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Why Vote for Kerry?

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posted on May, 12 2004 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Sorry sonny, this will be the sixth election I've voted in and while I appriciate your comments I have a pretty good grasp on where my elbow is.

Now, since you seem to have a good grasp on what Kerry plans to do, let me ask you:

Aside from taking a few thousand more from each of us, what is his plan to keep this economy rolling?
You mean to get it started, don't you? A jobless recovery is one that serves no one but the investor class. Corporate tax credits for maintaining & growing manufacturing jobs in the US. The big thing would be his taking a page from the Gore playbook: foster technology. We are the most innovative country in the world, and energy is the hottest vertical. He's said countless times that we can have the dual benefit of creating industry ( jobs), own the franchise AND reduce our cash outlay for non-replenishable resources (oil).
As for "taking a few thousand more from you" - your overall taxation has increased because of the Bush tax cuts that "loaned" you a couple hundred bucks. Property/school/sales/STATE & every other segment that the state's can manipulate, since corporate tax rolls have been severely diminished or done away with & the Fed can't give it to the states because they're no longer collecting it.

Will Mr. Kerry support gay marriage?
I hope he does. He's got a strong civil rights voting record & it is a civil right....not the false issue that the Religious Right is making it out to be

Just what is his position on the immigration problem this country is facing?
What problem? We don't have a problem with immigrants, but with processing. He's for Family Reunification measures - those here legally should have an expeditious route to bringing over their family. He's for increased/strengthened boarder security. And I think the Earned Legalization for illegals who've been here a while/have paid their taxes via payroll tax/pass a background check is a very good idea. Leagues better than that "Guest Worker" BS

Does he support even a modified national health care system?
In a form, yes. His plan for kids is to have the Fed cover the cost of Medicaid for the children, while the states will be responsible for automatic enrollment into the Childrens Health Insurance program ( school kids). Raising the threshold to 300% of the poverty level for kids and adults will cover millions of people not covered now, particularly the working poor.
His targeting of the insurance companies who bleed doctors on malpractice insurance & us on premiums will nearly nationalize access for many. Marry that to having drug manufacturers hold a lid on price or reduce cost & good things will happen. All these things have been stated plans, detailed plans, on his campaign trail.


What plan does he have to protect the environment?
Very simple: Roll back everything that Bush has done, and he's stated as such. That covers: reduced emissions standards for cars & factories, reduced particulate discharges to waterways, access to clear cut old growth forests, reduced USDA standards.

These are issues important to the dems that make up his core voting base, so what are his plans?
The hype of his message lacking detail is two fold:
- Complicit corporate media. They've already started the "Gore-ing" of Kerry. The painting of a lack of content is easily refuted by all that look....but being a couch potato nation, that's asking allot.
- Timing. A long campaign is just that, long. It's like running the 400M ( one lap around the track ) . It's hard fighting the urge to sprint, but if you do, you're spent before the straight away.

I'll even put on my bi-focals to read your reply young man.
I'm sure you still have 20/20 just as I'm sure you have blinders on!

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 10:38 PM

Prank & Seth.....You do realize that you......

....are comparing policy platform VS. Four Years of actual Policy Dont' you?
And that prior to those four, the "idealism" of policy platform is what's being contrasted to the outcomes of those actual policies?

Take a breath, stop hating Democrats for a second, and try to force some logic through those "I'm voting for Bush out of Spite" closed minds of yours. If you can expand it passed a second, try looking up the numerous threads that contrast the Bush promises vs. the failure to deliver that we're living through these days!

i dont dislike kerry because he's a democrat, i dislike him because he's a politician. if you havent figured out i have a strong disliking towards ALL politicians by now then you obviously havent read one single word of mine since i joined this board.

bush isnt effective and comes off wrong. i cant dispute this, in fact its the truth! i know bush isnt that good, but neither is kerry.

so we have four years of policies that dont seem to work or do the opposite of what is intended compared to a possible four years of policies that have yet to be clearly defined or specified. vagaries dont win my trust, yours perhaps but vertainly not mine. least i know what bush's are, not saying i like them or that i agree with them but at i know what i have with him.

it'll be exchange of one clueless politician for another one. just more empty promises from the same people.

of course if you'd like to show me ANY post i've made that has done nothing but staunchly defended bush without so much as an iota of agreement on how inneffective he is i'd certainly love to see you produce it.

in its entirety, not an excerpt so it can be taken out of context by you or anyone else.

up for the challenge big boy???

and BTW i have never said who i'm voting for, dont assume who i'm voting for.

i refuse to defend polticians, i know they all lie and serve themselves and their friends, kerry is no different.

first they serve their party then themselves then their friends and companies... we come in dead last.

if you want to believe any politician cares about you go right ahead its misplaced and wasted faith. you're better off trying to squeeze a stone to see if you'll get orange juice from it.

