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Why Vote for Kerry?

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posted on May, 11 2004 @ 05:28 PM
I get to threads like these and they make me feel old for being in my 30's!
So much is riding on this election, all of you are members on an excellent site for discovery and MOST of you, including the threads author, don't know your azz from your elbow on what the challenger proposes or has accomplished & what the in the White House squatter has failed to do/lied about doing!!


posted on May, 11 2004 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
I get to threads like these and they make me feel old for being in my 30's!
So much is riding on this election, all of you are members on an excellent site for discovery and MOST of you, including the threads author, don't know your azz from your elbow on what the challenger proposes or has accomplished & what the in the White House squatter has failed to do/lied about doing!!


Sorry sonny, this will be the sixth election I've voted in and while I appriciate your comments I have a pretty good grasp on where my elbow is.

Now, since you seem to have a good grasp on what Kerry plans to do, let me ask you:

Aside from taking a few thousand more from each of us, what is his plan to keep this economy rolling?

Will Mr. Kerry support gay marriage?

Just what is his position on the immigration problem this country is facing?

Does he support even a modified national health care system?

What plan does he have to protect the enviroment?

These are issues important to the dems that make up his core voting base, so what are his plans?

I'll even put on my bi-focals to read your reply young man.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Fortinbras
Well, for starters, he's not Bush. This gives him quite the leg up in my book. I would vote for ANYONE who had a chance of knocking Bush out of the White House.

When I hear John Kerry speak, I feel that he knows what he is talking about.

What are you talking about!!!!?!?!?! Bush is much better than Kerry!?!?! Kerry WOULD be one hell of a bad president! I mean look at him! He's got IDIOT written all over his forehead!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by AD5673

What are you talking about!!!!?!?!?! Bush is much better than Kerry!?!?! Kerry WOULD be one hell of a bad president! I mean look at him! He's got IDIOT written all over his forehead!

This coming from a guy with Jesus as his avi...

Just thought that was funny.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Bleys

Originally posted by Fortinbras
When I hear John Kerry speak, I feel that he knows what he is talking about.

Fortinbras, well,you are the only one then. Don't waste your vote on Kerry, you need to come on board with the Nader campaign. Why? Because he's not Bush and not Kerry.

nader? ill vote democrate before i vote for a green party goon

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 10:31 PM
I originally supported Bush when he first came into office, but he's just lead our country down the wrong path. True, he's had some tough situations that few presidents have faced before, but he's handled them the wrong way in my opinion. Watching all those Americans needlessly die in Iraq day after day all because this administration outright LIED to stage a war under false presumptions, how could I vote for Bush? But you said why vote for Kerry right

Like others have said, the best thing he's got going for him is that he is not Bush. Also from a personal standpoint, I was completely turned off from supporting Bush when he announced that he was willing to support a constitutional AMENDMENT just so that someone like me could not get married (yes, I'm gay). I had never really even thought about getting married, and I'm not one of those people you will see in marches or protests about it or whatever. But when you say something like that, that basically shows no support for me, and in fact, it's like trying to use "me" as an example to garner more support from your base so that you can be sure to win another election. That's just wrong, and I'm still surprised he did it. As far as I know, on a personal level Kerry does not agree with gay 'marriage,' either, but he said that it should not be something that we need to be amending the constitution about, and instead it would be better left up to the nation to decide how to approach the matter.

So basically, it's like...I am not pleased with anything Bush has done since in office, I am not pleased with the state of our country right now, and he essentially completely turned me off when he made the comments he did about gays and marriage. So how could I support Bush? You're right, I can't, and Kerry is the only other person with a shot at ousting Bush. That's why I will vote for him.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 10:40 PM
As I said earlier the gay marriage issue is one where I too have aproblem with Bush, but I still see him as the lesser of the proverbial two evils.

And, WH, welcome to the board man! Glad to have you here!

