posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 06:26 PM
For anyone who wants to do a little research it all starts with the Russell Trust.
The Russell Trust named after it's founder oversees two things.
One is Johns Hopkins Medical School, University and Hospital.
Two is a harmless little fraternity named Skull & Bones.
The Russell Family made it's fortune in Opium smuggling back in the middle 1800's.
They invented the Health Industry to provide an additional and legitimate outlet for the narcotics they were smuggling.
The Health Industry in America has always been a by product of the Pharmacutical Industry.
The fortunes made off of pharmacuticals is staggering and the list of known illnesses that require drug treatment just grows and grows along with
their profits.
The whole notion of Nationalized/Socialized Managed Health Care is in part based on the desire of the Elite to have most every man, woman and child on
some form of mind altering, thought numbing, addictive drug and to manage the population in that fashion by numbing them to their actual plight as
human beings.
By inducing an artificial state of happiness it takes far less in the way of material wealth and comfort to make people happy.
Visit a crack gallery or a heroine shooting gallery and you will see perfect strangers happily lounging about in utter squalor and filth without a
care in the world or wanting to be any place else in the world.
When it's time for their next fix, they will do anything, and I mean basically anything for it, in order to maintain that artificial feeling of
contentment and not suffer painful and shocking withdrawals from the drug.
That's your nationalized health care for you, and they really would like to get it up and going before the economy gets much worse, so you don't
really have to care that the economy is much worse and you have much less, and you certainly won't trouble them about it.
Now if you didn't read every word of my post you have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and you really need to be on serious medication!