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by ThePrankMonkey]

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time

You mean to get it started, don't you? A jobless recovery is one that serves no one but the investor class. Corporate tax credits for maintaining & growing manufacturing jobs in the US. The big thing would be his taking a page from the Gore playbook: foster technology. We are the most innovative country in the world, and energy is the hottest vertical. He's said countless times that we can have the dual benefit of creating industry ( jobs), own the franchise AND reduce our cash outlay for non-replenishable resources (oil).
As for "taking a few thousand more from you" - your overall taxation has increased because of the Bush tax cuts that "loaned" you a couple hundred bucks. Property/school/sales/STATE & every other segment that the state's can manipulate, since corporate tax rolls have been severely diminished or done away with & the Fed can't give it to the states because they're no longer collecting it.

I must respectfully

Will Mr. Kerry support gay marriage?
I hope he does. He's got a strong civil rights voting record & it is a civil right....not the false issue that the Religious Right is making it out to be

Agree with you on this one.

What problem? We don't have a problem with immigrants, but with processing. He's for Family Reunification measures - those here legally should have an expeditious route to bringing over their family. He's for increased/strengthened boarder security. And I think the Earned Legalization for illegals who've been here a while/have paid their taxes via payroll tax/pass a background check is a very good idea. Leagues better than that "Guest Worker" BS

Family reunification has been around a long time, and is hopelessly backlogged, in fact Dubya tried to fix it once and couldn't get it thorugh congress. As for Pelosi's earned legalization plan, needs a lot of work, and was really just an attempt to trump the guest worker program. Everyone is for increased border security, can you give more details on how Kerry plans to do it?

In a form, yes. His plan for kids is to have the Fed cover the cost of Medicaid for the children, while the states will be responsible for automatic enrollment into the Childrens Health Insurance program ( school kids). Raising the threshold to 300% of the poverty level for kids and adults will cover millions of people not covered now, particularly the working poor.
His targeting of the insurance companies who bleed doctors on malpractice insurance & us on premiums will nearly nationalize access for many. Marry that to having drug manufacturers hold a lid on price or reduce cost & good things will happen. All these things have been stated plans, detailed plans, on his campaign trail.

Hmmm. Have the govenment foot the bill for health care! Sounds good! They do such a good job with everything else! Wait a minute, how we gonna pay for this? Establish price controls, thats the ticket! Target insurance companies! Why maybe the government can just take over them too. The Department of Drugs and Insurance! I'm sure my premiums will go down. Didn't work for Clinton won't work now.

Very simple: Roll back everything that Bush has done, and he's stated as such. That covers: reduced emissions standards for cars & factories, reduced particulate discharges to waterways, access to clear cut old growth forests, reduced USDA standards.

In all good conscience, I shouldn't even argue this one. I'm so anti-enviromentalist that I wouldn't trust my own arguements.... But I will say this, clearcutting can be good and Kerry's inablity to admit he owns an SUV says something about the guy.

The hype of his message lacking detail is two fold:
- Complicit corporate media. They've already started the "Gore-ing" of Kerry. The painting of a lack of content is easily refuted by all that look....but being a couch potato nation, that's asking allot.
- Timing. A long campaign is just that, long. It's like running the 400M ( one lap around the track ) . It's hard fighting the urge to sprint, but if you do, you're spent before the straight away.

And of course being as we're talking about Kerry, ample opportuinity to change his tune a few more times

But hey, thanks for bringing something to the table! And as to your earlier post, I don't hate democrats, in fact I married one!


posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:37 AM
"would vote for ANYONE who had a chance of knocking Bush out of the White House."

Ahhhh, so thats why people voted for swarzennegger

"When I hear John Kerry speak, I feel that he knows what he is talking about."

So why is his ass always pointing towards the mic when he speaks?

