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White House Threatens Limbaugh Over Obama Criticism

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by TheAftermath

The police are nothing more than the local governments revenue agents, thats all they are. Nothing more, nothing less

Worse: they are the civilian military. "Serve and protect": does not say "whom" on the car now does it? Serve and protect the govenor is what i think it reaallly means.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:13 AM
The White House did not threaten Rush Limbaugh.

When us liberals were saying the same sort of things about bush minor, Limbaugh was calling us traitors. Now the shoe is on the other foot and he's calling it free speech.

What comes around goes around.

Mod Edit: Corrected name.

[edit on 8/11/2009 by AshleyD]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:17 AM
Obama came on Limbaughs show here!?!?

Of course Limbaugh was referring to the Right Wing terrorism here.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by prepare4it777]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by observer
I think Pelosi used poor wording but I am pretty sure a picture is worth a 1000 words.

Uhhh, those are anti-nazi signs. Notice the lines through the swastikas. Its certainly nothing new. I guess its yet another case of "its only ok when democrats do it".

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:24 AM
Wimby you are beginning to replace RR Conservative as my favorite right winger...I know I can always count on you for something inane.

In case you don't remember bush minor and his administration were repeatedly breaking or bending the law to suit their wants and needs...and the courts repeatedly ruled against them...

HUGE difference....this is a legitimate health care debate...not illegal search and siezure or wire tapping or invading another country on false pretences.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Limbaugh must always be taken with a grain of salt . . . but he is right on this one.

Edit: Token second line

[edit on 8/7/2009 by Lemon.Fresh]

Ronald Reagan was opposed to Medicare, as he perceived this as socialized medicine.............please watch this

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by joechip
The White House should not be threatening the free exercise of speech. Period. Maybe it's true that comparing your enemies to the Nazis means you've lost the argument, unless of course your enemies behave like Nazis in response! But I'm not surprised at all. Obama and his administration are PRAGMATIC rather than PRINCIPLED. From the hypocrisy on legalization to the draconian expansion of government power via family law, Obama is of a cloth with the last, hmmm...four presidents, whose essential common denominator was political expediency/expansion of power. He will do what we let him. Like they all did. Too bad an extremist partisan blowhard like Rush is the "voice" of the resistance. I'd prefer a more "principled" voice; (ie. where were his criticisms of Bush's trampling of the Constitution?). His partisan approval then makes him less credible now. But Obama shouldn't be threatening anyone. This IS America, after all. Very worrisome business IMO.

This is not necessairly a threat. It is possible that if these disruptions and chaos continue, it could lead to civil war, all brought on by the people themselve.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by TheAftermath

Time for a little lesson: while socialism proved to not work very well with real people being real people rather spectaculary (with berlin wall falling and all) Free markets actually did the same, just not with as much trara.

Free markets only work when 2 assumptions are true:
Consumer can choose any good to satisfy his needs
Consumer has perfect information

In the real world those two just won't happen. Regulations are necessary.

Police/Firefighting/Medical actually are distinct from other markets that the consumer does not choose to be a consumer. He didn't choose to be mugged. He didn't choose to have his house burnt down. He didn't choose to wake up with an inner ear infection. You can do some things to minimize the risks of these things happening, but you can't chose to rather not get mugged.

But you seem to be so far away from the real world that you won't see that either.

But another thing: streets: do you own a car? Now, should folks who paid more for the streets (as in higher taxes) than you get to run over red lights? Should you be obliged to get off the street in a traffic jam, so someone with a higher income tax can get to wherever they are going? (They payed more than you. Good idea, yes?)

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Limbaugh must always be taken with a grain of salt . . . but he is right on this one.

