 12-8-2009 by Tetragrammaton]

haha, I used to be all into that same stuff too back when I listened to Therion all day long. Now my beliefs are a bit more refined to be elemental in nature, but I still stand before the ancient knowledge of the Red Dragon Syndicate.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

I smell Heathens!

Edited for correct smiley face emoticon thingy.

[edit on 8/13/09 by emsed1]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 03:41 PM
Can anyone answer this:
1. Why did the illuminati create scientology? what is the purpose?
2. I know how important the book "The Little Price" is to the illuminati,
maybe it is time to go in and interpret the book word for word,
I was told, knowing what the book hides is knowing everything there is to know...

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