I'm honestly happy to see that most of you got the satire within this thread OP. Yes, we are faced with very serious times, No, we shouldn't lose
ourselves in this discusion and it is okay to laugh at how rediculious the MSM is promoting race and indifference between the people.
We need to stick together or we will be stuck together when rounded up. lol
Whoa dude, you really had me going. my blood pressure is about 200/140. I was reading along the comments getting ready to throw in some of my own,
but I thought to myself, I'll watch the video so I can see what these people are talking about. That is hilarious!!!!!!!!! S&F
Thank you so much "SickOfItAll2012" that is the effect I was hoping to get by people who read comments before viewing the OP's lol... Thanks again
for posting and the S&F