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ASTRALPEDIA [ a guide the the astral, and how to get there ]

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posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:00 PM
This is a great thread and I will definitely try these techniques When I have the time.

My main reason for posting is to just bump this awesome thread! I need more reading material.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Very good post!

You are right about the inside and outside projections, although they are the same in my opinion, one is much more personal and brings closer to God and the other is the travelling in the different places of the astral.
I also wished you spoke about all the astral entities one may come across (even before the exit!). Most are neutral in nature but there are good and bad beings and to the inexperienced traveller it can be quite a shock.
There is also a chance of temporarily losing control of the body (a few seconds max) and in some cases this can be very unsettling or down right scary.

My favorite technique is to imagine peacefully laying down on the Ocean, doing a mental countdown and switch off parts of my body until i reach the head. When complete relaxation and sensory deprivation occur, I only imagine myself having the urge to stand up or jump, or simply imagine a vaccuum above me sucking me up.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by phi1618
Thank you for sharing. Excellent. S & F.

Now here is a link to a video

I found this interesting. The entire site of videos within UTube is by rammsteinregeln and deals with Douglas James Cottrell and what he claims to have found in the akashic records.

This particular video put out the question: Who killed John F Kennedy?

Cui Bono is from the Latin and means Who benefits.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by phi1618

S&F!!! hell yeah! I have been looking into OBE's a lot of late. Very coincidental that this is posted thanks a ton!

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:48 PM
This has always fascinated me, never APed but I have been into trance once, it felt kinda like I was floating. I have heard stories of people encountering hellish, demon like creatures whilst Aping though, other people saying you have to ground yourself properly otherwise a malevoant spirit might enter your body whilst you are out, the idea of which always terrifies me so the few times I have tried to AP, I have quickly abandonded it in fear.

Im actually freaking out about it now just thinking about it, time to grab my MP3 player and listen to some cheery tunes...

*My song of choice right now- the Ghostbusters theme!
Certinly did the trick*

Id still love to do it though, I just need to get past my (rational) fear.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by joecool280]

[edit on 9-8-2009 by joecool280]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by joecool280
This has always fascinated me, never APed but I have been into trance once, it felt kinda like I was floating. I have heard stories of people encountering hellish, demon like creatures whilst Aping though, other people saying you have to ground yourself properly otherwise a malevoant spirit might enter your body whilst you are out, the idea of which always terrifies me so the few times I have tried to AP, I have quickly abandonded it in fear.

Im actually freaking out about it now just thinking about it, time to grab my MP3 player and listen to some cheery tunes...

*My song of choice right now- the Ghostbusters theme!
Certinly did the trick*

Id still love to do it though, I just need to get past my (rational) fear.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by joecool280]

[edit on 9-8-2009 by joecool280]

I've had the same fear sometimes. Those stupid shows (cough cough A Haunting) put fear into people. I personally think they may be purposefully used by TPTB to be put fear into our hearts so we are scared to astral project. I'm going to try this astral projection too, because I'm new to all these spiritual practices.

I think I know how to protect yourself from these entities. Imagine a white light of protection, a white light emanating from within you. I like to imagine it a sort of filter, and any negative entity will bounce against it and go away. Be sure to do this right before you begin to astral project. I use this method when I get frightened or go into a place where there may be negative spirits. I have a friendly spirit in my house who I would like to speak with. She's not negative, and is actually an Indian. I've done EVP's, but have not tried any spiritual communication, yet. And no, she's not a demon. Perhaps this will work. I love these kinds of threads. The conspiracy threads are always so negative and are like, RED ALERT!!!! PTB ARE GOING TO KILL US triple exclamation mark again. These threads are positive and can bring great joy. Thanks!

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs
reply to post by phi1618


In your descriptions of astral do you realize that the accounting of time is very similar to being high on mushrooms and other drugs?

Im not saying you are on drugs or these accounts are effects from drug usage.

Please don't get me wrong. I am not trying to call into question anything.

I am just saying the experiences you mentioned are very similar.

Are you aware of this? And what do you think about that?

Thanks for the info, and very interesting...

Great videos too btw!

Hehe its funny that you say that. Ive had a few friend who have tried doing the substance you mentioned ( T&C so be careful
) and they always described it as a state of confusion.

I have found that drug actually impede ones progress in the astral, taking away the natural ability one has to project and. By this is mean you become reliant on the substance to induce the states required to project, instead of doing it naturally. i have never tried using any drugs in my life, and from what ive been told about them salvia is the closes to an projection, the rest just fall short.

Alot of my friends are deep into these things, ive heard just about all the stories. I would say the two don't compare
im speaking of course from second hand experince, i guess its up the individual in the end.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
reply to post by phi1618

Next step that I've been working on: Get the freakin' willful projection down!

hehe sounds like you where about to project. I would suggest doing some more energy work, that may clear up your vision and make the process smoother.

