I've been doing some digging into Indigo's, Starseeds, Crystal children and all the different types of Higher Consciousness studies and people on
the net. Man I have to tell ya, the majority of them are really "Hot"!
Take this one for example:
I visited her Youtube page, searched back to her first set of videos, laid down closed my eyes and melted away in such beautiful dreamland like
feelings. After listening, I sat up and every negative thought that was their before was gone. Weird, simply weird.
Now I know she isn't the hottest girl on the planet, bare with me but watching her speak, her body language, listening to the tone in her voice and
then searching deep inside her eyes, I began to see such a beautiful person. I know, I know I'm beginning to sound like a stocker or weirdo but trust
me "Not So!"
I really thought how innocent and sheltered this young lady was, even a bit nieve (?) to the ways of the real world but all of that didn't matter
anymore as she sees things in such a beautiful light.
She speaks of TPTB, of The Illuminati's, she names people like David Wilcocks and David Icke who are both on opposite sides of the road in their
opinions but yet continues to have such a beautiful smile about everything.
I have been awake, a soldier within the Matrix before the movie ever came out, a spiritual soldier of many years as well but if gaining a higher
consciousness is this beautiful then count me in... Footnote: I've been working on the consciousness for sometime now but found that she took my
breath away!
Here are a few of her thoughts to maybe help this thread in the right direction.
A blue print for a higher consciousness for aspiring artists of
life with a side serving of food for thought.
A new way to look at the world and ourselves
We are now ready to step up to the plate and be the answer to our prayers
These videos are very raw they are the first time i ever done something like this.
i just felt strongly inclined to share
I am involved in a freedom ride protesting the loss of the minority rights belonging to the earthbound stars. All we demanded was our right to twinkle
and to be what we are.
Yeah, I hear ya. as I said in my OP, she's not the hottest young lady out their but I really don't think I would kick her out of bed for eating
crackers... Well, not the first week any ways...
she's ok i'd give her a 7.6 so if you wanted you could round up to 8. the eyebrows don't bother me so much as long as they aren't connected she's
good to go.lol. The eyes are whats throwing me off. She looks like she's super baked, if she is then give her another.6 totaling 8.6 so you could
round that up to a 9 but an iffy 9. Anyways cute girl and a plus for spirituality. You kinda sound like you stalked her but since you disclosed that
you weren't makes me think that you are.jk
LMAO, not in the first week. She is very cute. I was just having a little fun. You know you cant expect those hippy gals to remove any hair since it
is unnatural. If she showed her armpits it would probably look like she had BuckWheat in a headlock.
Thanks for believing me on the stocking thing lol... Like I said in my OP, it was after watching her vid and then closing my eyes did I hear and see
such beautiful things... Thanks for posting lol.
No, no, not at all, when first watching her interview from Project Camelot a year ago and then visiting her YT site she simply comes off as so
inlightened. Wierd I guess!
Not weird, we all have our little kinks, and what is more attractive then the thought of corrupting some naive soul. She just seems so submissive.
Who could resist that.
I guess that wasn't my point of posting this thread lol. I've been married twice and am not easily taken by a female but was hoping after ATS
members giving her video or even her YT site a chance I could get some really great other opinions about how beautiful people can be seen within and
not just on the outside.
Yeah, it seems it is. I was hoping to get some really good ATS impresions of what they thought after viewing her vid. It was a nice try to have a
discusion other then about politics.
To be honest beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you sir are blind.
No that was a joke... seriously I'm not that cruel, I can see she is damn pretty but at the same time I get a kind of Chewbacca or reptilian vibe
from her.
Hey she looks dumb enough to go for me ! Wonder if her mom is as equally as good looking, divorced and dumb lol i coud be and indigo step dad, where
do I sign up