posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:45 PM
There are numerous people (living ) doubles of every human being, I met mine in the Army at boot camp. But it was no bad omen. But a true
doppleganger can be either a ghost like or apparition which is not physical, or it could also be slipping dimensions, either way I really don't think
it's meaning as anything bad. My eldest daughter's friend has seen my younger daughter's twice; this was an appirition, and I know these grounds
are haunted and chalk it up to being a very nasty ghost who likes to imitate people's appearence which many ghosts are known to do as well as imitate
voices. And I have seen my eldest daughter's double who was a physical more than 9 years ago. She's still here. Nothing bad ever happened to her. So
chances are, that's bogus. As for the dimension slipping one, it may be possible that if they touched then they'd cancel each other out according to
some phycisists who believe that like matter can't occupy the same space. I don't know how they could prove or disprove this. It'd be kind of