I will be posting a part 2 to the Astralpedia in another thread, it will cover a few more key things, and stuff that can help you project that doesn't require any energy work or meditation ( diet and habits and such )

good luck

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by deloneninja
I ask that people please read this post and respond to it, advice would be really great.

I have just tried meditating and using these methods for the first time. I focused on my chakras opening starting from the root and working towards middle. This was actually suprisingly easy i found. I had about 5 tingling sensations each time i focused enough and visualised them opening. When i got to around the solar plexus area it became harder, and i was having a hard time at the chakra in the head(not sure the name) and the crown chakra. I still felt energy and started to use the sinking method. I felt very heavy and almost fell asleep. While continuing to do this i felt like i was both moving in a direction and falling, it was strange. I then snapped out of it, because i really was about to fall asleep.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by deloneninja]

Just a quick question,where did you visualize the energy coming from?

If you visualized it coming from your feet down, then use that technique until you reach your solar plexus. DO not try to open it, just let some energy flow into it. Ive found the solar plexus harder to open at times, and my theory is because it requires a mixture of positive and negative energy. Yin and Yan if you will, to fully open.

Once youve done that, try to force energy down instead of up, start at your crown chakra pulling energy down from above you, allow it to go down until you reach your heart. Then take some of that energy and fully open the solar plexus.

Hopefully this will help you with your energy work, ive found its easier this way to visualize it all. Pull from you head down for positive upper chakras, then pull from the bottom for lower negative energy chakras, or visa-verse.

good luck

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by micpsi
There are not five but seven planes of consciousness. Each plane expresses the quality of one of the seven Sephiroth of Construction of the Tree of Life (Otz Chiim). These seven planes, each divided into seven levels, are but the lowest (most material) of seven cosmic planes of consciousness. Each of the six superphysical cosmic planes are divided into seven levels. This means that the spectrum of consciousness spans (49+42=91) levels. The lowest seven levels constitute physical reality - the "space-time continuum" known to physicists. The Cosmic Tree of Life is the geometrical map of these 91 levels. It consists of 91 overlapping Trees of Life, each Tree mapping a subplane of consciousness, where
91 = 1^2 + 2^2+ 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2 + 6^2.
They have 550 Sephiroth, where
550 = 10x55 = 10x(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10).
55 is the tenth Fibonacci number. The number of points, lines & triangles in the Cosmic Tree of Life is 3108, where
3108 = 1^4 + 3^4 + 5^4 + 7^4.
Such beautiful, yet simple symmetry, is an illustration of the amazing properties of the Cosmic Tree of Life and demonstrates how its design conforms to the mathematical perfection of the Mind of God.

If you wish to study how the Cosmic Tree of Life as a map of ALL levels of consciousness is encoded in a single Tree of Life, in the Hindu Sri Yantra, in the five Platonic solids and in the polyhedral form of the Tree of Life, read:
you will find many research articles that demonstrate the existence (albeit in different formats) of a universal mathematical representation of all levels of reality. Encoded in all of them is the structure and dynamics of superstrings because this basic unit of physical matter contains the very signature of God. These articles reveal the mathematical nature of that signature.

thanks for these great links and info
i will look into it.

THe OP is based on my exp, i havent seem all the levels, although i have some idea where they are. Each level i have found is a caricature for each unique chakra, so there could be many many more levels than i am aware of. I also feel that each level has sub levels ( such as the akasha ) within it.

great info nonetheless i will look into it

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by googolplex
reply to post by micpsi
I have real that there are also three lower levels with I believe three lower chakras below the root chakra,but these would be the lesser planes, those working in those would be, way on wrong path, or by mistaken pratice fallen in to this state, Black Tantric.

yup there are chakras outside the body
i personally believe there is an infinite amount of chakras within the body and outside ( minor and major ones )

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by TheOracle
Very good post!

You are right about the inside and outside projections, although they are the same in my opinion, one is much more personal and brings closer to God and the other is the travelling in the different places of the astral.
I also wished you spoke about all the astral entities one may come across (even before the exit!). Most are neutral in nature but there are good and bad beings and to the inexperienced traveller it can be quite a shock.
There is also a chance of temporarily losing control of the body (a few seconds max) and in some cases this can be very unsettling or down right scary.

My favorite technique is to imagine peacefully laying down on the Ocean, doing a mental countdown and switch off parts of my body until i reach the head. When complete relaxation and sensory deprivation occur, I only imagine myself having the urge to stand up or jump, or simply imagine a vaccuum above me sucking me up.

Hehe thanks, i will cover the spirits and voices and such in section two
thanks for the request.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Ok, I'm just post-last-attempt so I'll give a run-down while it is fresh in my mind.