[Edited on 5/11/04 by Seth Bullock]

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 11:54 PM
John Kerry is the Real Deal !!!! One of the BEST reason's to vote for Kerry, especially now ( war time ), is due to his knowledge of "War", which Bushwack George has none, nada, no, experince with or knowledge of because he went awol for a year during the Vietnam war, where as Kerry fought in the Vietnam war and was decorated with the ; Silver Star, Bronze Star with combat V, and three awards of the Purple Heart for his service in combat ,
Also other good reason's why John Kerry is the one to vote for is as followed; He understands first hand the dedication and sacrifice of our nations military ( something Georgie is not able to comprehend ), Kerry is a Spokesman for Vietnam Veterans Against the war, and he has been a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 18 years. On the health care issue, John Kerry's plan will make insurance more affordable for everyone by lowering the premiums, his plan will provide insurance to 99% of children and 96% of adults.
On the Economy issues, Kerry's plan will replace all of the jobs LOST by the Bush Administration, he will "roll-back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, he will put Americans back to work rebuilding our schools and roads. Not only will he create jobs and expand the tax base, he also plans to improve our country's infrastructures.
As far as Nader,......... for get him. Remember what Nader pulled last election ???? It would not surprise me in the least if Nader and Bush are working together to over-throw this election too .

It's time to get real and get rid of the
in the White House !!!
Hey,... I've got an idea ! Let's bring our troops home from Bush's war and send Bush and his Administration over to Iraq since they were "set" on sending Americans over there !!!!


posted on May, 12 2004 @ 12:25 AM

On the health care issue, John Kerry's plan will make insurance more affordable for everyone by lowering the premiums, his plan will provide insurance to 99% of children and 96% of adults.

but how exactly? people can make claims about what they're going to do but rarely do they ever explain HOW they plan on putting their ideas into action.

i could say i'm going to make healthcare 100% free but it doesnt mean squat if i dont explain my plan of action. hell for all you know he could be planning to do something that could potentially make premiums go up. one never knows until we get the EXACT details.

On the Economy issues, Kerry's plan will replace all of the jobs LOST by the Bush Administration, he will "roll-back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, he will put Americans back to work rebuilding our schools and roads. Not only will he create jobs and expand the tax base, he also plans to improve our country's infrastructures

again what are his details for making these wonderful things happen?

i've seen these same lines from other candidates before and noone of them have every clearly defined how they're going to make these things happen prior to being elected, then afterwards its too late.

remember the 100 day promise clinton gave prior to being elected? what happened? reality struck him and the country like a ton of bricks. you cant rework an entire healthcare system in 100 days or less unless you seriously neglect every other duty you have.

but i'd like to know how removing a tax penalization on married couples is considered a trax cut for the rich...but i digress...

dont get me started on john "f'in" kerry and the miltary. he votes FOR the war in iraq then comes out against it. sorry, the lack of consistency on this one issue alone makes me really think the guy says and does what it takes to get support. i understand he's just a politician, just like bush and they're all the same to me, saying whatever it takes to get into office and people buy into every damn time.

if any of you think these politicians give a damn about you or your views or the issues that effect you think again and get your head examined.

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by ThePrankMonkey]

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
John Kerry is the Real Deal !!!! One of the BEST reason's to vote for Kerry, especially now ( war time ), is due to his knowledge of "War", which Bushwack George has none, nada, no, experince with or knowledge of because he went awol for a year during the Vietnam war, where as Kerry fought in the Vietnam war and was decorated with the ; Silver Star, Bronze Star with combat V, and three awards of the Purple Heart for his service in combat ,

He drove a boat, that qualifys him to lead a nation to war? No advantage there.

Also other good reason's why John Kerry is the one to vote for is as followed; He understands first hand the dedication and sacrifice of our nations military ( something Georgie is not able to comprehend ), Kerry is a Spokesman for Vietnam Veterans Against the war, and he has been a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 18 years.

Some have found great problems with the way he handled the MIA questions after Vietnam.

On the health care issue, John Kerry's plan will make insurance more affordable for everyone by lowering the premiums, his plan will provide insurance to 99% of children and 96% of adults.

This sound great, but how is he going to do it? Anyone can say their going to do something, but without a concrete plan it amounts to nothing.

