Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by TeddiRevolution
Reminds me of an original Twilight Zone episode ( Season One, #22 ) "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street".
Rod Serling, writer, creator of the show, was extremely plugged in to the psychology of his fellow Man.
You are absolutely on the point! It is a powerful reminder of how tenuous our hold on this society and our planet really is.
I firmly believe that this is a wake up call, and it will get much worse before it gets better.
Some believe (I am deeply pondering this) that the 'sheeples' as they are, will be relocated to another reality because they have no desire to deal
without fossil fuels, soy lattes, and soccer practice. However, not before we are going to be unplugged and asked if we want to stay in a world
without glaciers, ruined labyrinths of our old cities (those not underwater), and then being faced with the monumental task of building new societies
that are divorced from our current consumption based lives.
Nostradamus also talked of this, and I don't know the quatrain but he mentions grass growing waist high in the streets. Well, my question is what
does a History channel Nostradamus program (where I heard the prophecy) correspond to what someone else who is possibly in contact with
extra-terrestrials is saying (Cosmicparadigm.com)?
I don't know. I am not storing massive amounts of food or water, and in that case, money would be worthless and oil will stop flowing. What would I
do? Survive as best I can.
My family wouldn't understand why I would hoard food at all, and I just don't have the resources. My friends were contemplating such an occurance
nearly four years ago, I never believed, but now I am deeply concerned.
This grocery store occurrence, and many more happenings are most likely leading to a conclusion that we only have limited choices on. Most western
nations are running on steam. There is no money, and they are still wasting currency on wars and worthless projects while the average joe suffers
Heck, if anything these current world events are telling me is that as long as people are willing to work at McDonald's (or other servitude work)
this capitalist system could limp on without hard currency for a very long time. It won't however. It can't.
Most people refuse to accept such dire statements, many are aware, but just like the rest of us, our hands our tied regardless. The nicest sleepers
when exposed to stimuli they are not capable of comprehending, will follow Maslow's pyramid of self actualization all the way to the bottom,
Without their needs delivered consistently, they will behave like unactualized animals and will require massive amounts of effort on others to handle
the needs of even one person who regresses.
Just like those guys in zombie movies (night of the living dead is a great example) who refuse to leave their 'safe', 'secure' spaces (no matter
what the danger), and then when the group decides to leave, the individuals will insist that they are right, and everyone must stay with them.
Then, when the group leaves, the person follows, while still refusing to cooperate for the well being of the group, and usually manages to get others
killed in the process, then blames everyone else.
You see it on ATS all the time, people who are viciously offended when someone offers potential oddities, and phonomena only to say "it's a bird,
stupid, why are you bothering US?" They will not make it one foot in a 'real world' as was previously mentioned, where you don't work 9 to 5 every
day and go home to lawnmowers, cell phones, and conveniences that do little except chain you to them.
Five minutes of waiting in a grocery line should never create a toxic, violence drenched situation where the grocers are afraid for their lives. This
all boils down to social conditioning, and how can you fight for liberty, freedom, and justice, when we are so conditioned to convenience that the
only things that truly offend, are sex and violence on TV, family morals violations, and the loss of services that should be FREE!
Phillip K. Dick wrote about this (and was beautifully performed on screen) in Total Recall. These bastards would charge us for our air if they could
(although for clean, cold air, we already do), and for providing it, they are free to do as they wish. We pay for everything, and this grocery store
incident illustrates what happens when we lose stuff that may or may not be necessary for living.
What I just said, might just offend a number of people. Sorry for the long post, but all of these issues are interconnected and the lynch pin was
pulled a long time ago.
I really, really, wish this isn't how it is going to be.
I hope I'm wrong.
[edit on 10-8-2009 by GideonHM]