posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 09:35 PM
I first came upon this site probably as everyone else did, because of the title, after a couple of years of reading what was going on and a little bit
of posting I have come to realise that far from being a website that promotes the truth, this website is nothing more than a sounding board for the
gullible and insane, I challenge anyone to point out anything that has been proven beyond doubt on anything that has been said on this site, I have
been party to logical discussions on this web site that have been shut down by the mods, and ignored by "experts" that I was asking questions of
and have seen many similar instances. it's pointless to go into detail, it's not necessary,for the rational person who reads this, this website is
good entertainment if you like laughing at people behind mirrored walls, it will not help or further your spiritual development, you alone through
meditation will achieve that.I frequent this website now and again for the chance of some truthful fragments of some esoteric news,but then thats
what most logical curious people are here for, what we get is scaremongering and general ramblings of sad lonely people. It's time to grow up and
stop waiting for the invisible to save us. Its down to us guys. Peace
Ps I just put swine flu in the title because it's the latest "thing" that catches peoples attention. (I have had swine flu, it's just like the
normal flu only it only lasts 1 day.) (Yes if you have an underlying illness it will affect you more so just like if you had any other flu.)
Just thought I'd say good bye. Bye bye.