posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 01:22 PM
Yes our kids are being forced to the Dark Side by the schools in so MANY, MANY ways. I have heard so much about how it is the Parents fault, and not
the Teachers and that is so BOGUS!
My kids had quit listening to me because according to the Teachers my views are racist, I do not know math, history, electronics, you name it. The
Teachers tell the kids NOT to listen to their parents as we do not know what we are talking about. I had one teacher fail my daughter on a electronic
test and when I went to talk to him about it his statement was "I have two years of electronics in college." Than he noticed my NASA badge and asked
me what I did for a living. When I told him I was an electronics technician and have been a working one for over 30 years he just took the test from
me and marked it a "A". No questions and no argument.
My daughter had problems with math. No matter how often I proved with her own text books "and the answers in the back of the book" that her teacher
was wrong she would not listen. Her first year of high school I went to the parent teacher meeting. Her math class had a math problem on the wall and
the answer was wrong. She begged me not to say anything but I did. The teacher said I was wrong and would prove it. She ended up having to change the
answer. There had been a test given by her literature teacher that was to be used for her entire time at school. My daughter had gotten a hundred on
it. After listening to the teacher give her spiel she asked anyone with questions to stay. As the parents were streaming out she asked my what my
question was. It was why did my daughter have a hundred on a test that she had gotten over 40% wrong on. Her answer stopped all the parents heading
out of the room. "I have too many students to actually read the answers. If they put ANYTHING down for an answer I counted it as
I could give many other examples from math teachers who publicly in front of their principles stated they did not know how to write a math test, to a
meeting where I was told that in that class if that all the students had 15 points added to their grades regardless of answers until they reached a
hundred and they would give my daughter 25 points that way. This went on from grade school through high school.
The good news is that our kids can turn away from the Dark Side.
My girls went out into the world, meet reality, and remembered what their parents had tried to teach them, and came back to the Light after being very
seriously hurt by what they had been taught in school.
As to home school they are making it illegal. In California a judge even went so far as to state that in the interests of society and the state that
ALL children HAVE to go to public schools so the state can ensure they have the proper attitude taught to them. Sorry I can not remember the exact