reply to post by Syrus Magistus
Hey Syrus,
Sorry it has taken me a bit to reply. I'll try to keep this from getting to deep, I like things simple. Ok, your asking my opinion if I believe
because believing is not the same as having proof of anykind.
Yes, I do believe that we all have spirit guides, some of us can scene them as a consciousness or when having to make a really tough decision and
something deep inside us pulls us in a curtain direction that only you understand and even as simple as desiding to turn left instead of right at a
corner. They will not disrupt your free will in chosing for you but they do try to remind you of the right and wrong paths to take. It's weird.
As for past lives or reincarnation? Again, no proof but I am of the belief that we are experiencing life on earth as hell, and the universe as heaven.
You have a 51-95% or higher (51% good person, 95% living life positively) positive energy force and if you fall below that you enter the negative side
of your life existance. Depending how you choice to live your life on earth depends if you have to go throgh it all over again until you get it right
to move on (graduate) to your next evolutionary developemental learning stage spiritually as part of a universial life force.
I probably could have explained that better but any ways.
Now, for example. If you live your life in fear of most everything (excluding pain), they a fear based individual is chosing to live in the negative,
if most of what you do is self serving verses chosing to serve others then that would be 51% not living for good so those people would have to do it
all over again until they get it right to move on to their next spiritual (not religious) growth stage.
Now, their are some who are of a higher consciousness that they incarnate as a spirit guide to help us along the way as well. And their are some so
scared or so far gone down the negative path that they remain in a demension that we know them as ghost or demonic spirits. That is the most
simplified way I can explain my research and the overall concensus of all that I have read.
Now, of course I am will to admit my thinking can be off on some of this or even most. But I will say this. If I live my life 51/95 and pass away, I
believe weather it's heaven or a universal plain it would still be hitting my mark lol. But if I live 50/94 then I will not have hit my mark and will
probably have to do this all over again. bummer lol.
If I pass with so much fear that I don't except or have any beliefs of heaven or hell then I will not cross over which would live me in a rhelm
trapped kind of like what ghost are. Unfinished business, not able to move on, not willing to cross over and simply fearful of what is next for them