posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:25 AM
I just joined the forum. I'm glad to see that some
people are coming to their senses about what is
happening. I'm actually seeing this type of discussion
in a lot of forums and blogs. What used to be conspiracy
"theories" by nuts, is openly being discussed with a lot
of reason.
I truly believe that there are an elite group of people that have been
playing the old game of "divide and conquer" for a long time - perhaps
since the founding of this nation. The right vs. the left, the Christians vs.
the atheists, the blacks against the whites, the poor against the rich, etc.
etc. They keep us side-tracked, with the help of the media, to stay near-
sighted by all of these distractions while they are literally taking our
freedoms from us - inch by inch and increment by increment, AND robbing
us of any accumulated wealth we scratch to secure for ourselves and our
families. They use the rich, whether it be from big corporations or
individuals, such as actors and musicians, as their fronts, and I actually
believe that, with the exception of a few, that those "pawns" are oblivious
to being used. We call the entertainment and corporate "rich" because they
are more wealthy than us but compared to these "hidden elite" they
have a fraction of the wealth. I don't believe there is any comparison.
These hidden few are so wealthy that money and wealth is not even their
objective anymore, it is about power and control on the global level. I
believe that the Federal Reserve is the most we ever see of these elite,
and most Americans are so side-tracked and naive that they think the
Federal Reserve is a government entity. It is so frustrating to see
how we have been letting this go on for so long, and we've been so
fat and happy, or I should say content and passive, that now we're
being jolted out of our complacency with the sudden rush of the events
being ushered in by those that we have put in the offices of government.
If this is what it takes, then so be it. It is my hope that this is the
awakening of the sleeping giant that is the bulk of this nation. Those
that have been hard working people who have been honest and held
down jobs and paid their taxes (even if those taxes have been wrongly
placed upon us - meaning income taxes) and raised children to the best
of our God given abilities and helped others along the way in accordance
to what we have been blessed with. THEY are the sleeping giant. And if
they are truly aroused, then they (we) will be a force to be reckoned with.
These are the families that raised those who are the bulk of all of the
military, so, if there is any question as to who these soldiers will protect
and preserve, it will be the families, friends, churches and others who
have supported them, not the fat cat, life-long politicians in Washington.
If this sleeping giant were to march up to Washington in one accord and
with one voice, I believe that that voice would not even need to be
physically heard or any weapons to be fired, but that the mere presence
of this giant would rattle the foundations of Washington to the point that
these crooked leaches would slither out and under a rock never to be
seen or heard again. I know, that sounds dramatic, but that might be
what it has to come to. Cleaning house. Making Washington lean and frugal
instead of "We, the people.." being the only ones to have to live wisely and
balance our budgets, and give an accounting for everything we have and
do. It's time we return to being the parents of our government and
demanding that they live by our rules and earn their keep and make their
beds and clean their room, and in return, we will give them an allowance!
Side note: Wow, while I was reviewing before posting, I realize that this
site is all about conspiracy theories. I guess nothing I said in the above
rambling oration is new ground for most of you here. Still, my $0.02 worth!