posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:21 PM
First off, it takes 30 days to break any habit and, to an extent, relationships are a habit. Find things to occupy your mind and your time for thirty
days. A bonus to this strategy is that you'll likely meet other interesting people in that time frame. Furthermore it takes additional time to gain
perspective and heal your heart. Focus on remembering who you are at your core, what you want from your life and, by all means,
move forward.
Don't get caught in the trap of lamenting ( for too long) what was or what might have been.
Another thing to remember is that if it is "meant to be", nothing that you can do will mess it up irrevocably and so, consequently, if it's not
meant to be - nothing you can do will fix it.
Be honest with yourself. Be honest with the other person and then let it go.
I know it hurts, Ive been there. But it feels amazing when you come out of it stronger and more optimistic for a brighter tomorrow.