posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 06:26 PM
All across the country Independent voters are finding their voice at town hall meetings. After eight years of a Republican administrations
disenfranchisement. With the institution of the Patriot Act, their sanity was questioned. Home Land Security, untenable wars, deficit spending, and
the housing bubble crash and more, things started to become surreal.
We now have a Democratic administration that has added to the disenfranchisement. Taxpayers witness in disbelief an administration that has lead us
to even greater deficit spending. People watch in horror as the Government takes over the control of major banking institutions, huge insurance
conglomerates, automobile manufacturing corporations, and a proposed government controlled national health care. All these endeavors funded by deficit
spending. All the above endeavors extend beyond the Governments allotted powers.
People from both persuasions, are dumbfounded by the hubris exhibited by those elected to serve. Both parties wish to quash the opposition’s
opinions, and infringe upon the rights of the people to free speech and the right to assemble.
Voices ring out across the nation, questioning the Constitutional validity of the course this nation is heading toward. When a Government of the
people, by the people and for the people, refuses to adhere to the Constitution, it is established upon. When the very people elected to serve,
describe citizens wishing to uphold the Constitution, as radicals, extremists or potential terrorists. It is time to reevaluate exactly what this two
party system has done for us.
Is it time for the demise of this flawed two party system of Government? Is it time for a viable third party, who would truly support and defend the
Constitution and Bill of Rights?
What is your opinion? Let’s hear your voice!!!