posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka
Well this article from the Richmond VA Times Dispatch discusses the bussing etc. The describe everything in pretty good detail.. but alas no photos...
Oh no this is truly a nightmare come true Americans actually engaging in the political process using their own time, funds and concern for
egads...their own well being.
This will never do. This could set a dangerous precedent of demonstrating that Americans still do WANT a representative republic and still will engage
to make sure their representatives not only hear them but yikes represent them????
Danger Will Robinson, Danger...attempt to forge responsible government in progress, Danger Will Robinson, Danger...people exercising their right to
travel between states, speak, and speak to their representatives
Wow, this sure scares me!
I have been so fond of my Senators and Congress people's offices digitally scanning my correspondences for key words with computers and writing me
back form replies telling me how excited they are that I support the thing I wrote them about telling them I don't support!
That system is so much more fun.
Going to be hard to put off a whole bus load of sick people on a computer now isn't it?
It sure will make a potential reellection busting sound bite ignoring them or rudely dismissing them. Oh but those dreadful non-controlled speaking
engagements where people can actually ask anything off the cuff and expect an intelligent thought out reply to it, and the reasons the politicians
holds that position.
Danger Will Robinson, Danger...Democracy in progress help, help, help!