On the Economy issues, Kerry's plan will replace all of the jobs LOST by the Bush Administration, he will "roll-back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, Bad bad idea. he will put Americans back to work rebuilding our schools and roads. Not only will he create jobs and expand the tax base, he also plans to improve our country's infrastructures.

Again how? This sounds like the same baseless stuff I found on his website when I was first checking this guy out.

As far as Nader,......... for get him. No problem! Remember what Nader pulled last election ???? It would not surprise me in the least if Nader and Bush are working together to over-throw this election too .

Kinda doubt it.

It's time to get real and get rid of the
in the White House !!!
Hey,... I've got an idea ! Let's bring our troops home from Bush's war and send Bush and his Administration over to Iraq since they were "set" on sending Americans over there !!!!

Yeah whatever.


No offense Nanna but this is exactly what I was talking about when I started this thread! You can't pin this guy down. His plans sound great but they (as of yet) don't exist! Give me someting concrete.

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:00 AM
First of all, Nader is not running on the Green Party Ticket, Camejo is. Nader is running independent.

Second, there's not one bit of difference between Bush and Kerry. The strings on their hands go up to the same puppeteers. And i've stopped trusting Nader as well, there might be something to that thought about nader actually being on Bush's side on this.
Kerry says all the same old dem. crap but has no exit plan on iraq and basically is really down with the ol' status quo.

I'm actually considering either voting libertarian or for
John Buchanan, a nice honest republican.

but to vote for either one of the bonesmen, to me seems the height of ignorance, denial and i won't be voting for evil, even its "lesser than".

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:01 AM
music playing in background: Bryan Adams: Back to you
"As president I will not be the last to know what is going on in my chain of command." John kerry's response to the abused Iraq people.

for concrete examples.

-->Rumsfield Refuses to resign. Bush dropped all rumors of Rumsfield's resignation by saying he's STRONG and doing a SUPERB JOB.
the (c) has hit the fan...
-->Senior whitehouse officials see Rumsfield as incompetent as does the rest of the world

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:12 AM
and websurfer shows us more idealism from john kerry and very little substance.

i can say this crap all day long but what does it mean if you cant back it up?

i really do want people to have jobs, i want a stronger economy. i want whats best for everyone in this country but its not easy and to be honest i couldnt begin to explain how i would make anything i want to happen actually happen.

we've all got great ideas on what should happen but how many of us have minutely detailed plans on how to make them happen? anyone? anyone? beuller? beuller?

websurfer i dont know if your post was an attempt to support kerry or not but if it're a fairly blind individual.

bush and kerry are saying the same thing but in different ways. cant anyone else see this? cant anyone else see that they're the same person?

doesnt anyone realize the president really isnt in control? kerry is just spewing more idealism like he's always done!

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:29 AM
dont get me started on john "f'in" kerry and the miltary. he votes FOR the war in iraq then comes out against it. sorry, the lack of consistency on this one issue alone makes me really think the guy says and does what it takes to get support

Yes, Kerry and most of the Senators voted for the war in Iraq , thanks to GW Bush's LIES that he told to get the Senators to back his (bush) War On Terror and the WMD , Bull-S_ _ T Bush was feeding them and the American people.
But when Kerry and other's realized they had been hoodwinked , they tried to CORRECT the situtation, but it was to late .

As far as Kerry in combat, it has been told by his crew-mates that Kerry left the boat to track-down and kill (which he did) one of the enemy in Vietnam that was shooting at the boats.

What has Bush done for our country ? Lets see,.... humm, well, he hide from the vietnam war ( AWOL), and now as the
in the White House, he's given generous Tax cuts to the rich, LIED about WMD to start a war in Iraq, which has gotten hundreds of our military personel killed. I'm going to stop there on Bush.

