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Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Originally posted by tauristercus
See above. Also, where did that quote come from anyway?
You are more than welcome to discuss it at any angle you like. With all due respect though I guess I am still looking at it from a more complicated angel. I do like a challenge.
I guess what I am thinking is since we are ultimately dealing with just theories, what is the harm in contemplating the deeper and more complex areas of the theories at hand?
Originally posted by tauristercus
I like that comment of yours ... "what is the harm in contemplating the deeper and more complex areas of the theories" ... myself, I'm just happy to try and get a handle on what little I can comprehend on the weirdness of single time line travel
Originally posted by GORGANTHIUM
It is quite possible that it might not be that hard to build a time machine after all.Remember the phelidelpha experiment.That was not really a very advanced experiment for its time.Its just that they thought they were trying to develope a stealth field to hide from radar but instead created something totaly different.Some people believe the phelidelpha experiment was just one big electromagnet that got out of control.So was that,that easy to create.I beleive the phelidelpha experiment was so powerful it connected to a space time vortex and became more powerful.Sometimes some powerful things can be turned on ok but turning them off might be a bit harder than you think.The americans second time at creating a time machine ended in disater again.Instead of opening a time space vortex they accidently opened a gateway to another dimention.Once they connected to this dimention they could not turn off the device.Evil creatures started coming though the dimention vortex and all the americans could do is block the entrence from this end with steel sheets and cement.That vortex has been open for years.Lets hope thoses evil creatures don;t find away to dig them selfs out into our world.
[edit on 9-8-2009 by GORGANTHIUM]
Originally posted by FIFIGI
How many thousands of years would take the acceleration (in the case of traveling into future by going near speed of light)? If it would be too fast, your brains would become a jelly.
"Within a closed system, that the total mass/energy content of the system cannot be created/destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space"
"Within a closed system, that the total mass/energy of the system cannot be created/destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space and time"
Many people use the argument that there are no time travelers from the future among us as evidence that time travelling into the past cannot be achieved. However, it could just as easily be an indication that our civilisation simply doesn't last long enough to develop the means.
Originally posted by jeasahtheseer
Nice. This stuff is pretty interesting I've never quite looked into time travel theories or whatever til now, now I think I found a new interest!
Anyways thanks again for posting!
Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Time Travel 101
By Scott Lenig
But is there a way to get back? The short answer is yes. But what is that way? In 1937 a man named W.J van Stockum published a paper in the Scottish scientific journal. Van Stockum used Einstein’s work to figure out what would happen if an object went into orbit around a rotating cylinder. What he learned was that if this cylinder spun fast enough the object could return to the time before it even left. What this means is that a closed loop in space is also a closed loop in time.
When I first heard about this I wondered why no one really knew much about it. It seems like such a revolutionary discovery. Then I realized the flaw in Van Stockums logic. In order for his idea to work, this cylinder would have to be infinitely long.
[edit on 8-8-2009 by gimme_some_truth]
Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
About 10 years later however, another person found a much more realistic way of traveling into the past. An Austrian logician named Kurt Godel. Godel learned that if the entire universe were rotating, it should be possible to find orbits in space that actually spiral back into the past.
All though his work in this area was meant more as a simple curiosity than a serious look into the matter, his work slowly led scientists to look into something that was coined “Einstein-Rosen Bridges”, better known today as wormholes.
Worm holes open up the possibility of traveling anywhere (or when) in the universe by shortening the distance between point A and point B rather than shortening the amount of time it takes to get there. This works because to open a wormhole is to fold the universe in on itself.
Think of it this way. Imagine the universe as a piece of paper. On one end of the paper is a dot. That dot is earth. On the other end is a planet that we are interested in exploring. Well this planet is millions of light years away so by conventional means going there is out of the question. Fold that piece of paper in half so that one planet is right above or below the other and you have just shortened the distance between the two by a great amount and therefore have made it possible to go there.
Opening a wormhole loops the universe on itself there by shortening the distance between two objects and just as Van Stockum wrote, a loop in space is also a loop in time. To loop time is to be able to go to any time you wish.
What this all means is that with the help of rapid movement and high speed your friend can travel into the future, and with the help of a wormhole your friend can also go into the past.
As you see, scientists have known how to travel through time for many years. The only thing that has kept us from doing so is a lack of technology. The question is will we ever gain this technology and if so how will it affect the universe and our daily lives? Only time will tell.
[edit on 8-8-2009 by gimme_some_truth]