Americans seem to like Tony Blair, hows about we do a swap? Blair for President and the Bush for Prime minister! America gets a really smart guy who spins everything, yet to americans sounds totaly truthful, excellent for making America's enemies think one thing will happen and another actually will.Britain gets a warmonger that hates france (and most of mainland europe too) who will be key in disposing of France (Britains longest standing enemy) and the European Constitution (the death of the british economy and sovereignty).

"Bush is much better than Kerry!?!?! Kerry WOULD be one hell of a bad president!"

Bush is deiiferent from every other US president, he doesnt stand there like a log with a speaker for a mouth and read party policies. He does something different! How many presidents land on aircraft carriers, openly insult the French and refuse to ride in gold carriages?

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

i refuse to defend polticians, i know they all lie and serve themselves and their friends, kerry is no different.

Prank: I agree with near all of your retort. However, you represent a third side that's as off track as blindly GOP or Blindly Democrat: the "They all suck" camp. It's a populus camp; I know I find myself in it more than either of the other two, as do most sane people. How can anyone "love" a politician?
The down side is that it brings the really bad up to equal with the saner choice, and the saner choice down to equal with the really bad.
The Bush administration is really bad. They've shown that one party owning all three branches of government is ruinous. They've shown that corporate cronyism hires to run all departments of our government is ruinous for the country & great for corporate shareholders.
Kerry is not only a solid choice because he will be not-Bush, but also because his administration in waiting has already tapped some bi-partisan talent and they will bring back some of the Clinton era players ( team members who reversed the country from the horrible course of 12 years of reganomics & Voodoo economics. They also brought historic highs in key social areas).
That's why I'm voting Kerry & that's why I feel the choice is the only logical one.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:56 AM
The child health insurance initiative & working poor enrollments are solid plans. It's a quid pro quo with the states, ot the Fed footing everything. It's not universal, but near universal acces, keeping the free market component.
What's wrong with targeting insurance companies!?! They target us BIG TIME on an anal rape level! Why should a family man have to pay $1200 a month on COBRA until he finds another job? Why should malpractice insurance be so artificialy high that it makes Dr.s quit practicing?
They have a captive clientel & eveyone gets so boondoggled by their snake oil show of actuarial tables that they can't keep track.
Same for the Pharma industry. Why have us foot the bill when the same things from the same companies are sold globally for pennies on the dollar?

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 03:27 PM
why not vote for kerry, same a$$hole, different color...

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 01:37 AM
What are you talking about!!!!?!?!?! Bush is much better than Kerry!?!?! Kerry WOULD be one hell of a bad president! I mean look at him! He's got IDIOT written all over his forehead!


Somehow you've got John Kerry , mistaken for that IDIOT G.W. Bush .

Bush look's like the dude on Mad Magazine's front-cover and he has Howdy-Doody's mentality and coordination, plus he's as hollow as Howdy is wood,.... Bush can't even ride a bike without screwing that up too
, the scrapes all over his face, tells that story
. That "fool" knew Sadam didn't have WMD, but he used that lie to get our people into Iraq, just so he could have his revenge on Sadam for threatening Daddy and to try and steal the oil for his "friends".

It really is very sad that all those lives had been taken from family-members, ON A LIE by Bush just so he could get what he wanted.
Oh yea, Bush sure did land a plane on the deck, but do you remember WHAT HE SAID to everyone , I sure do,...... it was Mission accomplished on the war in Iraq ,
, I'm ROFL , hell what Bush started , was just that,..... STARTED !!!!! It's still not over !!! So much for the "so called" good president( the Impostor ) doing a good job

I wouldn't put it past this "Impostor" to call martial law into effect before this coming election, so he can sit in the seat he and his brother had stolen in 2000. Bush needs to be impeached for war crimes , instead of allowed to run for re-election , but at any rate with the Good LORD's blessings John will be in the oval-seat
and Bush will be out

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 01:42 AM
Kerry had a bike accident six weeks ago... on a much more expensive bike.

The media can't be trusted to present things like this about both parties. Keep your facts straight.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 02:08 AM
Kerry is a gungrabbing piece of socialist CRAP!

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by NRAJOE
Kerry is a gungrabbing piece of socialist CRAP!

Hey another quality post straight from one of the "Let's drive ATS to be more like Yahoo chatrooms" club.

You my friend are making this the Garbage Pit. Now we have to wallow in your filth, swine.

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