It is my opionion that Kerry is better than Bush all the way around, in other words,... Kerry is the better of two evils.
If you want to read up on Kerry or write and ask Kerry your questions you can go to;

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:45 AM

Yes, Kerry and most of the Senators voted for the war in Iraq , thanks to GW Bush's LIES that he told to get the Senators to back his (bush) War On Terror and the WMD , Bull-S_ _ T Bush was feeding them and the American people.

really? kerry himself believed there was WMD as well and said as much.

is he a liar as well as bush?

even if he simply went along with what bush had claimed he's a fool for doing it. and a staunch democrat like that blindly following what a republican says? yeah right. think again. he is giving the impression he was hoodwinked in which case if that is true then you'd want a gullible person in the whitehouse?

no matter how you slice it he isnt fit and neither is bush.

those who should be in control arent and dont want to be. those who want to be in control are the ones who are the least suited for the job.

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:51 AM
I dont know much about Kerry as we dont get to see much of the presedential race here in AUS... but i think if you hate the president enough (which so many people do with bush), voting for someone solely because he's not bush is a very valid reason. I gaurantee things wont get any better, but at least with Kerry the world can hope for a better US president over the next 4 years, if you vote bush you know your gonna have a warmonger... and without hope what else do we have?

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:52 AM
Same person, but I'd rather prefer Kerry leading the way.

answered by ShrubCutter
The media is so busy with its nose in certain places and its hands in another place to see what John Kerry's message is. I think the message is obvious and simple that the media and others have lost the ability to see the obvious. If they do see, then they are just waiting for Kerry to make it ultimately clear to them and to everyone. The message is this: Save America and the world from Bush and his administration! And, John Kerry will lead the way! It is that simple. We hear it in the fabric of every speech, every pledge, every major policy proposal that John Kerry makes. **********JUST HAVE KERRY COME RIGHT OUT AND SAY IT DIRECTLY TO EVERYONE.


for other quesitions:

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:58 AM

Save America and the world from Bush and his administration! And, John Kerry will lead the way!

but again, does he explain exactly how he will do this?

have you bothered to ask this of him? have you even asked yourself "hey this sounds great but exactly how is he gonna do it?"

copying and pasting ads from just makes you look like a billboard, not exactly a person with an original thought in your head. you're acting more like a parrot squaking what they've trained you to squak.

and no hatred is not a valid reason to vote for "the other guy". thats pretty much saying hatred is a good reason to base our actions on. and we know thats not true or acceptable. i guess actually using a level head and thinking things through instead of getting hot headed and emotional is just too much for some of you huh? a little too blinded by the BS the politicians and media spews at you daily.

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by ThePrankMonkey]

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 09:23 AM
....are comparing policy platform VS. Four Years of actual Policy Dont' you?
And that prior to those four, the "idealism" of policy platform is what's being contrasted to the outcomes of those actual policies?

Take a breath, stop hating Democrats for a second, and try to force some logic through those "I'm voting for Bush out of Spite" closed minds of yours. If you can expand it passed a second, try looking up the numerous threads that contrast the Bush promises vs. the failure to deliver that we're living through these days!

And Seth, thanks for being older than me!
I sometimes think that we're all exchanging with 16 yr olds!

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 09:41 AM
I will take a shot at this....

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Now, since you seem to have a good grasp on what Kerry plans to do, let me ask you:

Aside from taking a few thousand more from each of us, what is his plan to keep this economy rolling?

Maybe repealing the unnecessary tax cuts from the rich which has never been done in wartime EVER in the history of man. Maybe he will pull us out of Iraq and give tax breaks to the poor nad middle class who need it moreso than the rich ever did.

Will Mr. Kerry support gay marriage?

Does it matter? Who really cares if gays get married. Is it going to effect how you live? It certainly won't effect how I live because I don't care.

Just what is his position on the immigration problem this country is facing?

That's a good question. I don't believe he's articulated his stance on that but, he has time. [b/]

Does he support even a modified national health care system?

What plan does he have to protect the enviroment?

These are issues important to the dems that make up his core voting base, so what are his plans?

I'll even put on my bi-focals to read your reply young man.

Ya know what? The rest I don't know but since the Crash-n-Burn Bush is out there, crashing and burning on the election stage, Kerry has been somewhat overshadowed. I think that's a good thing. Why call attention to yourself when your opponent is doing all the work for you to win?

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by Colonel]

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