Edit: Token second line

[edit on 8/7/2009 by Lemon.Fresh]

The Supreme Court has also recognized that the government may prohibit some speech that may cause a breach of the peace or cause violence

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:54 AM


posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:57 AM
Rush does have a point. If Obama appointed Axelrod to Chancellor and changed the flag to his Obama symbol you could be forgiven for thinking you had travelled back to 1933.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by MOFreemason

The 30's and 40's events have no equal? Where did this flunky get his education?
10's of millions of native americans were slain in this country alone, not to mention South America. How about the millions of people who died in China at the hands of Japan.
It amazes me how this country's government and educational system give Isreal and the Jews a pass for the atrocities of Germany, yet we forget all about our own doings. We are so quick to point a finger at someone else, yet we never take responsibility for what we"ve done.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by Kanati]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:03 AM
The Obama government, unlike the previous American regime actually lets anyone into a town hall, they don't restrict who can say what and therefore have to deal with all these bleaters and foot stampers who would rather shout at the top of their lungs and be belligerent as opposed to offering a counterpoint and an argument that also includes alternative solutions.

what do you tell a small noisy ignorant person in the room to do?
you generally tel them to tone it down, behave etc until eventually you have to outright tell them to shut up.

what obama needs to do is step up and dump the GOP on its ass. get rid of any republican in his organization and let them do their own thing elsewhere.

the GOP is not bi partisan and his idea that Americans actually want to work together in their respective political parties is wrong, clearly.

He doesn't need the GOP voice, he is the president.

If america gets slapped in teh conservative ass, it deserves it in my opinion.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Wimbly

for one if you took the time to read my posts instead of just wigging out you would see that: 1) I retracted one of my statements as being a misunderstanding on my part and that I reacted quickly instead of thoughtfully and 2) that I called people who called Bush a nazi lefty morons. So no, it is not ok for anyone to be tossing these ad hominem attacks around since it does not further your own cause (whatever that may be) because it makes you appear unhinged... oh wait.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by observer]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by grover

In case you don't remember bush minor and his administration were repeatedly breaking or bending the law to suit their wants and needs...and the courts repeatedly ruled against them...

HUGE difference....this is a legitimate health care debate...not illegal search and siezure or wire tapping or invading another country on false pretences.

Give me a break. This stuff started on Bush the day he was inaugurated. You libs always have some excuse for why its only ok when you do it. Its something you guys are very consistent about. Also, what did McCain do to get that label? I'm sure you have some excuse for why thats legitimate also.

reply to post by observer

I'm "unhinged" and "wigging out", simply by responding with evidence that its nothing new?

[edit on 8-8-2009 by Wimbly]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:19 AM

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:23 AM
I cant help but see history repeting itself. This is becoming a 21st century version of the show 'John Adams'. The years leading up to the American Revolution. History proves that Americans do not like it when their government ignores them. History also proves that when a government wants to go one way it does not like to change course and will do what it can to bulldoze its way to where it wants to be.

Obama is well known for being the best at manipulating peoples emotions to get the outcome he wants. It was his most notable characterisic during his time as community organizer. That is not an opinion I am pullling out of think air either. I have to say I am more than a little tense. He has managed to push everyones buttons in such a percise way. Abortion, bailouts, free money, health care, and the way he is playing with our most basic amendments that we hold so dear, the freedom of speech, right to peacfully protest, and gun laws....bullying he way through insisting that he will get what he wants. I have to wonder if it is the Health care he wants or a revolution.

I wish he would share with us his image of what he wants America to look like three years from now.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by mrsdudara]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Why do you people act like this is new. You were called a traitor for just disagreeing with bush's policies. Fox said you were committing treason and should be dealt with. None of this # ring a bell?

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:27 AM

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by shug7272

Its been pointed out several times in this thread, but when it happened over the last 8 years it came from the people to the politicians. Fox may have stoked some of that, but it was one network. Every single other networks attacked anyone who suggested democrats were unpatriotic for declaring the Iraq war lost. So, its quite a bit different now. Now you have the White house and all the MSM (minus Fox) attacking the American people as domestic terrorists, extremists and racists.

Its absolutely nothing like the example you gave. Bush was not one to attack his critics.

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