Something I found was a real issue with not wanting to initially experience my body in the 3rd person. I don't really feel a great fear but rather some excessive attachment to the body. Perhaps I am equating that with death and perhaps in the most common experience it is death. It seems a bit silly right now especially since I had a recent involuntary experience and did OBE quite often as a child, but still more or less out of my control.

It almost seems as silly as being unwilling to get out of your car because you think it's you.

I am having what feels like memories of being wheeled around on a stretcher, unable to move or communicate while hearing voices around me.

I feel like my awareness starts to move slightly in front of my face and awarness starts to diminish from the body itself as if I were forming a bubble that is about to break off and float free.

Do you have any suggestions on this one other than to just confront the issue when it arises?

This is normal, i suggest you just sit in that state and not try to project until you get used the all the sensations. Many people who project regularly are able to project while;e still retaining the feeling within the body, while other are not. i grantee you you wont die and its 100% safe
the only way youll get hurt is if you fall off the bet.

Those memories may be dreams, or past memories, only you will know

If your awareness is moving out of your body you are on the right track

good luck, and remember there is nothing to fear except fear itself

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:13 PM
This is a great thread, Star & Flag for the amount of work that went into the presentation.

The thing that amazes me about this entire phenomenon is that it actually happens cross-culture, and is possible for everyone to do. I was an atheist until I started randomly projecting and lucid dreaming. It definitely changes your perspective on things once you achieve the ability to project / lucid dream. It's really not hard to do at all, but it does take patience above all.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by joecool280
This has always fascinated me, never APed but I have been into trance once, it felt kinda like I was floating. I have heard stories of people encountering hellish, demon like creatures whilst Aping though, other people saying you have to ground yourself properly otherwise a malevoant spirit might enter your body whilst you are out, the idea of which always terrifies me so the few times I have tried to AP, I have quickly abandonded it in fear.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by joecool280]

I think those stories are a result of fear and misunderstanding
its like being afraid to go to sleep cause someone may take over your body. You are still in your body and nothing can posses it, also you cannot be hurt in any way. Fears of the flesh do not apply in the astral, and that is one thing many people forget, nothing can happen to you.

just my 2 cents on that

good luck.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by phi1618 The Mental Layer Personally I have never experienced this realm, although I have been to higher one I somehow managed to skip this one. Since I have never experienced it, I personally believe it does not exist or is misinterpreted for a buffer zone between realms. Here is what Robert Bruce’s Astral Dynamics Website has to say about it.

This is a spectacular dimension! Iridescent rivers of sound bounded by rainbow shores of pulsating light. Thoughts appear as kaleidoscopic patterns of light and sound. You walk across fields of ideas under a sparkling crystal sky of inspiration. If you enter this world don't try to rationalise or understand it, or you may go mad, for it is beyond human understanding. Just accept it all, go with the flow and enjoy it!

Sounds like a '___'/'___' trip - pretty sure I've been there

Thanks, will continue to read this wonderful piece of information

edit: quote tags didnt work but u get my drift

[edit on 9-8-2009 by JRSB]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by DocEmrick

hehe yup, very simple recipe just get a mixing bowl and tape 1 table spoon of determination, patience and will-power and stir it up

good luck

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by JRSB

hehe make sure the tag is after my OP but before you statement.

Yes, many people have strange psychonaut experiences during trips, but doing it willfully and needing a drug to induce it are two sides of the same coin
One also has positive aftereffects while the other has negative

i mean just look at Syd Berret.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 07:16 PM
Astralpedia part two is in the works, if anyone would like to suggest topics i include and try to cover please feel free to post.

So far i have the following :

1 Helping you project ( THings that help other than energy work )
2. sensations before during and after projection
3. Spirits/astral figures
4. The Big Pull ( Time travel through the astral )

please feel free to add more topics for cover.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by phi1618]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 07:31 PM
I have a question:

How do I overcome itches? It may sound funny, but it happens to me every time I try and meditate now. I get these horrible burning itches right on the insides of my nostrils that get so bad, I literally break out in sweats and my meditation session is ruined. I've been unable to overcome this obstacle to the point to where I do absolutely no "work" anymore in this field, whereas, I used to do it all the time.

Yes, I've trimmed the hair in my nose. They are impossible to ignore as it's akin to trying to meditate while someone's holding a lit match under your butt.

Very frustrating.

I've never gotten out, but I HAVE experienced the final step right before exit, as per Robert Monroe's descriptions. Over the past several years (before the dreaded itch, that is) I was able to get to the vibratory state.

If ever there were any skeptical doubt as to the efficacy of energy work and altered states of consciousness induced only by meditation (no drugs), I can tell you that there IS something to this crazy business. I have experienced Monroe's vibratory state on 4 separate occasions, and each one I could not describe the sensation to do it justice.

It's amazing in fact, and unbelievable, that I always get shocked out of my session. Which is why I've never been able to "exit."

Now, I'm just interested in the energy.

Anyway, got to rambling there...sorry.

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