posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 01:07 PM
On the other hand, millions have been saved through prayer. Jesus healed with prayer and told us to do likewise.
Millions have died at the hands of medical science , both through neglect and incompetence.
Alternative healing has healed and some have died.
So people live and die under all methods, who is to say she would have lived under a Dr.s care?
My friends baby was born at home, but died unexpectantly, three days later. The Dr. at the morgue said even if he had been born at the hospital, he
would have died.
So when does a nonexact science trump freedom of religion?
I have gone to the hospital emergency room several times over the years and they could never tell me what was wrong and simply sent me home. Are you
so sure they would have properly diagnosed her then?
Judgement is easy when it is not you being judged.