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posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
You must have read the wrong paper then or just not understood. It said that the chips had uniform 40nm plates of aluminum, which cannot be explained away, and 100nm spheres of iron which also cannot be explained away. Nano technology was not available when the towers were built.

Technically, you are correct when you say it "cannot be explained" becuase it's true than noone knows how it got there...but that's not really here or there. The question isn't how it got there, but where did it originally come from. Seeing the towers were two gigantically gigantic sources for both aluminum and iron, and seeing they found so much of this material in so many varied places, unless you're claiming there were thousands of sandbags full of thermite squirrelled away in every cubbyhole, the most rational explanation is that the material was produced by the collapse of the towers by some as-yet undocumented process.

Not knowing what the process that produced it during the collapse actually is does not invalidate the fact that it did come from the towers' structure.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Technically, you are correct when you say it "cannot be explained" becuase it's true than noone knows how it got there...but that's not really here or there. The question isn't how it got there, but where did it originally come from. Seeing the towers were two gigantically gigantic sources for both aluminum and iron, and seeing they found so much of this material in so many varied places, unless you're claiming there were thousands of sandbags full of thermite squirrelled away in every cubbyhole, the most rational explanation is that the material was produced by the collapse of the towers by some as-yet undocumented process.

Not knowing what the process that produced it during the collapse actually is does not invalidate the fact that it did come from the towers' structure.

It is really here and there, because the aluminum plates and iron powder did not come from the towers. The towers were made of steel, not iron, there is a huge difference and I have gone over this in detail. The aluminum and iron were both fabricated by an outside source and added to the towers later.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
It is really here and there, because the aluminum plates and iron powder did not come from the towers. The towers were made of steel, not iron, there is a huge difference and I have gone over this in detail. The aluminum and iron were both fabricated by an outside source and added to the towers later.

First, you almost certainly know that steel is simply an iron alloy, so the mere fact that the iron was found in such small particles only supports the claim that it could have come from the structural steel. If the iron had instead been found in the form of, say, large plates, it definitely couldn't have come from the towers structure.

Second, I don't understand the significance of the aluminum being manufactured by an outside source or that it was added to the towers later. The building was sheated in aluminum plating for its entire 20+ years of existence, so it definitely contained large amounts of Aluminum by the time of the attack.

The report has one glaring flaw- they do not record the prevalence of the material that was found. They merely list the locations it had been found in. If the locations it had been found in were *every* location that had been sampled, rather than supporting the idea of an extraneous substance I.E. thermite, it instead supports the idea that the material was universally distributed and thus came from a source that was integral to the structure itself.

So the question is, how many samples contained this material vs how many samples didn't contain this material?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Please explain the formation of the iron spheres and how some of them
are connected to paritially reacted chips.

This is the critical point that you and a few other people keep overlooking
in this debate.

I've been asking this question for many weeks (possibly months) and
nobody has been able to explain it.

This is the crux of the scientific paper and proves a thermetic reaction.

Also a new question as inspired by the latest Harrit video: How did the
iron spheres form in the DSC test at 430'C if the melting point of steel is
much higher?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Before you go on with your theory here, lets all do some grown up science. Lets see if we can find a process that separates iron from steel into uniform spheres that embeds itself into paint chips.

When you find out what that process is called get back to me, because it does not exist. There is no phenomenon that can produce it and any rational mind can understand that.

Remember that no iron spheres or aluminum plates were found in the dust, only in the chips.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by jprophet420]

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