posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Tell that to the Europeans in Japanese occupied territories, Japanese in Canada and America, Jews and Roma in Germany and beyond, who almost
overnight, found themselves in prison camps and that they should not have worried that one day they would be targeted and even killed, just by their
racial identity.
I agree with you saying the NWO is a NO GO, simply because people have wised up since then. They have learned that they must protect themselves
because there is no one to protect them but themselves.
You are right in saying that we should focus on our selves and our families, and that we must not obsess about fear however we must be strong and
aware because the government is not to be trusted.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
reply to post by notsosweet
You know what? If the New World Order can fix the stuff that is wrong with the world today, I say more power to them! But I really don't think there
is anything to worry about.
That's the idea- they destroy society so they can redesign it to suit their specifications, and that is total control over mankind. I am not being
ridiculous- the aim is total financial and power control for their (the superwealthy PTB families) selfish gains.
'Destruction through Design!'
'Ordo ab Chao!' (Order out of Chaos)
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”
Gutle Schnaper (Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife speaking on her deathbed in 1849)
Ignorance is not bliss nor is it folly to be wise.