posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 08:17 AM
hi every one.
ok i`m not sure if this is in the right place or not.
maybe you can help find out more about this ?.
ok many years ago i remember watching bbc news & wasnt taking much notice untill their was a very short story, i dont remember that much about it now,
but what i saw has always stuck in my mind because it was so unusual.
any way heres what i remember seeing :
it was a shiny metalic egg shaped craft around it were what looked like holes with rims around them these holes were slightly smaller towards to upper
part of the egg craft, the pointy end of the egg pointing upwards,
any way what realy cought my eye was this thing was making a crack, crack crack like sound wich seemed to be being made by what looked like to be
bright blue lasers being fired from the rimed holes, but the light was only coming out a short distance from the bottom of the egg wich seemed to be
holding it in the air, & the smaller rimmed holes on the upper part of the egg were doing the same but even shorter distance as if they were being
used to keep the egg craft up right & side ways movement.
the other wierd thing that i noticed was it was inside a building & with nothing that gave away its size, so it may have been as big as a bus or small
in size ?.
i could be wrong but it may have had some thing to do with the star wars project or maybe some thing called shiny pebbles ?.
i have done a few searches trying to find that video without success, it may already have been debunked ?, but i have never seen any thing like it
since or have never seen a craft that fits this decription.
has any one els ever seen the video i`m talking about ? or further info about this craft ?.
or a craft fitting this decription ?.
ide love to know even if its not real ide still like to know what was it